Looking at the bright Muyang in front of him, Su Bai brows gently, indifferently said: “Reason?”

“People must understand the score, you are not the cultivation of my ancient imperial dynasty. If you enter the Leichi, you will have broken the rules… This is my reason, can you accept it?” Muyang said with a slight smile The real element is like a mountain torrent that has come out of his body, his fleshly body is shining with the brilliance, and the cloud is light and watching Su Bai.

In fact, Mu Yang has some expectations, and I look forward to Su Bai’s insistence on competing for this Lei Jing. In that case, he has reason to take the shot. At that time, he would like to see how big this brat is.

Unfortunately, what disappoints Mu Yang is that Su Bai did not shoot, but directly sat on the stone platform, and looked at the emperor and other people to compete for Lei Jing with great interest.

Su Bai saw it, Muyang was deliberately looking for it. If it weren’t for the ancient dynasty, Su Bai wouldn’t mind letting him know why the flower was so red, the latter’s Strength is really strong, but for now For Su Bai, it is not invincible.

Seeing that Mu Yang blocked Su Bai, many people are slightly relaxed. One thing they have to admit is that Su Bai’s Strength is indeed above them. If Su Bai is involved, they will get Lei Jing’s. The opportunity is no doubt even smaller.

“There is this fellow, even if there are other Raytheon, he will never let me have a chance.” Su Bai first stared at the bloody demon lotus for a while, then looked up at Muyang and made it in her heart. It was decided that once the battle for Lei Jing was over, he went directly to the next floor.

In order to compete for this Lei Jing, the emperor and other people can be described as the means, Divine Ability is continuous, but in the end it was obtained by the emperor, she stood in the green lotus, the clothes fluttering, standing quietly in the bloody demon The central, calmly facing the offensive of the people, blocked by the body, everyone can only helplessly stop.

“haha… I am right! Thanks to the strength of the nerves, this Lei Jing is bound to return to her.” Mu Yang volleyed in the air, where the Thunder broke through, he went to the bloody demon, said with a slight smile : “Nude, the next thing will be handed over to me, there is me, you will reciing this strain of Lei Jing.”

“many thanks Senior!” Emperor said indifferently said, not derogatory, she also cultivated in Leichi, know how difficult it is here.

Seeing the competition of Lei Jing has already separated the results, Su Bai stretched out and stood up, and walked straight toward Leihai in front. He knew that there was Mu Yang, and the latter would never let him get Lei Jing easily. If he wants to use Lei Jing to tempering the fleshly body, he can only go to the next level of the pool.

Xuan and others are going back, withdrawing from Leihai, and looking at the Su Bai coming to the front. Many people look at each other. What does this fellow want to do?

Xuanqi said hello, started talking: “Ximen brother, you have to go to the next layer of Leichi?”

“Yeah.” Su Bai nodded slightly, believing, directly crossed the mysterious and other people, went to the depths of the Leihai, such as the thunder of the ink, and instantly drowned his body.

“This fellow is too anxious… he can go up in the sixth day of cultivation for a while.” Many people think that Su Bai is anxious, whispered.

“Not that he is too anxious, but here, he has no chance to get Raytheon.”

Xuan Qiang looked at Muyang in the distance and shook his head. He felt that Muyang had done too much.

“With his fleshly body strength, you should be able to withstand the Thunder in the seventh day, I don’t know how long it will last.” 琅 泪 tears shallow with a smile.

Without paying attention to the arguments of everyone behind, Su Bai walked forward step by step, letting the thunders fall on him. These dark ink-like thunders contain extremely terrifying energy, and they burst on Su Bai. Open, wandering around Su Bai’s body, and finally through Su Bai’s pores into his within body, flowing through his flesh and blood and meridians, crazy destruction, at the same time, a path of majestic Blood Qi is in the violently rushed forth of all around, and infused with Su Bai’s fleshly body.

This is the demon St. Blood Qi, but when these demon St. Blood Qi enters Su Bai within the body, Su Bai notices that countless violent emotions spread in his heart, and his eyes become blood red at this moment. But soon became clear again.

Obviously, this is the violent aura of the sacred Blood Qi, and when he refining these sacred Blood Qi, these violent aura are gradually affecting his mind.

However, how powerful his Will is is not affected by these aura.

“The energy of these thunders is equivalent to ten times that of the sixth day. I don’t know what the Thunder will be in the seventh day?” Su Bai walked slowly, about a quarter of an hour later, a distorted The void once again appeared in his sight. He knew that it was the entrance to the seventh heaven. There was almost no hesitation, and Su Bai stepped in.

Endless dark moments drowned Su Bai’s sight, but soon, countless dazzling lights reflected in the depths of Su Bai’s eyes, a more magnificent world gradually emerged, here is still the world of Thunder, but here Some of the bewitching of the Thunder is actually a blood red, and the whole world is incomparably blushing.

Su Bai feels the energy contained in these bloody thunders, and it is rare to show some dignified colors in his eyes. In his induction, the energy contained in these thunders is about ten times that of the sixth heaven. It is conceivable that these thunders If it is on the body, it will be sour and sour.

“But just right, with my current fleshly body strength, I can live with it.” Su Bai muttered softly, he was lightly closed, trying to find the existence of Lei Jing in this world, but unfortunately, the Thunder here. Too violent, even if his perception is very strong, he can only sense the situation within a few thousand squares. What disappoints him is that there are only thunders and thunders in the thousands of feet.

“It seems that this thing can only follow the edge…” Su Bai said that Xuan Jing said that the convergence of a Lei Jing will take a long time. If the luck is good, it may be met in a short time, but if the luck is poor, It may not be possible to wait for a year or two. In particular, the world in Leichi is extremely vast. If you search one by one, it will take a while.

Sit down, Su Bai intends to use these thunders to cultivation directly. He took the Jiuzhen blood Dan from the mustard ring.

This Jiuzhenxue Dan was obtained from the Palace Lord Mustard Ring of the Xuan Dian. It was made of Jiu Xuan Yu Lianzi and Aojin Xianteng and other precious refinings. Containing a powerful vitality, Su Bai will have a nine blood. Dan is in the mouth, once his fleshly body can’t bear the thunder tempering, he uses the vitality of this nine treasures to moisten the fleshly body.

But at this moment, Su Bai found that the iron sword that was originally suspended in the Nayong space was shaking wildly and issued a crisp word cry…

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