Thunder and lightning, countless thunders whizzed past the sky, Su Bai is like a lonely boat in the sea of ​​anger, Wan Lei blasted on him, the dazzling thunder arc engulfed his entire body, constantly moving towards him within The body is coming.

An indescribable pain spread throughout his body, but his pace was always slow and he walked forward step by step. The thunder energy contained in this Thunder Sea is undoubtedly more terrifying, and the effect of tempering fleshly body is obvious. A lot has been improved, but to his disappointment, the singer Blood Qi here is still too weak.

Soon, a distorted void once again appeared in Su Bai’s sight.

Su Bai did not think about it, the whole person rushed directly toward the void.

Obviously, this is the entrance to the second heaven.


Lei Chi, the sixth heaven, the huge thunder is like a raging dragon raging between the heavens and the earth. At first glance, there are thunders everywhere. The thunder here is dark and inky. The energy contained in it is undoubtedly more terrifying, terrifying. Filled with heaven and earth.

In this space, there are also more than a hundred stone platforms suspended.

These stone platforms are covered with a touch of golden light, and a golden aperture is faintly visible. At this time, many stone platforms have a silhouette sitting on them. From time to time, there are thunders roaring and screaming. On these silhouettes, the thunder is constantly picking up.

“I didn’t expect it to be so many years… The thunder energy in the sixth day is still not the slightest change.” Mu Yang looked at the thunder that whizzed, his face relaxed, and he didn’t have any real surge, let the thunder Directly slammed on him and poured into him with the body.

Mysteriously wiped the blood of the corner of the mouth and whispered, “Mu Yang Senior, I wonder if your current Strength can enter the 9th Layer day?”

Mu Yang shook his head slightly and smiled and said: “You brat lifted me too much. With my current Strength, I can only support a few days in eight days, let alone the 9th Layer, unless I can break that.” Or promote to Emperor Dao.”

“Right, Muyang Senior, we will throw that little fellow directly to this humble one, no matter what should happen!”

Aside, Yuzhu tears slowly open her eyes, she removed the real yuan above the stone platform, the original thunder rushed toward all around, and only then, she only took a breath, only a short half Only a quarter of an hour, her body has been scarred, the fat skin of the sheep fat became shocking, the blood continued to ooze, but fortunately she always used the real element to protect her clothes, otherwise, the dress will be under the thunder bombardment Directly as a ash.

“Nothing, with the intensity of the fleshly body of the brat, even if he kills again, there will be no accident.” Mu Yang yawned, although he did not wait to see Su Bai, but also had to admit, Su Bai The fleshly body is very strong, which is why he is not worried about Su Bai’s accident.

“But the bitterness always has to eat some.” Muyang has some taste, Baidi just let him look after Su Bai in Leichi, the implication is not to let him accident, so from the beginning, Muyang will fight The idea is to let Su Bai suffer a bit. When it is not a last resort, he will never help Su Bai, let alone teach the cultivation experience of Leichi.

Hear this, the mysterious desire and the end, he sees Muyang this is deliberate, as for the reason, he can also guess out, nothing more than because of the fate of the myth.

“Why is it…” Xuan’s heart sighed helplessly, and his hands were again printed, ready to begin cultivation, but at this time, he found that in the distant thunder sea, there was bloody radiance in his eyes, his eyes瞳 瞳 瞳 , , , , , 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳

Everyone’s spirit suddenly rose, and they stopped cultivation, and looked up to the thunder sea. The thunderstorm was like a raging dragon, roaring wildly between the heavens and the earth, and in the sight of the sight, a bewitching blood color The lotus flower slowly condenses out. It is about two long leaves. There are four lotus leaves. Whether it is the lotus leaf or the lotus flower, the whole body is full of majestic blood essence energy. A path of scarlet glare bloody thunder flows in it. .

“I didn’t expect luck to be really good… It took only a long time to hit a four-product Leilian.” Mu Yang looked up at the bloody lotus for a while, then turned his head to look at the shadow not far away, said with a Slight smile : “Nings, this four-product Leilian will give you cultivation first.”

Hear this, many people face a slight change, according to the rules of Lei Chi, if there is Lei Lian, then each of them depends on the ability, who can take the lead to seize, then who, and they said in advance Muyang does not participate in the robbery with them, otherwise, with Muyang’s Strength, they don’t have to grab it.

Emperor Nishang slowly opened his eyes, she glanced at Lei Lian, looked indifferently said: “many thanks Senior good intentions, but no power is not reliant, and, according to the rules of Lei Chi, this strain of Lei Lian should be regarded as the ownerless thing, Who can grab someone who is.”

“haha…not that I am a little bit of these fellows, to show off your Strength, they will grab you, but they will not be able to grab you.” Muyang said with a slight smile.

Slim eyebrows slightly knitted, said: “Senior Brother said that it is too small to wait for me, the strength of Strength is strong, but we are not vegetarian.”

The mysterious and Wu Di and other people’s expressions are also slightly changed. In fact, their Strength is indeed not as good as the emperor, but it is so straightforward by Mu Yang, who is a little uncomfortable.

“Oh… in this case, the attribution of this Leijing is based on the ability.”

Muyang fainted with a smile, but at this moment, he seemed to notice something, his eyes slammed toward a stone platform in the distance, where a white clothed silhouette slowly appeared, “Hey… so fast It’s coming up.”

Many people in the scene also noticed the movement of the stone platform, and they looked up. When they saw the people, these people’s faces changed greatly, even the mysterious.

“This fellow is really a coincidence…” Xuan is very depressed. If he had been vying for Lei Jing, his victory would not be great. After all, the strength of the Emperor is indeed better than him, but at least there are still some opportunities, but Today, he has no bottom in his heart.

Like the thunder of the silver like the silver river falling Nine Heavens, the crazy explosion in the sky, Su Bai slowly opened his eyes, when he saw the world in front of him, his eyes showed some dignity, he felt it, these thunder and The thunders of the previous layers have changed a lot. The energy contained in these thunders is even more violent. In addition, it also contains the violent aura, which is the aura of the demon.

Obviously, you want to use a layer of thunder tempering fleshly body, which is not as simple as before.




The sharp wind broke suddenly, and Wu Di, who was sitting on the stone platform, suddenly got up, his figure plunged out, and the majestic real element condensed into a huge wing behind him, like a sharp one. The blade is cut against the thunder sea in front.

In addition, the emperor, the mysterious, the tears of the beads and other people have also shot, all of a sudden, these stone platforms become empty.

Su Bai was a bit arrogant. What happened to these people? He looked over in the direction of Wu Di’s rushing out, and his eyes suddenly shrank. In an instant, he understood why these people had to shoot.

In the depths of the Thunder Sea, a bloody bewitching lotus is quietly suspended, filled with fragrance.

“That’s Lei Jing…” Su Bai didn’t have seen Raychem, but the Blind Lotus and Xuanjing described it almost exactly the same.

On the way to Leichi, Su Bai said that Xu Bai said that there is a rule in Leichi, but whoever can be the first to grab the Thunder will appear, who will be.

Therefore, Su Bai almost did not hesitate, in the moment of discovering Lei Jing, his figure is also spontaneously launched out…

But at this moment, a very incompetent aura in vain locked Su Bai, at the same time, Mu Yang’s figure flashed out in the void, blocking Su Bai’s way.

Looking at the former, Mu Yang lightly smiled: “I am sorry, you can’t participate in the competition for Lei Jing!”


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