The iron sword is psychic, Su Bai has long known.

And at the moment it vibrates soformable, apparently what it found.

Su Bai’s heart is fretting, and the iron sword is taken out directly, but he hasn’t had time to look at the iron sword. This iron sword has come out and turned into a stream of light to the front of the thunder sea, like a fish into the sea. In the Thunder Sea, there is no obstacle.

Su Bai figure immediately plunged out and chased the iron sword, and the eyes appeared strange.

But just as Su Bai’s forefoot just took the stone platform, there were countless bloody thunders whistling, like raging dragons, claws and claws, slamming on Su Bai, the terrifying power madly tearing Su Bai’s fleshly body The energy contained in these thunders is more than ten times that of the sixth heaven. Rao is already prepared by Su Bai, but still can’t help the suck in a breath of cold air.

What a special pain!

However, the effect of fleshly body tempering is also obvious. Su Bai can detect that the energy of contain in these thunders is gradually blending into his fleshly body, constantly washing tempering, and even gradually blending into his blood, making him The whole body reverberated with thunder.

The speed of the iron sword is very fast, but with Su Bai’s current Strength, it is easy to catch up, follow closely from behind.

Baizhang…Thousands of feet…

Su Bai doesn’t know if he is quite close to the depths of the Leihai. The Thunder is more dense and bloody. It is a blood-red world. A path of bewitching is thundering and dazzling. On his body, he was already blurred and bloody, but his eyes were full of spirit.


A word cry, the iron sword in front of it stopped.

Su Bai slammed into the past, and his eyes narrowed, and the unspeakable capers emerged on his face, only in the area outside the hundred zhang or so, a blush The blood-colored demon lotus is slowly falling, the vain sound of the Sanskrit continues to sound from it, and the lotus leaves are shaken and moved. There are five lotus leaves, and each lotus leaf has a green glow, such as Xianhong flying, pervasive. With the majestic life aura, even if it is so far away, Su Bai can detect the aroma released by the lotus bloom.

“Five products Lei Jing…” Su Bai has a feeling of hitting a big prize. He said that Xuan said that the thunder in the Leichi is also equal, Ninth Grade is the most, the first is the first, and he was the sixth. The thunder that I saw in the sky is four products. Obviously, the energy contained in the four products of Lei Jing is undoubtedly inferior to the five products of this product.

“Man… I didn’t expect you to have this skill.” Su Bai looked at the iron sword suspended in midair and stepped over, but at this moment, the iron sword again issued a crisp word cry, which turned into a The streamer rushed toward the bloody demon, and Su Bai was shocked. He suddenly had a bad feeling.


The icy sword front blooms with a striking cold glow. It breaks through the sky like a fallen star, opens the thunder sea, and slams into the bloody demon. The half blade is directly into the bloody demon, and then Su Bai sees it. The blood color energy that was originally flowing in the bloody demon is gathering at an extremely terrifying speed toward the iron sword, and the vitality around it is dissipating at a very fast speed.

Su Bai figure, a violent rush, he should have thought of this scene in front of him. According to the style of the iron sword, how can he easily let go of this five products, if you don’t hurry, I am afraid that the energy in this five-product Lei Jing will be swallowed up by the iron sword.

Sword Intent spurred, the white sword’s sword qi turned into a storm, Su Bai broke open in front of the thunder sea, figure appeared on the bloody demon, watching the iron sword near the foot, Su Bai immediately kneeling Down, according to the refining method that Xuan Qin said at the beginning, refining this strain of five products Lei Jing.

For a time, the bloody demon lotus above the radiance, turned into a skylight beam, surrounded by Su Bai, in this light column, blood essence like Hong, directly hit Su Bai’s body, these blood is no longer purely The demon St. Blood Qi, but combined with these Thunder, after the endless years of washing, the birth of the product, not only contains the extremely violent Thunder energy and the incomparable vitality.

In an instant, Su Bai only felt that a path of energy was passing through his pores and entering every corner of his body, tearing his flesh and blood at a very crazy speed. A terrifying speed fixes his fleshly body, a process of annihilation and nascent alternation, and his fleshly body is experiencing an amazing transformation.

At the same time, a pure and incomparable energy flowed through his limbs, Su Bai almost did not bother, and refining it into his own sword, into the purple house.

What makes Su Bai feel incredible is that when he sits on top of the bloody demon, the burst of Sanskrit echoes in his ear, making his mind unwavering and peaceful, keeping his cultivation state An excellent state.

“Xuan Qin does not exaggerate its words… This tempering effect on the fleshly body is indeed a hundred times better than ordinary cultivation. It is no wonder that the previous group of people fought for Lei Jing.” Su Bai muttered, but his heart was a fiery, he now cultivation has When it comes to the bottleneck, there are only two ways in front of him. One is to continue to break through the self, to promote the nine-level King Dao, or to comprehend the sword momentum and promote the Sovereign Dao.

The nine-pole King Dao, that means the true limit of King Dao’s extreme environment.

“If there is a steady stream of Raytheon… then maybe I really might take that step…”

“Only the first step of the Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body allowed me to advance to the Eight Poles King Dao…”

“Three hundred and sixty-five swordskin cave days have been completed, and now it is the fourteen swordsmanship… It is time to try the second step of Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body…”

Su Bai eyes closed slightly, the vicissitudes of the ancient vicissitudes of life linger in his blood, turning into a ray of light to his purple house, in his purple house, gathered into a sword shadow, revealing peerless Sharp, this is the Divine Ability of the Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body.

“Hand Taiyin…Hand Yangming…foot Yangming…foot Taiyin…”

Su Bai’s mind flashed through the position of the fourteen scriptures. If the cultivation of the fourteen swords passes through the odd veins, it must not be made one by one, but one by one cultivation. What he has to do now is to choose one of them first. He thought about it. Or choose the hand Taiyin, the hand Taiyin Meridians is located in his left and right arms, if the cultivation is successful, then his arms will no doubt be tempering and strengthening again, then his sword technique will be greatly improved.

With this in mind, Su Bai immediately started the cultivation of the Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body.

For a time, the majestic blood essence of energy gathered toward his arms…

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