The iron sword is empty, and Su Bai comes out like a god. He has a faint golden glow, and his hair is shining, even his hair seems to have been sacred, it is his within the body. Blood Qi is filled with light, step by step forward.

“Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s little reptile…” Around the man, a demon suddenly glared, but they were deliberately wooing the men, or they were really irritated by Su Bai’s words, they made The reaction.

“Adult… a small reptile in the area, I can shoot, so as not to dirty your hands.” A demon is respectful to the man, this is a raptor’s demon, about the size of the severe zhang, it is pervasive The open aura is extremely terrifying, apparently already stepping into the Sovereign Dao.

“Good.” The man was indifferently said, although the previous Su Bai’s one sword hurt him, but after all, it was only a skin injury. In his opinion, Su Bai is just a negligible ant, and it does not need to be solved by himself.

Hear this, this raptor demon suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed over to Su Bai. The sharp claws and teeth seemed to break through the sky, and it was filled with a path of ancient symbols, terrifying, terrifying The energy swept the ten squares like a tsunami.

Su Bai looked up slightly, and the iron sword in his hand suddenly made a screaming sound, swept out, and it was almost to the extreme, and Guanghua smashed the void, making the sky shake.


Blood blooms like a haze in the sky, dyeing red sky.

I saw that the raptor’s demon was swept by Su Bai’s one sword, and its claws and teeth were directly broken.

Su Bai figure Comes in a moment, raising his hand is directly one sword, and a dazzling sword light tears out, and the skull of this raptor is suddenly pierced, and the blood splashes into the sky.

This sudden scene made many demons unable to respond, and it was too late to stop.

“How dare you… A reptile actually killed a fellow of us in front of me, everyone, and killed him.” Some demons smashed in the killing intent, they and the raptors came out from the same family, see Su Bai easily killed them in the same family, which made them angry, almost did not ask the men, these demons will be together.

For a time, a path of a few meters long cracked claws broke through, drawing a path of golden 璀璨 sharp blade, powerful aura makes people thrill, while their wings stretched at the same time, terrifying incomparable energy From the madness of it, it is like a torrent of wind and earth.

Su Bai faces all this and looks calm. These are just some ordinary Sovereign Dao genres. The strongest is also Sovereign Dao. He is striding forward. The iron sword is like a round of the day. In the sky, Su Bai continually waved dozens of swords.

Looking at the distance, 璀璨sword light, like the vast sea of ​​the sky, one after another, such as the bucket of the word glow from the inside shot, there are tens of thousands.

This is a very terrifying picture, the sword light runs through the sky, the word glow shines like a tidal wave, making the sky stunned, directly smashing the offensive of these demons, and some are rushing in the forefront. The demon is directly penetrated by the sword light, and the blood is splashed.

Su Bai’s gaze, the swordless instant technique immediately appeared, his figure appeared like a ghost in front of a Sovereign Dao double-level demon, the iron sword trembled, and a melodious and crisp word cry. a path of extremely terrifying aura condensed from it.

That is Sword Intent.


The demon head was cut off by the iron sword at the moment, and the head was thrown far away, and the blood rose like a water column.

The ruthless shot, the iron sword in Su Bai’s hand disappeared at the moment, at the same time, in the tens of meters behind him, a sword light tears nothing, there, there is a raptor demon coming at speed, it stretches With huge wings and wings, the blade is sharp and sharp. Obviously, it is necessary to take advantage of Su Bai and pay attention to Su Bai.

Nothing on the sword technique!

Blazing sword light, Sword Intent!

This extremely fast demon was directly worn by the iron sword, and numerous swords qi emerged from the iron sword, tearing the body of the demon into countless pieces, flesh and blood flying.

After killing this demon, the iron sword is like a spirit, slamming in the void, slamming toward the nearest demon, screaming and crying, and instantly piercing the head of the demon. The hot blood turns into a blood mist, which spreads open.

Another Sovereign Dao demon, die!

But this is the beginning of the real killing. Su Bai’s big hand is in the void, and I saw the iron sword that was still dozens of meters away in the previous second. It suddenly appeared and was held in his hand.

The iron sword is blood-stained, Su Bai smashes the sword, and a piece of blood-like scarlet frost leaves sway and fall. The whole world seems to be turned into a blood-red world, and it is a slap in the face.


A piece of frost leaves across the wings of the demon, the half of the demon’s body was actually cut off, the body was crumbling, with a large piece of blood falling.

“Ah! ”

The screams of screaming suddenly sounded. This is a three-faced demon in Sovereign Dao. Its fleshly body is extremely powerful. In the void, the red bloody leaves swaying down on it, without breaking its body. When it was inserted straight into it, a path of blood sprang up like a fountain.

The sky was stained with blood, and the demon screamed and mourned, but soon, its mourning suddenly stopped, Su Bai iron sword swept across and smashed its body in half.

Many human hearts in this scene are shocked. They know that Su Bai is very strong, but they really see Su Bai enter a group of Sovereign Dao. If they enter the unmanned environment, they will be killed. In the face of God, they really know how strong Su Bai is.

“This is so special and fierce…that is the Sovereign Dao level of the demon, each of them is extremely terrifying existence, placed in our wilderness, can be regarded as the existence of the opening school, was actually slaughtered by him. ”

In particular, some of the cultivation people who have just retired have seen this scene, and they are all swearing. This is especially better than Tang’s unparalleled stream. It is simply too strong.

“You are in courting death, give me a retreat, I will kill him!”

The man’s face was blue and he looked at Su Bai like a chopped demon. He couldn’t help but shoot it. The black hair was swaying, and all of them were scattered. The terrifying ina storm was swept out of his body. Yunxiao, he once again banged out, the dazzling golden light madly condensed, and finally turned into a golden flame, the fist sounds like the sea, the mighty.

Hearing the man’s coldly shouted sound, the demon who was still struggling, suddenly relaxed and relaxed, spread out to the sides.

As these demons dissipated, a dazzling ray of light came through the void and appeared in Su Bai’s line of sight, constantly magnified in his eyes.

That is the man’s fist.

Su Bai looked awkward, and he strode forward. The iron sword made a screaming sound under his swing, squeaking, carrying the Sword Intent of the sky, not one, but three, these Sword Intents gathered together. Together, the aura, terrifying is incomparable, and even the voids in the 100 feet are not able to withstand, thus showing countless ripples, as if to be cut by this one sword.

Most of the Great Desolate creatures couldn’t help but clench their fists, hold their breath, and watch the scene intently. They knew that as long as Su Bai could hold the man, today they still have a chance, but Su Bai If you lose, then today, the bloody city is in danger…

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