In the bloody city, most of the creatures are nervously looking at the two sides of the sky. The demons are like the tide. It seems that they are not at the end. They carry the killing of the sky, and the terrifying energy storms erupt in their bodies. A path of Divine Ability The road pattern rises and falls between the heavens and the earth, and emerges endlessly, rushing to the Terran army.

“I am waiting for cultivation, I don’t want to live forever, but I want to die. Today, everyone is willing to fight with me.”

A demon who looked at the killing intent and looked at the whistling monster, his blood essence with the body was slowly burning, and the whole body was like a stove, bursting with a dazzling blood light, and his aura also followed. Soaring, chaotic dance.

“I wish to follow adults…”

Countless tidy coldly shouted, like a thunderous explosion in the void, when these sounds gathered together, the whole world was shaken and roared.

These people are full of exposed killing intent, most of their relatives are dead in the hands of the demon, there are still children who are still awkward, but also have a lifelong partner, they can not drink their blood, licking their flesh.


The earth-shattering killing sounds madly set in the void, and tens of thousands of troops roared like a flood. The flag hunted, and the horn of the sorghum sounded in the bloody city, like the horn of the charge, more like the beginning of the killing. .

Two huge torrents collided together, and the earth-shattering roar could not conceal the bloody and fierce killing sound. The scene of terrifying was strangled in the void, the blood of the heavens, the killing intent and the blood flowing through the clouds. A broken body continually falls from the void, among them, there are people and demons.

The world is picturesque, the blood is like a red, this is a bloody picture.

The bloody city, most people’s hearts seem to be stunned by a pair of invisible big hands, their eyes are red, and the next moment, those who are still hesitant to shoot, have their own shots, these people’s Strength are Not weak, there is a cultivation base of King Dao, and even more has been to King Dao Peak, but they are afraid of life and death, preferring to steal and not want to play, but at this moment, looking at the army that is dead, they seem to be Once again, with courage, resolutely rushed out of the road and smashed with the demon.

The endless killing sound echoed in Su Bai’s ear. Su Bai stood still in the void, looking solemnly at the rift in the distant sky, that crack, just like the abyss of hell, a demon It straddles within.

There, there is a strong presence approaching, stronger than the previous demons, Su Bai has felt its existence.

Finally, under the gaze of Su Bai’s gaze, a burly silhouette emerged. This is a very handsome man, dashing eyebrows star, unpredictable, wearing a golden suit, golden and brilliant. That is the luster that flows on his fleshly body, giving a feeling of sharpness.

After the man appeared, the demons in front of the cracks were todraw on both sides, giving way to the road.

Obviously, this man is extremely prominent in the demon.

The sudden scene here immediately attracted the attention of most of the Great Desolate creatures, and they came to the attention. When they looked at the man, their faces changed dramatically, especially those who were Sovereign Dao cultivations, and their eyes were full of taboos. They are all aware of the terrifying power of the men within the body. They are more prosperous than the previous demons. They don’t think naively that the man in front of him will be a human being, obviously a demon. Human form.

The man came out of the air, his pace was calm, and he was very calm. He looked down at the surging figure in the distant city of blood, and his face showed a smile. Lightly said with a smile: “I have smelled delicious aura… ”

“Adult, I ask you to break the city.”

Many demons came out, their eyes greedily staring at the bloody city below, if not the existence of the road, they have already killed.

Hear this, the man nodded slightly, but he was not eager to start, but looked up at the silhouette of the fierce battle above, hearty said with a smile: “Moco brother, do you want the younger brother to help you…”

Most people’s faces change greatly. This is obviously a very terrifying demon, and the old man and the Tianmu demon are evenly matched. Once this demon is added, it will soon be defeated.

“No, there is a reptile in the district. If the emperor copes, you should break the bird’s avenue for the emperor…”

In the void, the voice of the Tianmu demon is like a thunderous bang bang, and he looks coldly at the old man who is close to the feet. Saddle with a smile: “The reptile, you didn’t expect the emperor to have a backhand…”

Old man sighed heavily in his heart, and this scene did not surprise him. These demons dared to come to the siege so unscrupulously, they must be prepared, but he did not expect that this Tianmu demon could call so many The demon.


The vast sea of ​​Blood Qi burned in the old man within the body, as the demon said, his fleshly body Blood Qi is almost exhausted, and the formerly transparent Peak is gradually depleting, but at the moment, he burns itself. The blood essence, in exchange for the formlyly Peak, an unparalleled power flooded in his within the body, the old man’s face is more old, revealing illness.


Old man slammed again, this time, his left and right hands are holding different punches, and the two ray of light bursts around his fist, just like his hands seem to hold two rounds of the sun, and at the same time, in him Behind it, there are two dragons and phantoms emerging. The gods are majestic, like the ancient Tianlong resurrection, all the creatures in the world, two terrifying incomparable boxing spirits, and the mighty power.

This is also a powerful boxing method called Tu Long Yin.

Every time, the old man punched and fell, and there was a thundering trend. Only a few short punches, this Tianmu demon was smashed out and slammed out the severe hundred zhang, which ended the corner of the mouth. Blood, the face is full of strange colors, apparently did not expect the old man can burst out of such a force, but soon, its face has returned to indifference, it knows that the old man is overdrafting himself, already an Arrow at the end of its flight, it kills the past.

For a time, it was launched in the void compared to the more intense killings.

The man slowly recovered his eyes. He walked out of the air and walked straight toward the blood-scarred city. Obviously, he was going to shoot out the road.

But at this time, a strong sword light shot from above the sky, shining through the whole world, toward his slash down, a path of sword qi.

The man’s brows slightly wrinkle, the next moment, his fists flashed like lightning, the golden light shone in his fists, and it looked like a bunch of golden flames burning wildly, extremely dazzling, terrifying The power of the spurt came out, and the void in front was violently turbulent.


The roar of the roar in the void, the sword qi falling down in the sky under the men’s fist, his fist, finally landed on the sword light, as if the gold and iron intersect, bursting out a harsh sound.

The violent pain suddenly spread out on the fist, and the man stepped back and forth. He was low and his eyes were a little surprised and wrong. He saw his fist, and a very striking crack appeared. The blood flowed. .

The man jerked his head up and looked toward the void in front. He saw there, a white clothed silhouette was slowly coming out of the air, holding a bloody iron sword, and despite the slightest words, it was a biting. The killing intent is coming.

“This road doesn’t work…”

Su Bai slowly raised his head and looked at the man in the distance with a calm look, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

“He shot… it should be able to stop the demon.”

This scene suddenly caught the attention of many Great Desolate creatures. Many people were relieved and relaxed. Most of these people witnessed Su Bai’s previous invincible style.

“That’s not necessarily, you didn’t see the reaction of the demons around you? The man is destined to be in the demon. Is this demo, Strength worse?” But many people expressed concern, even though they didn’t know the name. Men’s Strength, but the man gave them a sense of opression far better than the previous demons.

“Who is he?” Some people obviously do not know the identity of Su Bai, and they have inquired.

“White clothed Shaodi…” Someone whispered, looking nervously in the sky, they were praying, praying that Su Bai could stop this shackle, otherwise, this slap in the air, even if the bloody city is too Strong, can not support too long time, will eventually break open, then, when they meet them is a slaughter.

“Except for the three-footed snow, who in the world is equipped with white clothed… a white clothed little emperor, a good instrument, a peerless, how about his Strength?”

Some of the cultivators who have just retired have apparently never heard of Su Bai’s previous record and can’t help but ask.

However, no one answered these questions because many people were not aware of Su Bai’s true Strength, but the only thing they can be sure of is that Su Bai’s Strength is stronger than Don’s.

In the void, the man licked the bloody palm, heard Su Bai’s words, his face showed a playful smile, and said with a smile: “King Dao only, and want to stop me?”

“It’s not blocking, it’s killing you.” Su Bai indifferently said that at the moment his voice had just fallen, he had already held the sword and killed it…

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