This is a terrifying punch.

The dazzling golden light is like a sacred flame, and the ancient runes are intertwined, making a deafening roar, like the vast sea.

Many of the people present were frightened and stunned, looking at the scene in the void.

But by contrast, the power of Su Bai’s one sword is also terrifying, and the savage sword light is shining out, like to split this piece of emptiness, it is unstoppable, under the gaze of countless eyes, that A golden rush of fists slammed into the sword light.


The world is full of shocks, and the loud impact sounds vibrate.

A very blushing blush blooms and blood falls.

The man’s heart was shocked, and the intense pain spread out again on his fist. A very eye-catching sword mark emerged from his fist, almost across his entire back of his hand, until his arms and blood flowed. This time he was injured for the second time. It is.

Although it is still only a skin injury, it is enough to surprise the man. He knows that his fleshly body is extremely terrifying. For the first time, it is better to say that after all, he did not use real power, and this time, he has used real power. Even the use of the body’s lines, but also can not resist the impact of those Sword Intent, can be imagined, how terrifying the Sword Intent.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sword light collapsed, without any stoppage, the iron sword passed by, it was like Immortal Flying Over The Heavens, it made a dazzling brilliance, shining the world.

The man was violent and violent, and the violent aura swept away as he was with the body. His bloody palm blew again, only at the moment of the blast, his The palm of the hand suddenly turned into a huge golden claw, this is his body, the light on it, with a golden flame surging.

This blow, the momentum is like a rainbow, accurate and incomparable on the sword light.

In an instant, the brilliance of the air broke out in the air. The sound of the crash was as loud as the sound of the sky. People couldn’t stand it. The ordinary cultivators couldn’t help but lick their ears. Their eardrums seemed to be torn apart. They looked blank. Looking at the void, where it has turned into the center of the storm, a path of energy sweeping the sky, terrifying like a storm.

A terrifying power is struggling along with the iron sword. Su Bai feels that the whole body has been hit by thousands of horses, especially his right arm, and the terrifying power is venting on his right arm, Su Bai. The iron sword in his hand almost flew out.

“It’s a demon, I have stepped into the six-pole King Dao. In theory, my current fleshly body power is no less than the existence of the Sovereign Dao, but compared with this demon, it is just a match. ”

Su Bai’s gaze calmly stares at the man who is close to the feet, and the sword pool hole with the body is blooming at this moment. The powerful aura is sprayed, and the vast sea of ​​Blood Qi is surging in his limbs. Su Every piece of Bai’s flesh and blood contains the power of explosion.

The demons standing around can’t help but feel that the reptiles seem to be weak, but they bring them a strong opression, as if they are standing in front of them, not the Great Desolate, but an ancient Beast.

After a brief confrontation, Su Bai did not spare any more. He used the Sword Intent he had learned, a total of four, and each Sword Intent was an earth-shattering existence, unparalleled.

Whether it is Solitary Sword Intent, Lonely Sword Intent, Sword Intent, or even Slaughter Sword Intent, Su Bai has the ultimate control, but even so, it is difficult for Su Bai to integrate these Sword Intents into one. Among the sword techniques.

But at the moment, these four Sword Intents, which spread from the palm of Su Bai, along the sword of the iron sword, circulate around the sword, entangle each other, but do not interfere with each other, and finally in his sword peak At the moment, a kind of peerless and fierce fluctuations are torn apart, and that kind of fluctuation is enough to tear the sky and destroy the heavens and the earth.

On the Jianfeng, thousands of words of the word glow emerged, drowning the world, and the iron sword in the hands of Su Bai spurted forward, straight and incomparable, a simple thorn, but It is a song cry that sounds like a landslide and tsunami.

The man suddenly felt great pressure. He never dared to fight with the fleshly body. There was a long knife in his hand. The knife was slender and long. It was about two meters long. It was like a suffocating scorpion, as if it was too much. The remains of the creatures.

As soon as the man took out the long knife, there was a path of stunned wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. The man’s body was turned into a faint light, and the long knife in his hand slammed , tearing out a path of the knife of the sky, the knife also has a terrifying aura, which is not a Blade Intent, but a knife.

This is the most intense collision. Sword glow and Knife across the whole void, magnificent and far-sighted. The void seems to be penetrated by thousands of swords and swords. Terrifying is always in constant storm. The pick-up, the distant people in the distance are cold, as if they are in the hail, the inexplicable chill is in their hearts.

Especially the previous demons who threatened to slaughter Su Bai, at this moment, if they were chilling and cold, no one thought that Su Bai had such a terrifying Strength. Fortunately, the last man shot, otherwise they could hardly resist it with their Strength. .

“Too terrifying, is this the power of the guru level Sword Intent?”

“His innate talent on Sword Dao was too terrifying, and he realized the four-master Sword Intent, which is hard to see in the era of Sword Dao…”

Many people, Great Desolate, have a very fascinating look. It is obvious that Su Bai has realized that the four-master Sword Intent, even the Sword Intent, is enough to make people feel awkward.

However, many people are worried that they did not expect the demon to understand the knife. In their impression, the demon fighting has always relied on their powerful fleshly body, with its body’s Bloodline Divine Ability, and now, this The demon was actually practicing Blade Dao.

“This demon hasn’t used all its power… You know, the most terrifying of the demon is their fleshly body, and now, this demon has not manifested his body.”

A sect grower sighed softly, with a little bit of worry in his tone, although on the surface, Su Bai and the demon played in equal numbers and were evenly matched.

The smashing sword light, like a star falling into the sky, fell in the sky, and the earth below it gradually began to sink, apparently unable to withstand the power contained in these sword lights.

At the same time, in the void, a path of knives rushing into the sky, it looks like a huge waterfall without a stream, carrying a mighty knife.

The sword light collided with the knife light, and the light shone all directions. The power was too terrifying. The tens of thousands of meters were covered, and some of the demons that were watching were directly torn into countless pieces.

The man’s tiger’s mouth was cracked, blood flowing, he looked at Su Bai’s eyes for the first time exposed the taboo color, he waved the last knife, figure suddenly backwards draw, at the same time, the ray of light burst out from him.

At this moment, he finally manifested the ontology…

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