Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1137: Sword sweep all directions!


Lin Tingfeng's eyes flashed a few sarcasm.

"Old thing, what do you think I'm Lin Tingfeng? Is your dog? If you let me go, I have to go, if you let me go back, I have to go back?-You don't want to be too beautiful!"

"!" There was a sudden silence around.

Everyone looked at Lin Tingfeng with weird eyes...

In the middle of Wujun, he was indeed a master, but compared to the elders of the hidden sect, he was still a lot worse...

But Lin listened to the wind and dared to speak like this, completely disregarding the four elders!

The fourth hall elder's complexion suddenly turned blue and white, and the eyes of a pair of gloomy birds flew through the sky!

"It's just a bit talented, so defiant--Meng Qingyang, kill him!"

"The shameless old thing is becoming angry? Huh! Do you think I am still afraid of Meng Qingyang now?" Lin Tingfeng adapts well to the strength in his body, and with a roar, he attacked Meng Qingyang!

"!!!" Meng Qingyang's heart was so angry that Lin Tingfeng played against him, and joked about his master, which was a double humiliation to him!

"Lin Tingfeng! Take it to death! I will let you know that the real masters are not at all like you. People who have become stronger after taking evil medicine can compare!"

"Those who have become stronger after taking evil medicine?" Everyone in the Yinzong was taken aback for a moment. The excitement and enthusiasm in their hearts instantly cooled down a lot.

"Could it be that Lin Tingfeng..."

"No wonder it's suddenly so powerful..."

"However, if it is really because of the evil medicine, the effect of the medicine must be time-effective? Then he will definitely not be able to consume Meng Qingyang..."

"Tsk!" Lou Qianxue was also stunned by the shamelessness of the Fourth Hall elder and Meng Qingyang's ignorance.

"It's worthy of being a master and apprentice..."

An apprentice who has been thrown away becomes stronger, and wants to come back again!

Seeing that the weak in the past become stronger, he maliciously speculates on others taking drugs...

"The people who really take drugs don't know who it is..."

Although Meng Qingyang's cultivation base is high, his foundation does not seem to be stable. Lou Qianxue has the memory of the ‘Pill God’, and at first glance, he can see that this is a sequelae of taking too many pills in his previous practice...

"It seems that sometimes practicing cultivation, enjoying too many resources, and taking too many pills may not necessarily be a good thing!"

She was talking...


During the field, Lin Tingfeng and Meng Qingyang's bodies slammed together!

"Go to hell!" A strong sword intent burst out of Meng Qingyang, which instantly enveloped Lin Tingfeng...

The air shook sharply, and the sharp cuttings around it continued to abuse...

"So strong!" The hidden disciples exclaimed one after another!

"The sword sweeps all directions! This is the mysterious martial art of the hidden sect, the sword sweeps all directions!"

"Meng Qingyang has already cultivated the sword three or eight directions to the perfect state, so amazing!"

"Yeah, even in the entire hidden sect, few people did this step... It seems that Lin Tingfeng is really dead this time!"

"Although Lin Tingfeng has the cultivation base of the mid-term Martial Lord, he does not have the martial skills of the mid-term Martial Lord! When the cultivation base is equal, the quality of the martial arts is very important!"

"It's a pity! I thought that our hidden sect would have another amazing genius!"

Everyone regretted...

next moment!



The sound of sword energy penetrating the body, one after another!

"Someone was injured! I was injured by the sword sweep in all directions, immortal and useless!" Everyone stared eagerly at the battle circle!

However, the power of the sword sweeping in all directions is too strong, and the sharp sword aura pierced the ground around the battle circle, and the dust was flying, covering everyone's sight...

Vaguely, everyone only saw the blood splashing, but did not see the injured person, who was it!

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