Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1136: Change it back!

Chapter 1173 Change Back!

"How is he?"

"He's very smart!" Lou Qianxue narrowed her eyes slightly: "He is taking Meng Qingyang as his trial stone!"

She was talking...


The crowd exclaimed!

"How could this be?"

"Mr. Wu!"

"Lin Tingfeng turned out to be Wujun for cultivation!"

"This increase in cultivation base is terrible!"

"No wonder I have been able to hold on to Meng Qingyang for so long!" Everyone looked at Lin Tingfeng like monsters. They couldn't imagine how a person could increase so much cultivation level during this period of time!

"Could it be that he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger from the beginning?"

The elder of the Fourth Hall looks ugly!

Jun Wu!

Even in the fourth hall, it can be regarded as a medium master!

If he had known that Lin Tingfeng was a Wujun cultivation base, how could he have given him to Lou Qianxue?

However, I still blame Lin Tingfeng for hiding his cultivation base!

No one would have thought that Lin Tingfeng's cultivation base increased greatly because of Lou Qianxue's guidance!

Only the people in the Ninth Hall were vaguely aware that Lin Tingfeng's progress had a lot to do with Lou Qianxue letting Shen Xiliang beat him!

Now that the cultivation base has not yet reached the Ninth Hall of Wu Jun, everyone can't help but feel envy in their hearts!

If the cultivation base can grow so fast, they are also willing to be beaten...

The deepest experience, apart from Lin Tingfeng, is Shen Xiliang!

"It turns out that what the master said was right..."

"She really made Lin Tingfeng so strong!"


He also understands what Lou Qianxue said before!

Lin Tingfeng fought with Meng Qingyang, and his cultivation level gradually rose from the Heavenly Martial Realm to Martial Sovereign—because the previous Lin Tingfeng was only the Heavenly Martial Realm cultivation base, and he was able to perfectly control the state of Yuan Li, which was the peak of the Heavenly Martial Realm!

Therefore, he only used the cultivation base of the Heavenly Martial Realm peak at first!

After he was familiar with the peak cultivation base of the Heavenly Martial Realm, he did not hesitate to try to become familiar with Jun Wu...

Shen Xiliang can imagine!

After Lin Tingfeng is familiar with Wujun's initial cultivation base, he will upgrade his cultivation to the middle stage of Wujun...

Mid-term Wujun!

At that time, Lin Tingfeng and Meng Qingyang's cultivation bases will be on the same level.

"That's it!"

Shen Xiliang couldn't help but admire Lin Tingfeng's boldness.

"Invisibly, Lin Tingfeng completely controls the rhythm of the battle in his own hands... and he plays very seriously, but Meng Qingyang doesn't take him to heart... No wonder, Master said that Lin Tingfeng can win!"


People's exclamations just fell!

Not long!


Lin Tingfeng's whole body, and Wu Jun's mid-term cultivation base broke out!

"March of Wujun!!!" Everyone felt dizzy and wondered if they were dreaming!

In the middle period of Martial King, even in the entire hidden sect, he could rank in the top twenty masters!

But Lin Tingfeng, a person who is said to have a very poor cultivation base, how could he become a middle-term Martial Lord?

"!" The heart of the fourth hall elder trembled for a while!

After returning to his senses, his cold eyes became extremely hot, staring at Lin Tingfeng, and suddenly shouted: "Lin Tingfeng! Join the Fourth Hall, I would like to give you the same training resources as Meng Qingyang!"

"!" Meng Qingyang's face turned black instantly!

Lin Tingfeng was stunned for a moment, and looked at the elder of the Fourth Hall with sarcasm: "Isn't you the one who abandoned me? Since I have abandoned me, and now I am a member of the Ninth Hall, why should you let me go back?"

The elder of the Fourth Hall Leng arrogantly said: "You have proven your worth, and I am willing to look at you face-to-face... As for the matter of letting you join the Ninth Hall, I will solve it!"

Big deal, find two more middle-level experts to give to the Ninth Hall, and exchange Lin Tingfeng back!

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