Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1138: It was a gem!

"It is estimated that Lin Tingfeng was injured!"

"He also really has such a talent, so he endures his cultivation and waits until he is stronger, and then he makes a life and death battle with Meng Qingyang. He may be able to win... But now!"

"Obviously, the elders of the Fourth Hall let him come back, but he even took the jokes and humiliated the elders of the Fourth Hall...Even if Meng Qingyang ran away and killed him, he deserved it!"

"It's a pity! Obviously there can be a better future... But I think if he didn't enter the Ninth Hall, there might not be such a tragedy..."

Everyone was talking...

clatter! clatter!

A figure slowly walked out from the smoke and dust...

Everyone looked over subconsciously...


Someone saw the appearance of the figure, and instantly exclaimed...

"!!!" Others in the room also gasped!

"Lin Tingfeng? How could it be Lin Tingfeng?"

"How can Lin Tingfeng be fine?"

Except for his clothes torn from previous fights, he didn't even have too much blood on his body...

this means!

The person who was injured just now is Meng Qingyang!

"This is impossible!!!" someone whispered!

And in the field, the second elder with a higher cultivation base, staring at the surface of Lin Tingfeng's skin, with a bright white light that is very difficult for ordinary people to find!

"That! Is it the body of profound jade?"

The mysterious jade body protection technique is a heavenly defense technique and a defense technique that everyone in the hidden sect must practice. It is divided into five layers, and the five layers of form changes, which are to transform the body into a brass body and a fine iron. The body, the silver body, the diamond body, and the mysterious jade body!

Most of the disciples of the Hidden Sect have cultivated into the body of fine iron, and there are only a handful of people who have cultivated the body of silver, while the diamond body can only be cultivated by the supreme genius and some elders...

As for the body of Profound Jade, there are only the Sect Master, and the first Tianjiao of the Yin Sect cultivated...

But Lin Tingfeng!

A person who used to be the bottom of the fourth hall, a person with a strange talent who was never put in the eyes, turned into a mysterious jade body!

The body of profound jade can transform the body into profound jade. Not to mention a hundred poisons, it can also rebound a certain amount of damage...

Meng Qingyang's sword sweeps all directions. It is indeed powerful, but he and Lin Tingfeng are of the same level of cultivation, profound level martial arts, and encounter the heavenly Dzogchen profound jade body...

The sword aura that Meng Qingyang emits, in all likelihood, will be bounced back by the body of mysterious jade!

No wonder it was Meng Qingyang who swept all directions with the sword, and it was Meng Qingyang who was injured in the end!

"Awesome!" The elder of the Second Hall sighed secretly, and looked at Lin Tingfeng with admiration...

Suddenly, I was a little envious of Lou Qianxue...

"At a young age, the talent for cultivation is not good, but he has cultivated into the body of Xuanyu. It can be seen that this child has an extraordinary temperament and is a person who can be cruel to himself. Such a person is the most able to endure hardships, even if the talent is not good, in the future You must be able to become a character!"

"Lou Qianxue's luck... is really good! I thought it was a piece of scrap iron, but I didn't expect it to be a piece of treasure!"

" the middle stage of Jun Tingfeng Wujun, he is also a body of profound jade, there is no need to be too low-key, even being rejected by the elders of the fourth hall, and sent to the ninth hall... Therefore, his cultivation base must be new Increased... Could it be that Lou Qianxue did something else?"

"Hey...that's fine, that's all, such a wicked person, maybe, only a wicked master like Lou Qianxue can teach it!" The elder of the Second Hall thought about his equally good disciple's love, and suppressed his heart. Sigh helplessly...

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