Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1098: It turned out to be so!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless people circled around the flame circle!

Heiyan, the second iron cable on the Tianlong Ranking who was sitting and cultivating, also got up and walked toward the flame circle quietly!


People hit the flame circle hard, and the flame circle was smashed open.

Everyone rushed over with cheers...



When the flame circle is half opened, it is difficult to break open!

The crowd stayed in the middle, panicked in their hearts, and quickly returned!

"Still not!" Everyone's complexion changed slightly, their faces full of frustration and annoyance.

Can't help but look at Lou Qianxue with jealousy.

How can she do it?

Could it be that you really cheated? Was that powerful man who could not be expressed in words helped her?

Lou Qianxue ignored everyone's gaze, and did not immediately pluck the nine leaves from the Earth Spirit Tree.

She stretched out her hand to touch the earth spirit tree, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​knowledge, crazily spread!

The Heavenly God Tree is also a God Tree.

The earth spirit sacred tree is still a sacred tree!

Will the two be related?

She wants to know more about the Earth Spirit Tree...

Outside the flame circle.

"I seem to understand a little bit!" After standing for a long time, Feng Liuyu seemed to have finally realized something. His expression moved, boom!

The power of the flame instantly wrapped around the body.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the flame circle.

"It depends on this time!"

clatter! clatter! clatter!

His long body was faintly submerged in the flame and stepped into the flame circle.


Everyone gasped in air: "Why can he also walk in the flames?"

"If it is said that Lou Qianxue was because that man helped her, then...what about the romantic rain?"

"That man, it's impossible to help the wind and rain, right?"

"His aversion to romance is obvious to all!"

"Is there a way to wander through the flames?"

Seeing the wind and rain, the black flame of the second iron cable on the Tianlong List went straight into the circle of flame, his eyes flashed, and the power of the flame lingered all over his body, and walked into the circle of flame...

After all, he was unscathed!

"So it is!"

From a distance, the tenth son of the gods of the Heavenly Dragon Ranking and Nie Ying, the fifteen-blooded sword, were onlookers, and they also had a panoramic view of the events in the field.

Lord Shenyin saw Feng Liuyu and Iron Cable Heiyan walking through the flame circle one by one, if he realized something.

"Which is this?" Nie Ying asked the blood knife quickly.

The son of Shenyin smiled slightly and said: "It seems that we also have a chance to get the leaves of the sacred tree. Let's go, let's try."

"Wait, you haven't said how to get through the flame circle?" Nie Ying asked again.

"To cross the flame circle is not to attack the flame, but to melt into the flame, to be integrated with the flame, and naturally not to be rejected."

"..." The blood knife Nie Ying was stunned. Feng Liuyu and Iron Cable Black Flame really both wrapped themselves with flame power before passing...

"But, what about that man?" When the powerful man who could not be described in words casually walked out of the flame circle, his whole body didn't even use any strength!

"Moreover, there is also Miss Lou!" Lou Qianxue didn't have a cultivation base, nor did she use the artistic conception of fire. How did she pass through the flame circle?

"The two of them are too secretive. There are countless secrets hidden in their bodies. They are naturally different from ours. However, if I am right, we will know if I am right."

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Son Shenyin and Nie Ying, the blood knife, the power of the flames surging all over, they rushed into the flame circle!


They actually blended into the flame circle.

Bloodblade Nie Ying opened her eyes in excitement, "You were right!"

Everyone in the field is not low in cultivation, and they are not fools. Seeing one, two, three or four, they all use flame power to wrap their whole body through the flame circle, and they all reacted and followed suit...

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