Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1099: Bloody wind

After the blood knife Nie Ying determined that the method was correct, she couldn't help but feel a trace of admiration in her heart.

"The first person to discover this should be Miss Lou!"

"Yeah! It's ridiculous, the princess who is from outside the territory, with eyes above the top, actually said that Miss Lou got in with the help of others?"

"Miss Lou discovered this obviously!"

"She is stupid, so she wants others to be as stupid as her!"

As the two talked, the romantic rain behind Lou Qianxue had arrived behind Lou Qianxue, and asked curiously: "Why don't you pick the leaves?"

Lou Qianxue curled her eyebrows in thought: "No hurry."

Seeing that she seemed to be thinking about important things, Feng Liuyu hesitated and asked, "How did you find out?"

"Spiritual power." Lou Qianxue replied casually.

"Then why didn't you use the power of fire?"

Lou Qianxue raised his eyes to look at him: "Because, no need!"

Go through the flame circle and melt yourself into the flame!

Ordinary people need to be entangled in flames, integrate their own flame power into the flame circle, and then pass through the flame circle.

But Lou Qianxue doesn't need it.

She doesn't use any power to pass through the flame circle, because she doesn't need to melt into the flame, let alone the flame!

——As early as when I got the magic heart fire, she was already an invincible system!

The flame circle, from the beginning, she didn't take it seriously!

The reason why she didn't go directly, but to go after psychoanalysis, was just because she didn't want to win as simple as that!

Feng Liuyu didn't understand Lou Qianxue's meaning, but she didn't ask, she just nodded and said: "In any case, without you, we can't find a way to enter the flame circle. We have to say thank you."

Lou Qianxue waved his hand: "It's okay, and..."

Her voice paused, and her beautiful little face showed a bit of sarcasm: "Teaching you how to get in is not necessarily a good thing for you..."

She was talking...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, the figures traversing the circle of flames flew towards the nine leaves above the earth spirit sacred tree!

Lou Qianxue had Tantaiyuan as the backing, and she was under the earth spirit tree, not in the leaf area, so everyone deliberately avoided her and fought for the leaf!

"Get away! This leaf is mine!"


Rarely seen for hundreds of years, a spiritual object that assists in the cultivation of artistic conception!

Everyone saw it with their own eyes and still had a chance to get it, all of them blushed and refused to give in to each other!

For a leaf, even fight!

But in the blink of an eye, blood flew around the sacred tree of the earth spirits, and each body fell from above, and a rare **** wind was instantly set off by the sacred tree of earth spirits!

As more and more people pass through the circle of flame, the color of the flame gradually fades and finally disappears...

"Flush! Grab the leaves!"

People who didn't dare to get ahead, all crowded up!

"The power of greed is really powerful."

Lou Qianxue couldn't help sighing when he saw several powerful people besieging those who were fighting for the leaves.

Fortunately, Tantaiyuan was present when the Earth Spirit God Tree appeared.

Otherwise, she is alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to help Shen Xiliang keep the heart of the gods!

There were nine leaves on the Earth Spirit God Tree alone, and they were snatched by everyone, let alone the only and most precious heart of God Wood!

There were a lot of big powers and masters in the field, nine leaves, six were quickly taken away.

It's just that the person who snatched the leaf, got the leaf within a few breaths, was besieged to death, and the leaf owner changed again!

And the last three leaves on the Earth Spirit God Tree are even more shocking!

The sacred tree of the earth spirit, under the immersion of blood, gradually turned red...

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