Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1097: Gone!

Everyone looked at Lou Qianxue in horror, and couldn't help holding their breath...

There are still some people, subconsciously looking at Tan Taiyuan-his woman is about to be burned to death, but he has no response?


Tap, tap, tap!

Lou Qianxue's white figure was unscathed in the flames!

The flame is still burning, dancing wildly all over her, she is in the flame, but not hurt by the flame!

"!!!" Everyone gasped, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"how is this possible?",

"She wasn't burned to death?"

"Why... why did the flame not attack her?"

Seeing that the guess in her heart was correct, Lou Qianxue's red lips hooked slightly, and she smiled.

"It's impossible!" Princess Bi's eyes almost protruded, staring at Lou Qianxue with jealousy and hatred.

"Could it be that the flames no longer hurt people?"

Princess Bi took a step forward with her belief and doubt, like Lou Qianxue, without any defense...



The next moment, she screamed out!


She hurried back, but there were still black traces on her palm.

"Damn it!" Princess Bi's eyes were red, her hair was upside down, her normal face, because of her hideous expression, it was a bit ugly!

"It's that man!" She stared at Tan Taiyuan bitterly: "That man must have helped her! Otherwise, with her, how could it be possible to enter the flame circle?"

Feng Liuyu was stunned outside the flame circle, looked at Lou Qianxue who was strolling through the flame, and looked at Princess Bi who was burned by the flame, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was contemplation in her eyes.

Lou Qianxue's figure gradually passed through the flame circle...


Just when she was about to step out of the flame circle!


The fire in the flame circle instantly soared!

The flaming tongue, terrifyingly terrifying, rushed towards Lou Qianxue...

"Ah!" Everyone couldn't help but scream!

Has always tolerated Lou Qianxue walking through the flame circle of flames, did he finally fight back?


call! call!

The flames shot towards Lou Qianxue, and Lou Qianxue was unscathed, but the surrounding flames were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!


"She is absorbing the flames?"

"How is it possible! How did she do it?" Unbelievable colors appeared in everyone's eyes.

This woman is so evil!

Everyone who has watched the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament before feels that Lou Qianxue is very mysterious and even scary!

"..." The fourth elder of the East Region Pavilion was also pale, and sweat kept dripping on his forehead. He couldn't help wiping his cold sweat, thanking himself in his heart.

Fortunately, when I did it before, I secretly sent someone else...

At least on the surface, he hasn't feuded Lou Qianxue yet!

Now that he saw the true strength of this woman, he didn't need to think about it. The people who were sent out before were probably dead in her hands...


at last!

After a while, the fire light diminished, and Lou Qianxue walked through the flame circle unharmed!

At the same time, the flame of the flame circle itself is much dim.

Even the power in it seems to be much weaker!

"Go by! She actually walked by!"

Everyone trembled!

This woman with no cultivation base has actually walked through the flame circle?

Moreover, it also absorbed a lot of flame power!

Feng Liuyu felt it and couldn't help but smiled towards Lou Qianxue: "Thank you!"

Lou Qianxue ignored him, she flew to the tree and reached out to pick the green leaves of the earth spirit **** tree...

"The power of the flame has weakened!" Many people are aware of this problem.

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