Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1088: I will meet her!


Outside the crowd.

In a white dress, the beautiful Lou Qianxue led Shen Xiliang forward slowly.

"Many people!" The earth spirit tree is fat, three circles inside and three outside, densely packed with people, Lou Qianxue had to control his mental power to spread forward...

"Tree spirit! You are the soul body, the earth spirit and **** tree is annihilated, and you cannot survive. You must be attached to people or things! Soul is the spiritual power, the spiritual power of this palace is 35. If you are willing to recognize this palace as the master, this palace is willing to Spiritual power nourishes you until you cultivate your body..."

The familiar and arrogant female voice made her pause slightly.

The spirit power that permeated, at the first time, noticed that the handsome man sitting in the earth spirit tree was not someone else, but Tantaiyuan!

Lou Qianxue raised her eyebrows slightly, and a pair of dark beautiful eyes revealed a strange luster. She simply stood there and listened to Princess Bi's proud voice, pretending to analyze the'right choice' of the'tree spirit', and the strangeness of the eyes. The color is getting stronger...

at last……

Tantaiyuan on the Earth Spirit God Tree may be aware of her mental power, or it may be really annoying to listen to, and when he is tired of hearing it, he says, "Noisy!" "Just fan Princess Bi out...


When Tan Taiyuan drew a sword beside the flame circle, Shen Xiliang hesitated and said: "The person who just did it... is the master?"

The sound is so familiar!

"Yeah." Lou Qianxue replied faintly, still having no intention of going forward.

Shen Xiliang's heart moved: "Don't you want to see the master?"

"Not urgent."

Already close at hand, still anxious for a while?

Right now!

"Lou Qianxue!" A cold voice suddenly came.

Elder Dongyu Pavilion finally arrived.

Everything was expected by Lou Qianxue.

She turned slowly, looking at the people coming.

Next to the Divine Tree of Earth Spirit, a handsome and stern man in white clothes, holding a long sword, stood aside, a pair of dark and ruthless eyes, suddenly bursting out a dazzling glow, looking at the crowd with incomparable precision.

Still separated from others, Lou Qianxue felt the scorching gaze... Until then, the guy did not conceal her attention, and she noticed his mental power in his mental fluctuations, and it has spread like tentacles throughout the audience. .

He is watching her too!

This cognition made Lou Qianxue's heart sweet inexplicably, but her face was still calm, so she looked at the elder of the Eastern Pavilion: "Your Excellency?"

"Four elders?" The third East Cangyun and the fifth Lan Wuxin flew over from the Heavenly Dragon Ranking. Their eyes fell on Lou Qianxue. After passing a surprise, they asked in confusion, "What is wrong with this woman?"

The fourth elder of the East Region Pavilion chased Lou Qianxue with all his heart, only then realized that this was actually next to the Divine Tree of Earth Spirit, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Nothing, I just met her in the Seven Kingdoms Ranking Tournament. That's hello."

If more people knew Lou Qianxue's ability to control plants, I am afraid he would not have his turn to get that kind of power!

Many people in the field have also watched the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament, and all sorts of things passed through their minds in the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament. Lou Qianxue's performance at that time was indeed amazing, but compared to the real Tianjiao in the Eastern Region, it was still far behind. Moreover, after all, she is just a person without cultivation.

Everyone quickly looked away without interest.

On a certain tall bush, beside a pair of old men stood a suave, handsome man. He looked at the picture of the Eastern Region Pavilion and Lou Qianxue standing opposite each other, and asked the two old men beside him: " Master, Master, this woman, is that the very powerful woman you said?"

Those two old men were the two senior brothers who were outside the inn to persuade Princess Bi to retreat!

The man looked at Lou Qianxue from head to toe with great interest: "But I don't see anything except her good-looking... I will meet her!"

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