Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1089: You are still some distance away from me.

Dong Cangyun and Lan Wuxin listened to the explanation of the four elders of the East Region Pavilion, and took their interest again, looking at the side of the Earth Spirit God Tree.

This woman is indeed beautiful, but unfortunately there is no cultivation base!

If you encounter it on weekdays, you may still be moved when you like it, but now...

The fascinating earth spirit tree is right in front of them, how can they have time to spend their minds on beauties?

Everyone turned their attention to the Earth Spirit God Tree...



A long blue figure descended from the sky and landed beside Lou Qianxue.

"Beauty, I think you have the appearance of a closed moon and a shameful flower, and the appearance of a wild goose and a fish. It fits the romantic and suave me, Yushu and the wind. How about being my lady?"

The man squinted his eyes, and thought to himself that the uncle and the master said that this woman was arrogant and arrogant, and that she would definitely not be able to stand being molested like this. When she took action, he could meet her!

Wait until she is almost tempted, just explain it again.

The man's plan was perfect!


"..." Lou Qianxue was stunned before realizing what he said.

Before she realized that the man in front of her was molesting her, a cold, tyrannical violent aura and murderous intent filled her like a tide...

The cold killing intent filled the audience instantly!

Everyone was surprised!

Then noticed the situation on Lou Qianxue's side, the crowd couldn't help but think of one after another of exclamation!


"I heard that he was there before, but I haven't seen him, it turned out to be on it!"

"Fourth in the Tianlong List, Fengliuyu! It is said that he only shot once, defeating the seventh and eighth of the original Tianlong List, and was directly ranked fourth... But no one knows his true strength! Because he only shot that. Once, no one knew what hole cards he had..."

"I heard that when he was ranked in the Heavenly Dragon Ranking, someone wanted to rank him in the top three, but he did not make a lot of shots, and coupled with his background in a small sect, he was judged to be the number one after Dong Cangyun from the Eastern Pavilion. four!"

"He actually fell in love with that woman? That woman is really fateful!"

"Good-looking is good!"

"What's the matter?" The smile on the corners of the lips suddenly changed the face of Feng Liuyu!

He suffered most of the killing intent and coercion, and instantly even had difficulty breathing!

He couldn't help being clever and horrified, and he looked around in shock.

Lou Qianxue felt someone's cold killing intent, and a smile flashed across her beautiful eyes.

She didn't find the wicked look in the man's eyes, nor did she feel malicious or murderous intent from him.

This person is either boring or really interesting to her...

After all, he is a harmless person. Lou Qianxue is willing to let him go: "You know?" She raised her eyebrows and smiled: "It's been a long time since no one dared to molest me...and no one dared to molest me in front of him."

"He?" Feng Liuyu asked a little uneasy in her heart.

"My man."

The icy murderous aura stagnated slightly, and then silently retracted it!

Feng Liuyu was startled, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

Knowing that the other party has a master, I challenged it directly...

Lou Qianxue said again: "However, even without him, it would be impossible for me and you."

"Why?" As if an arrow was thrust into his chest, men could instinctively dissatisfy the wind and rain: "I am not good enough, or my cultivation base is not high enough?"

Lou Qianxue pondered: "You just said that we match well, but to be honest, I think you are still a little behind me...Of course, I can't be with you, mainly because I don't feel about you."

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