Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1087: Here, the deity's site!

"!!!" Everyone gasped.

"Mentality 35! So strong!"

"Who the **** is this woman? Wujun pinnacle! He tears the flame circle, and has 35 mental power... My Eastern Region, how can there be such a powerful woman?"

"It turns out that she is so powerful, no wonder she called me garbage before...Compared to her, we are indeed waste..." Some people looked sad.

Dong Cangyun and Lan Wuxin also had very solemn expressions.

Even the black-clothed young man who was meditating and cultivating opened his eyes silently, with extremely sharp eyes, staring at Princess Bi, full of fighting spirit and coldly.


"..." The handsome and beautiful man with a picture-perfect face, but still closed his eyes, his face was calm, indifferent, and without a trace of emotion, as if he hadn't heard Princess Bi's words.

"Tree spirit!" The disregarded shame suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart, and she was unhappy: "Looking at the field, is there a better owner than me? The **** tree has a mature heart, and the earth spirit tree will Will wither and annihilate, don't you want to die? You..."

Most of the people in the room didn't know that this happened, and they couldn't help being slightly shocked.

Thinking carefully about Princess Bi’s words, there really doesn’t seem to be anyone with higher mental power in the field...

Everyone is thinking...


"Noisy!!!" In the middle of the sacred tree, a cold and noble, handsome man, slowly opened his eyes, his cold and merciless eyes looked at Princess Bi like a dead person.


With a wave of his sleeve...


Princess Bi, like the Xuantianzong youth who was initially lifted by him, flew out with a scream, slammed through a dozen tall bushes, and fell heavily to the ground!

Ben's triumphant and extremely proud middle-aged guard was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward after he recovered, before he could catch her...

"! The tree spirit of the earth spirit sacred tree can even talk?"

Everyone was also taken aback, and after reacting, they whispered inconceivably, looking at the "Tree Spirit" strangely.

I see.

A tall, handsome and stern man, standing on the sacred tree of Earth Spirit, slowly got up, tall and straight, with a majesty and power that could not be expressed in words, spreading like a tide.

He was surrounded by the unique aura of the superior, making everyone in the room afraid to look directly.

Is this really a tree spirit?

This doubt just emerged from the bottom of everyone's hearts...

"The ignorant ant!" He stared at the princess Bi who was carried back by the middle-aged with cold eyes: "Who told you that the deity is a tree spirit?"

"!" There was an uproar in the room.

Everyone opened their eyes in disbelief and exclaimed wildly: "He is not a tree spirit?"

"Then who is he?"

"Is it alone?"

"Oh my God! How could someone cross the flame circle and stay on the Earth Spirit God Tree for so long?"

"It's incredible!"

Everyone is exclaiming...


The handsome, unforgiving, unimaginable cold man drew a long sword, and the long sword flew horizontally, drawing a circle around the sacred tree of the earth spirit!

"Here, the realm of the deity! Whoever enters without permission will be killed without mercy!"

The earth spirit sacred tree, he was surprised and found when he was looking for a positive elixir for Lou Qianxue!

The maturity of the sacred tree of the earth and the escape of the beacon plains are all his handwork-he does so much, but he is not a wedding dress for others!

The princess Bi, who was finally relieved of her breath, heard this, a spiteful light shot out of her eyes!

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