Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 94: Looking back at Longxiang as a foreign land (available on Friday, please pre-order)

A vast forest in the easternmost part of North America is located on the coastline. You can see a corner of the European continent across the sea. This is the ancestral home of the Little Red Dragon clan for many years.

In fact, it can't be regarded as ancestral land. A long time ago, the land where the Thirteen Clan of the Red Dragon lived suffered a sea invasion, and the woods and land were submerged into the sea.

The leader at that time took the Little Red Dragon clan and migrated to the southern highlands, and they have been multiplying ever since.

After arriving in this mountainous area, the Little Red Dragon clan quickly established a foothold and became the top predators in this mountain forest for tens of millions of years.

Their body length is only one and a half meters, which is comparable to the length of Eoraptor tens of millions of years ago. However, with the wisdom and powerful organization of dragons, almost no creature can match them.

Even the powerful local carnivorous dinosaur, the Coelophysis superfamily Coelophysis, which is 5 meters long and weighs 136 kilograms, does not dare to be their enemy.

In order to compete for the position of the strongest predator in the forest, the little red dragons fought many times with the Crested Dragon. The little red dragons were numerous, highly organized, powerful and poisonous.

On the other hand, although Coryospondylus is a member of the new theropods of the dinosaur royal family, it mostly acts alone. It may be okay to fight ten of them, but if it is twenty, it will be hunted by the little red dragons.

Life at the top of the food chain is undoubtedly very boring and boring. Every day consists of hunting and breeding, and of course ancestor worship.

The way the little red dragons live in groups allows their young dragons to spend their infancy very safely, so that their infancy is now getting longer and longer, and they are not considered adults until they are in their teens.

During the long and non-threatening juvenile period, the young red dragons have a lot of time to learn hunting skills and the experience of their ancestors. In addition to learning, they can also play and frolic.

Yes, playing, this is a manifestation of the development of animal IQ. Playing can stimulate the brain of young dragons in different ways and connect different brain areas together, thereby promoting creativity and future learning ability. Often only animals with sufficient IQ can There is this awareness of play.

Several small red dragons were playing and playing in the open space, chasing the companion species long-scaled dragons on the tree branches, and kicking amber balls made of rosin with their feet. It is hard to imagine that this was a scene that could have appeared in the Triassic.

No matter what kind of creature is young, it is very dangerous. Poaching, strong feeding, hunger, disease, it can be said that if you are not careful, the baby dragon will easily die. It can be said that it is a lucky coincidence that one out of ten young creatures can survive. Fortunately.

The fertility of the little red dragons can only be regarded as average for this era, but their juvenile survival rate is so high that the little red dragons continue to expand, and soon their footprints cover the entire Pangea continent.

The most important among them is the Shanlin ethnic group, at least that's what they think.

Because they are the direct descendants of the Thirteen Clan of the Red Dragon, they own the ancestral sacred object Red Dragon Slate and retain the oldest and purest Paka ceremony.

The so-called click ceremony is the sound made by the little red dragons when they put their hands together. The click sound of the palms clapping together with the click sound of the claws colliding.

Little red dragons cannot speak, but click is the only sound they can make with their throats that is not a cry.

Several old little red dragons were standing in the shade of a tree to enjoy the shade. The weather was getting hotter and hotter now. They were older, but they couldn't play in the sun like the young red dragons, who were always energetic.

At this time, the sky suddenly became dark, a dark cloud enveloped the entire jungle, and the originally calm ground suddenly began to shake slightly.

The young red dragons didn't pay attention and were still playing happily, but the old red dragon was very nervous and stood up and called the young red dragons to stand in the open space and spread out.

They have also encountered earthquakes before, when they were young.

It was also an earthquake. At that time, the old dragon led them to stand scattered in the open space. The earthquake caused the trees to collapse. Because they were in the open space and their positions were scattered, they escaped. The method of handling this matter has been engraved in the in their minds.

I just didn't expect that they would be old when they were used again. It's just that this earthquake was a little different from the past. This time, it wasn't just the trees that fell down and the earth shook, but the earth cracked.

Hot red magma splashed out from the crack in the earth. The magma carried a temperature of thousands of degrees and various chemical toxins. As long as one drop splashed on the body, it was almost certain to die.

Even though the lava was avoided, the disaster was far from over. The high temperature of the lava ignited the surrounding forests.

Waves of fire rose from all directions, and the flammable pine trees caught fire almost immediately. The fire was so fierce that it burned into a continuous fire in an instant.

At this time, it was too late to wait for the adult red dragons who went out to hunt. Several old red dragons made a decisive decision and led the group of young red dragons to escape from the forest.

When leaving, these old guys did not forget to dig up a large mound of earth, hold a small amber inside and ran away together.

In the mountains in the distance, a volcano that was about to erupt was blocked by a giant beast. The hot magma sprayed on it, making it scream in pain.

However, this did not stop the volcano from erupting. The violent mantle plume broke through the surrounding mountains and opened cracks, still spreading terrifying lava into the world.

The large forest was ignited without any hindrance, and the flames and lava swallowed up all life within the range. Seeing this, the giant beast flapped the colorful wings on its back vigorously. The strong airflow instantly blew out the surrounding flames, and the smoke and volcanic ash were blown away. Blow far away.

A group of red dragons, old and young, fled out of the forest, but were trapped by flames from all directions and could not find a way out.

At this moment, a strong wind blew out the fire, but they were also blown away together. Fortunately, there is the sea to the east of the forest, and many small red dragons fell into the sea and survived.

Because they live by the sea, although the little red dragons have not transformed into amphibians, they can still swim. The favorite activity of young red dragons is to go to the beach to swim and touch clams.

At that time, swimming was just for fun, but now swimming is for saving lives.

The leading old red dragon swam to the shore holding a small piece of amber stone. Looking at the burnt home, he felt an inexplicable emotion. This was the emotion that only appeared when his old friends died, or maybe this was sadness. Bar.

Their home has been lost, and these experienced old guys have to shoulder the responsibility of leading the remaining little red dragons to survive, find a new habitat for the little red dragons, and grow again.

Then go all the way east. The northeast is the direction where the most people migrate, and it should be the most secure place at this time.

The young red dragons headed northeast under the leadership of their clansmen. They looked back at their hometown where they once played and played, but now it was dark. They might never come back.

Small theater of paleontology: Coronaspondylus is an extinct genus of theropod dinosaurs in the superfamily Coelophysis. It lived from the Late Triassic to the Early Jurassic about 205.6 million to 196.5 million years ago. It may be one of the few in the Triassic One of the dinosaurs that survived the Jurassic-Jurassic extinction event. As a member of the superfamily Coelophysis, Coristospondylus may have been a small or medium-sized bipedal carnivore, and its body shape and habits may have been similar to Leionosaurus (the best The specimen is estimated to be 5.15 meters or 16.9 feet long). Coronaspondylus lived during the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event. Little is known about the dinosaurs of this period. In fact, Coronaspondylus was the boundary between the Triassic and Jurassic periods. The only known theropod fossil in .

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Theropods - New *types - Crownspondylus

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