Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 95 Meeting again (available tomorrow, please pre-order)

Xu Dong kept flying in the direction in his memory. His speed allowed him to avoid most natural disaster attacks.

When you see a volcano erupting, go around it and be careful of the volcanic ash and toxins floating in the air. Apart from some breathing difficulties, there is not much danger.

Flying over deserts, fields, and forests along the way, there were corpses of living things everywhere, including dinosaurs, lizards, pseudocrocodiles, and kennedy beasts, large and small, to name a few.

Xu Dong saw a group of huge elasmosaurs dragging heavy steps towards the east. One of the three-meter-long baby dragons was the first to fall to the ground unable to hold on. No matter how much the adult elasmosaurus touched it, it could not get up again.

Xu Dong saw Crocodile Rausi and Lisovis, who were supposed to be predators and food, walking together in the wilderness. There was no longer the endless struggle between dragons and beasts, but instead there was a harmony of old friends accompanying each other on their way to the end. .

Xu Dong saw the last member of the Herrerasaurid family, the evil spirit dragon, moving its strong legs and quickly rushing towards the rift valley, disappearing into the sputtering magma flames.

Xu Dong also saw the only survivor of the beast tribe in the future, a mammalian creature, the genus Morgan, emerging from the ground. After taking a few mouthfuls of dragon meat, he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

They either died of suffocation caused by volcanic ash, or died of pervasive poisonous gas, or died of scorching magma.

In the face of natural disasters, ordinary creatures are too fragile and weak, and even a slight scratch will result in death or injury.

The originally bustling and vibrant ecosystem of Pangea was destroyed in an instant. In this huge magma area, there was lava and dead bodies everywhere, as if we had returned to the terrifying end of the Permian 50 million years ago. .

A Tianfeng Pterosaur unexpectedly encountered Xu Dong in the air. Tianfeng Pterosaur is a member of the family Dimorphodontidae from the late Triassic Period. It has a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters. It lives in desert oases and feeds on insects and small animals. Living things for food.

Its wingspan is considered to be among the largest pterosaurs currently, but it is completely inadequate compared with the red-scaled flying dragon with a wingspan of three meters.

If it were normal, Xu Dong would still have the intention to tease this little guy or eat it, but in this lava purgatory, there are more dead than alive. Xu Dong just passed by the Tianfeng Pterosaur without knowing each other. put one's oar in.

After flying for several days, Xu Dong finally flew to the place in his memory, but by this time it had become the sea.


Xu Dong felt that the Little Red Dragon clan would not move too far and could look for them in the surrounding higher areas.

All the way south along the coastline, suddenly a large colorful fish jumped out of the sea, followed by a distant and vast song. This sad song seemed to mourn all the sentient beings in purgatory.

Xu Dong, who was flying in the sky, could clearly see this gorgeous big fish underwater. It was more than a hundred meters long and had a streamlined body, very much like a whale in later generations.

Convergent evolution?

Also, don't ichthyosaurs look similar to dolphins in later generations?

Thirty million years later, I once again saw this big fish in the starry sky like a dream. Are these legendary creatures really immortal?

He soon figured out, what's so strange about a legendary creature that has lived for tens of millions of years? Isn’t this what it has been striving for?

Xu Dong actually had a bold guess in his mind.

Legendary creatures may be the will to survive generated by earthly creatures.

They were born out of the most persistent and profound desire for survival of all living beings. They are extremely huge and powerful. As long as there are living things on the earth, their lives will not come to an end.

However, while gaining strength and eternal life, they also shoulder the responsibility of protecting biological life on earth.

They will not care about normal ecological predation, even if it is a massacre, but when it comes to a mass extinction of species that may wipe out all living things, no matter how unwilling they are, they have to stand up for all living beings and fight for a glimmer of life for them.

This also explains why they confront volcanic eruptions head-on. Whether it was mica in the sky or fear in the deep sea, living beings have always behaved like ants, eating whatever they want and playing with them.

That's because they know that no matter how much they eat, they can't eat all the living things on the earth. But mass extinction is different. Mass extinction can really wipe out all living things.

Of course, all the above are Xu Dong's irresponsible speculations. The real reason may be that the legendary creatures had nothing to eat after the mass extinction, so they went to stop the mass extinction.

He is still unable to clarify the specific connection between the legend and the mutated pronucleus, whether it is simply the amount of piles or other factors.

Ignoring these distant things for the time being, Xu Dong still had to look around to see if there was a small red dragon nearby.

The whale-like fish in the starry sky hit the coast without hesitation, and the land on the coast suddenly vibrated.

A crack appeared in the ground, and the scorching magma couldn't wait to rush out of the pouring hole. Who knew that the first thing it touched was the cold sea water.

At this moment, scorching heat and coldness blended together, quickly forming a large number of volcanic rocks, which sank to the bottom of the sea one after another.

There is no solution for magma entering the sea. Only the sea can contain and digest such a huge amount of lava.

The price is that the sea water is polluted.

Huge amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and more chemical toxins poured into the ocean, causing changes in sea water quality, causing large-scale hypoxia, poisoning, and heavy casualties in marine life.

Xu Dong flew along the coastline, and the sea and beaches were littered with the corpses of various fish, cephalopods, decapoda, and bivalves.

The number was so large that Xu Dongdu's scalp went numb.

Soon a black smoke column appeared in Xu Dong's field of vision, and his heart tightened. The volcano here also erupted? Hopefully they won't be here.

Flying over the burning forest, the scorching lava flow has swallowed up most of the forest, and the rest is still burning.

Such ferocious flames and terrifying magma basically have only one result for the creatures in this forest, no bones left.

However, there are some special cases. A group of small creatures are trapped in the fire and cannot escape. Among them are dinosaurs, lizards and mammals.

A giant dragon flew out of the crater. It flapped its wings of colorful light, and strong winds swept across all directions in an instant, once again extinguishing the forest fire and blowing away the small creatures.

This is?

Xu Dong's eyes widened and he stared blankly at the giant dragon.

Small planting? ? ?

Xu Dong looked at this 100-meter flying dragon in disbelief, which was covered in black magma, but the familiar feeling forced him to believe it.

This legendary creature is his little plant.

As if feeling Xu Dong's gaze, Zaizhan turned his head and looked at Xu Dong.

The originally cold eyes suddenly became soft. As time went by, the firelight replaced the morning light. This moment seemed to return to that morning again.

The morning light penetrated into the cave through the entrance. It lay on Xu Dong and looked at each other for the first time with the first creature it saw after breaking out of its shell.


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