Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 93 The door to hell has opened (available on Friday, please pre-order)

The vast desert is filled with yellow sand.

Dune collapse reveals what lies beneath.

With a reddish-brown carapace and so many appendages that the scalp was numb, a huge millipede over a hundred meters long emerged from the yellow sand and reappeared in the world.

Biography, legend? !

The giant millipede raised its front body but did not even look at Xu Dong. Instead, it made a quacking sound toward the west. Xu Dong, who was flying in the air, was curious about what it was looking at and followed it.

He soon found out.

A wave of fluctuations came from a distance, and even Xu Dong, who was in the air, could feel the ripples in the space.

Following a roar, the earth began to vibrate. Creatures in the desert fled in all directions. The legendary millipede also penetrated into the sand and disappeared without a trace. Huge air waves enveloped the yellow sand, forming a huge sandstorm that swept towards Xudong. Come.

A sandstorm is coming?

The strong wind howled and rolled up the yellow sand, and the sandstorm swept over like a tsunami and like thousands of horses running together, rolling over in this direction.

Xu Dong quickly flew up dozens of meters, reaching a height that was beyond the reach of the sandstorm. Being at a high altitude, he could see the strange things behind the sandstorm and farther away.

A line of black smoke slowly emerged from the mountain pass in the distance. Xu Dong was startled, is this?


There was a loud noise that shook the earth and shook the earth.

A large amount of black-red magma spewed out and continued to fall along the mountain wall. Some of the magma splashed directly from the crater and hit the surrounding mountains and sand, setting off a burst of smoke and dust.

Fortunately, this is a huge desert with few species. If it were placed in a forest, there would definitely be heavy casualties if this wave continued.

Affected by the mutual extrusion of the crustal plates, the earth's crust became extremely active, and earthquakes struck, shaking all visible places around it.

However, all this is just the beginning, volcanic ash is the most deadly thing.

Solid rocks and molten magma are broken down into fine particles to form volcanic ash. These gravel and mineral particles with a diameter of less than 2 mm cover the sky, block the sunlight, and fall like snowflakes, suffocating all living things within the range. , poisoning effect.

Huh? what is that?

Just when Xu Dong wanted to turn around and run away, he suddenly found a huge figure emerging from the sandstorm. Isn't this the legendary Malu just below him?

Why is this guy running so fast and heading towards the volcano? Did he run in the wrong direction?

Impossible, not even a pseudo-legend would be so stupid, let alone this legendary millipede that is over 100 meters long, so what is it going to do?

Xu Dong, who was watching in the sky, saw an astonishing scene. This hundred-meter-long millipede actually moved its thousands of appendages against the magma, stepping on the hot magma flow, and slowly crawled Climb an erupting volcano.

The scorching heat turned the originally reddish-brown shell of the millipede into bright red, just like a cooked crayfish. It climbed to the top of a high mountain, stood upright in the eruption crater, and let out a loud squeak toward the sky. squeak.

Then he curled his body into a ball and fell into the crater.

It looked like a Coke bottle with a lid on it. Although there was still some overflowing magma and volcanic ash, it was generally suppressed.

The natural disaster was forcibly stopped, and the furious lava impacted the surface of the earth, causing constant shaking of the surrounding crust, scaring the creatures into fleeing. The scene of countless animals running wildly on the desert was truly spectacular.

Fortunately, this crust is still strong and has not cracked due to mantle eruption and magma extrusion. The volcano finally calmed down.

No, it didn't calm down. The ground bulged with several large bulges, scurrying toward the distance like gophers digging holes. The magma disappeared and flowed to other places again.

Xu Dong flapped his wings to fly to a height of 100 meters, followed one of the bulges all the way south, and flew for hundreds of miles until he finally saw a big mountain again.

This was originally a lush mountain forest with a complete ecological chain. Dragons and beasts each occupied their place and performed their duties. Although life was boring, it was very peaceful.

But nature doesn’t tell you about kindness and benevolence. No one can stop it from going crazy.

This mountain, which used to silently protect the creatures that inhabit it, has now turned into a lava troll that destroys everything.

Magma with a temperature of a thousand degrees erupted from the mountain pass, instantly burning the affected mountain forest to ashes. The splashed lava ignited the entire forest, and a huge amount of volcanic ash sprayed out, drifting farther and farther like snowflakes all over the sky. Floating farther and farther.

The creatures on the ground during the Triassic period were not very fast. The first king of the dinosaur family, Herrerasaurus, could only run 40km/h, which was already the limit of the land creatures in the Triassic.

How could such a speed be able to outrun the raging fire, the flying volcanic ash, and even the volcanic ash cloud covering the sky?

The creatures died painfully one by one due to suffocation or poisoning. Corpses were everywhere on the ground, including dragon and beast corpses. They would eventually be swallowed up by the scorching magma flow.

A small stream flows slowly through this mountain forest. It is a place where forest creatures rely on drinking water. At this time, it is blocking the direction of the spread of the magma flow.

The first batch of magma that came into contact with the stream quickly petrified, emitting billowing white smoke and making a squeaking sound.

The stream absorbed the scorching temperature, and the areas in contact were vaporized in an instant, and the rest was bubbling.

Because it was so fast, the ray-finned fish in the water was cooked before they even reacted. Unfortunately, no one dared to taste this prehistoric fish soup.

This terrifying scene is not the end yet. There are lava flows coming from all directions. The entire mantle seems to be a pipe extending in all directions. If there is no way here, it will lead to there.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in Xu Dong's sight. It was Sky Mica!

This was the first legendary creature Xu Dong saw. Its hugeness and power left an indelible mark on Xu Dong's consciousness.

At this time, the mica in the sky is no longer the white dusty and ethereal appearance it once was.

It has turned blue at this moment, fattened into a ball, and fluttered like a balloon.

Even though it was fat and turned into a ball, it was still so huge that when it passed by Xu Dong, it still obscured his vision, and the flying current swept him away far away.

Legendary creatures, no matter how fat they are, are beyond the reach of ordinary creatures.

The sky mica finally floated slowly over the volcano, and countless tentacles stretched out, turning into water guns, spraying life-saving rain onto the earth.

Just like when a fire encounters heavy rain, it knocks away the volcanic ash flying in the air, and falls on the magma, causing them to quickly cool and turn into volcanic rock. The white mist generated by absorbing heat spreads, covering the entire mountain forest, leaving only one piece in front of you. White.

Due to the lag of rain, many creatures were able to escape the disaster area. They looked back at their lost homes and their dead compatriots, and fled into the distance with moans.

But they don't know where there is any safe place.

The gates of hell have been opened.

A catastrophe is coming!

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