Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 92 North American Desert

With the lessons learned from the past, the surrounding predators no longer dared to compete with Xu Dong for food, so Xu Dong openly tore open the body of Tachirapaptor and took out the internal organs to eat.

The red-scaled flying dragon's supplemental stomach can store food, which makes Xu Dong's appetite much larger now. If it weren't for the ability to fly and the expanded hunting range, such a foodie would really not survive the mass extinction.

But it's also a good thing for Xu Dong, that is, he can draw the essence and components more often.

It's a pity that this Tachiraraptor is only three and a half meters tall, not much bigger than Xu Dong, and all it draws is blue sky and white clouds.

After Xu Dong was full and flapped his wings and flew away, the surrounding small and medium-sized creatures gathered around to share the meat of the Takiraraptor, including the omnivorous Laquinta dragon.

They had been the prey of Tachiraraptor before, but now they were eating the meat of the predators.

People who eat meat will always eat it? This is nature.

Xu Dong merged his wings and glided quickly in the sky. It was more labor-saving to fly long distances by trimming his wings. This time he headed southwest, flying over the European continent, and beyond was the large magma area in the Mid-Atlantic, which was about to become a real of purgatory. (see picture)

Xu Dong didn't know how to describe this mid-Atlantic volcanic rock event. Simply put, it was the large area circled in the picture.

The land around the Central Mountains of Pangea, including southern North America, southwestern Europe, northern Africa, and northern South America, covering an area of ​​11 million square kilometers, will be turned into a lava hell.

Many volcanoes in the Atlantic magma area will continue to erupt for 600,000 years. Magma will cover this large area, forming a special igneous province terrain. No living thing will survive where the lava passes.

The volcano will also emit a large amount of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, causing sudden changes in the climate, sometimes scorching, sometimes cold. All living things in Pangea will always enjoy the baptism of the two heavens of ice and fire.

Hey~ I don’t know if the little red dragon is still in the cedar forest in the easternmost part of North America near Europe, which is also within the Atlantic magma area.

It's been 30 million years, and the cedar forest is probably gone long ago. They should have all moved away. We saw a population of red dragons in Europe eight million years ago, so they should be fine. (see picture)

After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, so Xu Dong decided to go there to see for himself. Anyway, since he could fly, he could go anywhere easily.

Flying all the way in the direction of eastern North America, at Xu Dong's speed, it should take at least ten days to reach the border of North America. I hope the mass extinction will not come so quickly.

Flying hundreds of miles all the way, with Xu Dong's current strength, he can basically hunt as long as they are not pseudocrocodiles and large dinosaurs over four or five meters tall. There is a wide range of predators to choose from, and there is no shortage of food.

Pterosaurs are different. Although small and medium-sized pterosaurs can hunt in the air, they only have sharp mouths as weapons. Their output ability is very poor, so many of them eat fish and scavengers, or they catch small animals based on their size, and their hunting range is narrow. , belongs to relying on the sky to make a living.

Even the Aeolian Pterosaur from 100 million years later was still a mounted infantryman. It flew to search for prey, but had to walk down the ground to catch it. Considering its huge size and clumsy body to catch small animals, it really doesn’t match its majestic and domineering name. and body shape.

Red-scale flying dragons have all four limbs, so they can do all the attacks that land animals can do. Even the attack methods that land animals can't do, they can do it. Their attack power overflows directly, and they can defeat monsters by leapfrogging levels. .

In order to make up for the lack of attack capabilities of pterosaurs, later generations of birds simply gave up their hands and evolved their hind limbs into sharp weapons that could walk, grasp and attack. In this way, they had two weapons, claws and mouths, and their attack capabilities were indeed improved. leap.

Xu Dong once imagined whether birds could fight against pterosaurs if justice from heaven did not wipe out all pterosaurs.

Later, I thought about birds, in addition to their size, in terms of speed, agility in the air, feather protection and insulation capabilities, attack methods and attack strength, they all beat pterosaurs. They really can't beat pterosaurs of the same size.

In the large desert on the northeastern side of North America, Xu Dong suddenly fell down, grabbed the shoulder and tail of a young Horskisaurus, and took it away from the earth. This small dinosaur weighed only 4.4kg, which is considered to be close to Xudong. Load-bearing limit.

It was a bit difficult to carry the struggling little guy to a height of ten meters, but in the end he couldn't bear the strength and threw it down.

The height of ten meters and the cushioning of sand did not succeed in killing this Holsky dragon. It just lay on the desert with its whole body broken and squirming.

The bones were broken, which was no different from death. Xu Dong glided downwards, scraping the back of Horskisaurus with his sharp claws, and opened three bloody grooves on its back from the buttocks to the head. .

Even so, the young Holskisaurus did not die. It was still trembling. Although the life of an ancient creature was short, it was also very tenacious. Xu Dong admired this silent man and fell directly to the ground and cut its neck. , let him be relieved as soon as possible.

It's still the same blue sky and white clouds as always. This creature smaller than its own wingspan can now basically contribute single-digit source matter and components? There is no need to think about it.

After finishing today's breakfast, Xu Dong continued on his way. The desolate desert reminded him of the time when he and the little red dragons migrated. It was so difficult at that time that he almost relied on insects and scorpions to reach the edge of the desert.

In front of the golden desert, a raised sand dune stretches from east to west. It is at least tens of meters high and is considered the tallest among the surrounding sand dunes.

Xu Dong landed on the highest point of the sand dune and was about to rest here. At this time, a small sand scorpion about ten centimeters came out of the sand dune. This small sand scorpion stupidly hit Xu Dong's hind limbs. Knocked to the ground.

The little sand scorpion that got up was very angry, and its two pincers collided with each other to express its dissatisfaction.

However, after it discovered the huge Xu Dong, it immediately became frightened and burrowed into the sand instead, leaving its long scorpion tail dangling outside.

Since when, Xu Dong has become an existence that was once out of reach. The huge Kenshimon, Herrerasaurus, Seven Crocodiles, and Sand Giant Scorpion now stand in front of Xu Dong, and he is completely sure to win. Of.

Thirty million years have passed, and he is no longer the tiny existence of only a dozen centimeters or so. Although he is slow, he has reached the top of the food chain step by step. He is now,

The King of the Sky, Red Scale Flying Dragon!


The hills below began to shake, and countless amounts of yellow sand poured down, causing a sound like a flash flood.


Xu Dong quickly flew into the sky and looked down at the huge sand dune belt below. The yellow sand rolled down, revealing the reddish-brown appearance underneath.

This is? !

Small theater of paleontology: Skisaurus is a small theropod dinosaur, belonging to the superfamily Coelophysis, with a length of more than 1 meter. Skisaurus lived in the early Jurassic. Skisaurus was a primitive agile, bipedal dinosaur. Theropod dinosaur. Skisaurus was about the size of a goose, with a body length of about 1.5 meters, a hip height of about 40 centimeters, and a weight of about 4 to 7 kilograms. Skisaurus may have been an insectivore or a scavenger. Skisaurus had a bird-like body structure with a long, flexible neck. Skisaurus had three toes and strong legs that were as long as its body. The tail and forelimbs are also very long. The clavicle resembles that of birds, a discovery that could support the hypothesis that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Sauruschia - Theropods - Coelophysis - Skisaurus

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