Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 91 Dragon Arrives in Europe

The earth's climate is becoming increasingly dry and hot, and the scene at the beginning of the Triassic is repeated again on Pangea. The forests continue to shrink under the erosion of deserts and the raging fires.

The large area of ​​Northern Europe that is not an island is now a sparse fern plain. Only drought-tolerant plants like ferns can grow vigorously in such an environment.

A small lizard with red scales crawled out of the hole, preparing to find today's food. Due to the change of habitat, the once cyan scales gradually evolved into a red that is closer to the earth.

Velociraptors are a group of little guys who are very good at taking advantage of the environment. They are very clever and know how to adapt. They can eat anything and have strong reproductive capacity. They even have a tendency to catch up with mammals.

Because food is becoming more and more difficult to obtain, this velociraptor can only go further to find something to eat, whether it is insects, stone fern roots, etc., it can fill its stomach.

However, precisely because of the scarcity of food, this little guy was also targeted by predators, and a remnant of the Legoliidae family, the running lizard, targeted it.

Romer's trotter lizard, about 85 centimeters long, is the only remaining member of the Legoliidae family. It is an omnivorous animal. Insects and plants are their main food. They occasionally eat small creatures. Today it is undoubtedly gone. Fortunately, I found this velociraptor.

The lizard gently approached the little lizard looking for food little by little. It was an experienced hunter and had enough patience.

Small animals are very vigilant. If there is any disturbance, the little velociraptor will be frightened away, so it cannot make the slightest sound.

Yeah Yeah

Not far away, a velociraptor that also came out to look for food discovered this sneaky running lizard. It quickly stood up on its feet, jumped and waved its forelimbs, and screamed to warn its fellows that they were in danger. .

The little lizard who received the tip-off from the same kind was startled. He turned his head and suddenly saw the big guy following him. He immediately spread his limbs and ran forward, rushing towards the lizard who had tipped him off.

Although velociraptors live in family units, they are very harmonious among themselves. Sometimes other velociraptors will even provide caves for their own kind to hide from predators.

How could the lizard let the food fly away from its mouth? The environment these days is not good, and food is not easy to make. Only by not letting go of any food in front of you can you survive.


A loud and long cry came from the sky. The sound had just reached my ears, but the wind pressure had already hit the ground. A fast gliding red-scaled flying dragon flew across the plain with a whoosh. When it left again, There is already a running lizard grasped on its limbs.

This red-scale flying dragon is Xu Dong who came over the Ural Mountains.

The powerful wing components, thermal insulation feather scales, constant temperature system and cold-resistant dormant cells make Xu Dong very different from other dragons.

As we all know, the orcs are afraid of heat and the dragons are afraid of cold, so even the pterosaurs cannot fly too high, but the current red-scale flying dragon transcends the concept of dragons and can even be compared with the birds of later generations.

Even if it is a mountain hundreds of meters high, he can still climb over it. Unlike the previous God's perspective, Xu Dong could not feel anything except seeing.

But now, Xu Dong can not only experience the feeling of air flowing through his body, but also hear the whistling wind, touch the water vapor in the clouds, and even feel the gradually cold temperature.

Flying up to the ninth level of the sky, sitting and watching the clouds rolling and relaxing, the ebb and flow of the tide, it is no wonder that Ape erectus is so obsessed with flying, it is really a dreamlike feeling.

Flying over the top of the white snow peak, Xu Dong followed the airflow all the way down. Gravity, potential energy, airflow, and magnetic field merged into one at this moment, helping him reach an unprecedented speed for living creatures, a speed of 120 per hour.

The scales on Xu Dong's body began to tremble slightly, and his eyes were blown into slits by the wind.

Yes, I didn't expect that the red-scaled flying dragon also independently evolved eyelids to resist dust encountered in the air.

The inertia was maintained until Xu Dong flew hundreds of kilometers, and when he arrived at this plain, his speed had dropped to 80km.

But even so, it was too late for the creatures on land to react. When Xu Dong caught the Romer's running lizard, it was still confused and didn't know what happened.

The little lizard that escaped the disaster raised its forelimbs and stood there watching Xu Dongyuan go away. It regained its consciousness after being stunned for a moment, but it was unclear what was going on in its little mind.

Xu Dong didn't even notice the little velociraptor, which was only about ten centimeters below. These descendants were too small for him. He was just a little hungry, so he happened to catch a prey that could move.

Although the Feather Scale Wing has added two jump points to become an extraordinary component, it cannot be too outrageous. It can withstand a maximum weight of 5 kilograms that Xu Dong can grab, which is a Coelophysis Koholsky As for the weight of a dragon, if its body length exceeds 1.5 meters, it is basically overweight.

Small and medium-sized creatures such as dragons are generally on the lighter side, with few weighing more than one kilogram under one meter, and their body weight does not even begin to be measured in tons until their body length reaches seven or eight meters. They are in no way comparable to those mammals of later generations.

Xu Dong pulled the trembling lizard, which was probably afraid of heights, to a height of thirty meters, and then spread all four claws.

After howling for a while, a bang! sound ended its life.

Xu Dong flew to the body of the lizard that had fallen into a corpse. He didn't even need to break the skin. The flesh and blood was already spilling out. Xu Dong only had to use his claws to dig it in and eat it.

Soon the smell of blood attracted the predators on the plain. These predators were not big, and almost none were more than two meters tall. Facing Xu Dong, a monster with a wingspan of three meters, they did not dare to move forward.

At this time, a new theropod, the Takiraraptor, was ready to try its luck. After all, it was only three and a half meters big, so I believe the red-scaled flying dragon would give in to save face.

However, Xu Dong would never give face to any creature. Faced with the roar of Takiraraptor, he flapped his wings and flew up.

Tachiraraptor thought Xu Dong had given in, and was so proud that he wanted to go up and devour the meat.

Who would have thought that Xu Dong suddenly flew to an altitude of 100 meters and glide down directly in the direction of Tachiraraptor.

Under the acceleration of gravity, Xu Dong's speed suddenly reached 50 kilometers per hour. The giant wings flew close, and the Tachiraraptor just raised its head in surprise.

As a result, he faced Xu Dong's swooping claws, and three extremely sharp claws penetrated directly from the chin of the Takiraraptor.

The huge kinetic energy brought the entire dragon into the air, and then it fell backwards. The Tachiraraptor lay on the ground, its hind limbs twitching continuously in pain, and its mouth was unable to make any sounds because its vocal tract was pierced.

After struggling like this for a moment, the Takiraraptor finally fell motionless in a pool of blood.

This move felt good. Xu Dong thought about it and called it the Sky Skill - Red Flame Dragon Attack.

Thanks to Yanlong War Emperor, Mang Xi, and Peerless Pig Trotters for their rewards.

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