Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 9 Metamorphosis

Although they are 200 million years apart, the red rock tuatara is almost the same as the modern tuatara. It still looks like a dull lizard. Although this thing is not a lizard at all, it is no joke to be an antique or a living fossil.

The red rock beak-headed lizard swallowed a whole little red dragon in two clicks. The other little red dragons panicked and ran away in all directions.

Xu Dong looked at this big guy who was five or six times his size. The first thing that came to his mind was not to run away, but to ask, does this guy have enough meat for his tribe to eat?

He shook his small front paw, and the three hooks on the paw trembled slightly. He wanted to try, who was stronger, the bones of this big guy or his own hooks?

The red rock tuatara turned its huge head. With its size and clumsy movement, it couldn't catch up with the running little red dragon.

But among the group of little red dragons running around, there was one standing dumbly. Isn't this food delivered to your door?

The tuatara's almost nonexistent brain could not imagine that food would dare to ambush itself.

So he crawled on all fours quickly, twisted his body around, opened his big mouth and attacked Xu Dong.

Xu Dong's agility was a full 5 points higher than that of an ordinary little red dragon, and the tuatara's clumsy figure seemed to him to be in slow motion.

The moment the big mouth approached, he turned sideways to avoid it. His hook claws, which were already hungry and unbearable, shone with cold light. He activated the red dragon flash, this time aiming at the right forelimb and right hind limb of the red rock tuatara.

There was a sound of Bah!, and although the sharp claws easily cut through the skin of the tuatara, they were stuck in its bones.

Xu Dong miscalculated, and he had no time to worry at this time. He directly invested the remaining six points of essence (2 points of essence earned from hunting the North American Sand Scorpion) into his strength.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. The hook claw that was stuck in the bone exerted force again, and this time directly cut off the bone. Xu Dong's momentum did not slow down, and the hook claw cut into the right hind limb of the tuatara again.

But this time he was smarter and aimed his hook at the junction of its two bones. Cutting off here was much easier than cutting off the entire bone.


There was another crisp sound, which was particularly pleasant to Xu Dong's unformed ears.

He successfully defeated a monster that was five or six times bigger than him. Compared with modern creatures, a Corgi actually defeated a tiger. This is simply an unimaginable miracle.

The tuatara, which had lost one forelimb and one hindlimb, was dead. The two remaining limbs could not support its body at all, and it could only lie down in the wet sand and claw at it.

The severe pain made the tuatara neigh, and blood flowed from the wound, staining it red with the rain in the sand.

The little red dragons that had escaped before smelled the smell of blood and came back to watch, but out of fear of the tuatara, they did not dare to get close for a while.

Xu Dong was speechless for this group of similar animals. No wonder most herbivores, even though they were stronger in size and strength than predators, did not dare to resist and only dared to run away. This fear was already engraved in their bones.

Xu Dong decided to train this group of cowards. He walked to the side of the tuatara and was about to call the tribesmen over. However, the not-dead lizard remained ferocious and tilted its head towards Xu Dong. Bite away.

Naturally, it couldn't sneak up on Xu Dong at this speed, but Xu Dong was angered by the guy's resistance. He raised his hook and pointed it at the tuatara's eye and stabbed it in.

Three long hook claws were inserted from the right eye of the red rock beak, and the left eye was exposed. They retracted with one strike, creating a distance to prevent the beak from counterattacking before it died.

It has to be said that the vitality of sauriformes is indeed tenacious. The old antique tuatara still struggled for half an hour before dying after being penetrated through the head. It was only then that the little red dragons around it approached cautiously.

They surrounded the body of the red rock tuatara to prevent other predators from snatching it. Hundreds of pairs of lizards stared at their great leader Xu Dong. The dead tuatara had to wait until Xu Dong had eaten enough. Get them in turn.

Xu Dong was naturally not polite and enjoyed the lizard meal without hesitation.

The little red dragon was small in size and didn't eat much. Xu Dong ate five or six pieces of meat. After getting 2 points of source material and components, he retreated directly, letting the tribesmen enjoy the flesh and blood of the predator that frightened them. .

After killing the tuatara alone, Xu Dong's prestige among the little red dragons has reached a level where no one dares to question his decision. Even in the rain, the little red dragons are still migrating eastward. keep going.

Crossing the desert is destined to be a difficult and lonely road, with countless dangers waiting for them ahead. If the little red dragon successfully crosses the desert, what will greet them may be a comfortable habitat, or it may be a strange beast. It's a dangerous place, but if you don't break out, there's only one way to die.

The rain in the desert will fall every now and then, making the originally golden desert begin to appear green.

And in such a desert, there is actually a red dragon clan that is constantly walking, leaving a line of small footprints on the moist sand. This is the group of small red dragons led by Xu Dong.

Two years have passed in a hurry, and there are only twenty or thirty small red dragons left in the group that originally numbered hundreds.

Some of the other little red dragons died of old age, some were eaten by various monsters, and a dozen of them ran away on their own because they no longer wanted to follow Xu Dong’s aimless migration. Only these thirty-two. Xiao Chilong has been following Xu Dong with loyalty.

For this reason, Xu Dong specially named them, from Long to Long Saner. Although they didn't know their names at all, this already showed that Xu Dong could clearly distinguish the thirty-two little red dragons.

Two years have allowed Xu Dong to mature rapidly. He is now an experienced predator and a prestigious tribal leader.

Suddenly, Xu Dong, who was walking at the front of the little red dragons, stopped. He whispered towards his kind, and immediately the thirty-two little red dragons dispersed.

Although the two-year migration career reduced the Red Dragon population by four-fifths, it also refined the Red Dragon team.

The little red dragons that have followed Xu Dong so far are all the best among the best, and Xu Dong's countless teachings have finally taught them some collective hunting skills.

Creatures in nature either follow the route of enlargement or the route of quantity. However, many herbivores often run away when they see predators and do not dare to resist when they are eaten.

This illustrates one point. The number without organizational power is just a mob. No matter how large the number of refugees in ancient times was, could they fight against the regular army?

During the two years of migration, Xu Dong specially trained the organization of his little red dragons. Those North American sand scorpions, spiders, and desert red lizards that he could only avoid in the past can now be avoided by the little red dragons. Hunt without Xu Dong's participation.

And Xu Dong didn't teach any complicated moves. After all, with little Chilong's little brain, he couldn't learn any advanced tactics at all.

Xu Dong taught them to be one, spreading and gathering.

The little red dragons spread out to surround the prey and then swarmed up after receiving Xu Dong's order.

It's a very simple strategy. Many predators who act collectively in this era actually use this strategy, but in fact the most important thing is that the pace of attack must be unified.

This is the first time that the thirty-two little red dragons have hunted the big guy, the red rock tuatara. In the past, they had all been killed by Xu Dong. After eating the flesh and blood of the tuatara many times, they were buried in the cave. The fear in the little red dragon's genes has gradually dissipated. This time, it will be their chance to prove themselves.

When ordinary little red dragons realize that they can also kill huge tuatara and position tuatara as food, they will be full of confidence in their abilities and strength, and their ecological niche will naturally increase.

Xu Dong is training his little red dragon in the way of later generations of terrifying predators such as velociraptors and wolves!

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