The North American Sand Scorpion climbed a few steps and then stopped to dig a hole. At this moment, Xu Dong dared to continue approaching.

As close as two meters, this is the limit of the little red dragon's attack distance, and it is also the limit of the sand scorpion's warning range.

Phew! Xu Dong raised his strong hind limbs and sprinted hard. With five points of agility, he was like a red lightning. When the sand scorpion just noticed it and raised its tail, the sharp claws had already scratched its body and tail. interface.

One-hit kill style - Red Dragon Flash!

This is the name Xu Dong gave himself.

However, he missed the first time he took action. The hook cut through the junction of the front and back abdomen but did not completely cut it off. It only sliced ​​open its carapace. However, this also caused enough pain to the North American Sand Scorpion. .

A scorpion can actually survive with a broken tail, but this is only if there is sufficient food. But in nature, without a tail stinger, the scorpion cannot hunt as before and will soon starve to death.

They're all going to starve to death anyway, so it's better to give yourself an advantage.

The North American sand scorpion with a broken tail became very manic, dragging its tail that could no longer be controlled and scurrying around in the sand. Fortunately, Xu Dong was fast and was not thrown away by it.

Just when the Sand Scorpion recovered and was about to hide in the sand, Xu Dong took action again.

Red dragon flash!

This knife aimed directly at the North American Sand Scorpion's eye and chopped off its head with one blow.

The tenacious vitality of the Zerg kept the Sand Scorpion from dying. It crawled forward for a few more meters before stopping. Even after it stopped, its eight appendages continued to twitch.

Xu Dong waited from early morning until noon, when scavenging insects appeared on the corpses, then he approached the North American sand scorpion.

The little red dragon is now only twelve centimeters long, but this sand scorpion is ten centimeters long, and it is about five centimeters even if the meatless tail is removed, which is enough for Xu Dong to have a good meal.

Animals in the desert, due to lack of food, have evolved the ability to withstand hunger. They can often starve for ten days and a half after a full meal.

After the little red dragon is full, it can go without eating or drinking for more than ten days. A sand scorpion can last for more than ten days. I feel that this is enough food reserve for the little red dragons to go out of the desert.

Xu Dong finished eating the sand scorpion that he had killed with his own hands, but was unlucky and didn't even get any essence.

Returning to the settlement, he summed up the lessons learned from this battle. Although his speed was enough, his strength was obviously not enough, otherwise he would not have been able to cut through the sand scorpion's abdominal carapace.

Also, the hook claw is too short. If it encounters larger prey, it will not be able to kill it with one strike. It may only scratch a few wounds. However, it is more effective if the scorpion tail is not cut off in this battle.

The clumsy North American sand scorpions will explode at terrifying speeds after their tails are chopped off, but a tail that cannot be raised can slow down their escape speed and even prevent them from burrowing into the sand.

Xu Dong has been practicing his unique skill Red Dragon Flash for the next few days. After many adjustments and exercises, he can now run away from ten meters away and cut off the heads of stupid scorpions with one knife before they can react.

Yes, if you can kill it with one knife, you don’t need two swords. It’s a waste of energy. The scorpion with its head cut off can run a few meters at most, and you can have a scorpion feast in less than half an hour.

Xu Dong used his claws to pierce the sand scorpion's tail and dragged it towards the settlement. The rain in the sky still didn't stop. It had been raining for the past few days.

The Carnian flood event did not mean that it rained every day for two million years. It was more like raining every three to five times during the rainy season.

And the first game at the beginning will naturally be longer.

The desert area where I stay is actually facing heavy rains. Turning the desert into a rainforest is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. Other places are not so lucky.

From a macro perspective, the Carnian flood event brought life to the entire Pangea continent, but from the perspective of ordinary organisms, wouldn't it be a catastrophe?

For example, the conodontoid creature that resembles the teeth of a Resident Evil zombie has a mouth full of sharp teeth and a split head. It could become a classic monster in a horror movie. This kind of creature escaped the end-Permian mass extinction and died in the end. The heavy rain in Nigeria is quite unlucky.

Considering the helplessness of the terrifying upright apes in the face of the great flood and the fear etched deep in their memories, it is normal for many prehistoric creatures to be unable to bear it.

Dragging the sand scorpion's body back to its habitat, a Gobi cave, most of the little red dragons still stayed in the cave and refused to go out. A few of them who didn't have enough food reserves in their stomachs went out to hunt. Xu Dong relied on his size and speed to With three advantages in strength, he has become the leader of this small group.

The creatures in the desert are familiar with the drought and heat of the desert. If it rains for only a few hours or a day, everyone will be very happy. However, it has been raining for four or five days in a row. Many little red dragons who are not used to wet rain are sick. He collapsed, and even if he was not sick, he would not go out on such a day.

This situation seriously affected Xu Dong's migration process.

He threw the body of the sand scorpion to the young red dragons in the group. Looking at the only six new species, he was worried. The fertility rate of the small red dragon population had dropped to the bottom, and they must leave the desert as soon as possible.

The first heavy rain of the Carnian period was particularly long-lasting and lasted for ten days, covering Pangea from south to north and east to west.

When the rain cleared and the sun reappeared, the warm climate washed away the humidity of Pangea, and the white water vapor made the entire continent foggy.

The Little Red Dragon clan finally walked out of the cave and headed eastward under the leadership of Xu Dong. Most of North America is now desert, but Europe to the east is on the Tethys Sea, with forests, freshwater rivers, and wetlands that are rare on the mainland. Top-notch ecosystem.

That's where the ancestor of the pterosaur flew into the sky for the first time, but modern people still haven't discovered what kind of creature the ancestor of the pterosaur was.

The mainstream view is that Skerosaurus, which lived in the late Triassic, may be a close relative of the ancestors of pterosaurs, and the ancestors of pterosaurs may have evolved from species between Skerosaurus and Legosuchus.

Kongnai Lizard and Skelerosaurus, this is Xu Dong's goal in the future and his hope to fly into the blue sky.

Migration in the desert is destined to be lonely and small. In the vast desert, hundreds of little red dragons are like a drop in the ocean, rising and falling in the sand waves.

The little red dragons had just walked east for two days when it started to rain again. The rain made the entire group look listless, and no one wanted to brave the rain.

In fact, most of the little red dragons don't want to migrate with Xudong. The animal's short-sightedness prevents them from seeing the coming crisis. They only know how to muddle along and have a full meal.

However, because Xu Dong was so good at fighting, the little red dragons dared not speak out in anger, so they had to follow him obediently.

But at this time, a big monster happened to attack.

Said to be a big monster, it is actually just a 70-centimeter red rock tuatara. This kind of old antique of the same race will not show mercy to the little red dragon just because they are relatives. The most common thing in their diet is the desert red lizard.


The red rock beak that was hiding in the sand jumped out, opened its mouth and easily bit a small red dragon in its mouth. The nearby small red dragons were frightened and ran away.

This is nature, where the strong eat people and the weak are eaten. Since we have chosen to develop towards the bottom ecological niche, this is what often happens.

Skerosaurus may be a close relative of the ancestor of pterosaurs, sauriformes - archosaurs - ornithopod archosaurs - pterosaurs (doubtful) - Skerosauridae - genus Skerosaurus.

Skelerosaurus is a small animal that is good at walking. It lived in Scotland in the late Triassic period. It is about 18.1 cm in length and has quite long hind limbs. It is speculated that it can walk on two or four legs and bounce between branches to hunt insects. It is possible to fly into the sky while jumping.

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