Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 10 I crossed mountains, rivers and deserts

At this time, the Red Rock Rhythosaurus was leisurely eating the tender grass that had grown in the desert. It was an omnivore, eating both grass and meat. The plants that sprouted from the ground were smaller than those in the desert. Animals are much easier to catch.

The little red dragons took their positions and successfully surrounded the red rock tuatara in the center. Xu Dong, who was standing on the sand pile, saw the circle forming and immediately neighed.

The short and hoarse calls are received by the little red dragons. The unique inner ear structure of the red dragon family allows them to receive the calls of other similar species.

Immediately, thirty-two little red dragons ran with all their strength and rushed towards the tuatara.

The red rock beak that was eating grass at this time was so shocked that it forgot to chew. It had never seen anything like this before.

In the past, when I preyed on these little guys, they would always run away when they saw me, and when would this little guy, who was only ten centimeters tall, dare to provoke me?

The tuatara immediately opened its mouth and hissed to express its authority. In the past, as long as it screamed like this, the small animal group would collapse.

But what they encountered this time was not the rabble they once had. These thirty-two little red dragons were regular troops trained so hard by Xu Dong.

Dragon One, the fastest runner, was the first to approach, located on the hind limbs of the tuatara. It aimed at the short legs of the tuatara.

But this tuatara was not easy to deal with. He took a step forward with his hind limbs and swept his tail towards the dragon.

The reckless Long Yi was running too fast and had no time to brake. He was hit in the head by the tuatara's tail. His teeth were shattered and blood spurted out. He fell to the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Although Long 1 fell, it also created an opportunity for the other little red dragons to attack the tuatara. Dragon 2, Long 13, Long 22 and other five little red dragons pounced on the tuatara at the same time. The tuatara only had time to use its big mouth. He bit Ryuuji who was attacking his head.

The other little red dragons jumped on various parts of the tuatara, and launched crazy claw attacks and bites on the giant beast.

The defensive power of the tuatara's skin may not be as good as that of the big straw bag Ken's beast. It could not withstand the crazy attacks of thirty small red dragons. Countless bloody wounds, large and small, suddenly appeared on its body.

The severe pain made the tuatara go berserk, slapping and biting the little red dragon on its body in an unorganized manner.

But after the initial trial, the little red dragons with increasing experience quickly took advantage of their speed, making it impossible for the tuatara to shoot or bite them.

The annoying little red dragon made the tuatara even more crazy. It roared and raised its forelimbs, stood upright on its feet, and then quickly couldn't bear the forelimbs and pressed them down again.

Long Nineteen happened to fall off the back of the tuatara, and unfortunately it was directly crushed to death by the tuatara.

This time it seemed that all the strength of the tuatara had been exhausted, and there was no suspense in the subsequent battle. The scarred tuatara finally collapsed under the load.

The little red dragons were so excited that they began to tear the blood directly from the body of the tuatara that was not completely dead. The moaning and screaming of the red rock tuatara that was unable to struggle became lower and lower, until it finally fell into silence. .

It has to be said that the hunting speed of the little red dragons is too slow, and the strong smell of blood has already spread out, which is bound to attract other predators.

No, a large worm with a mouthpart over one meter wide jumped out of the sand and drew a perfect arc in the air. When it fell, it opened its mouth and swallowed the tuatara and two small red dragons. After landing, it It burrowed into the sand and disappeared.

The Triassic was filled with all kinds of weird species. In his previous life, Xu Dong had only seen the legend of the Mongolian Death Worm on the Internet, but he didn't expect to see the real thing in the Triassic 200 million years ago.

Just as Xu Dong was about to summon the little red dragons to join together, the sand surface cracked open again, and the death worms attacked again, this time directly swallowing four or five little red dragons.

Xu Dong's lizard eyes narrowed, this big guy seemed to be targeting his own clan.

Xu Dong jumped directly from the sand pile and screamed in a low voice, ordering the little red dragons to gather towards him, adopt a dispersed formation, and start a several-kilometer death rally with the big worm under the desert.

The big worm occupies an advantageous location, and every time it jumps out, it always takes away one or two small red dragons. The small red dragons ran like this on the sand in the rain for more than half an hour, and the death worm also persisted in chasing for this long.

Xu Dong was very angry at the big bug's insatiable greed but was helpless. The bug had obviously eaten a lot but still refused to give up. It seemed that he would not stop until he had eaten them all.

If there was a rocky ground like the Gobi, the death worms would not be able to be so rampant. Unfortunately, after running for so long, all they saw was desert, not even a piece of Gobi.

However, Gobi didn't see it, but there was a little red dragon neighing for help from Xu Dong. Xu Dong turned around and saw that it was Long Qi. At this time, its two hind paws were stuck in the sand and could not move.


Xu Dong suddenly had a plan in his mind. What would happen if the death worm was allowed to burrow into the quicksand?

So he called on the other little red dragons to continue to scatter and escape, but he ran to Long Qi, preparing to rescue it.

On one side are the little red dragons that are sparsely separated, and on the other side are two little red dragons that stay together. With such a simple comparison, a greedy guy like Death Worm naturally knows which side to choose.

Sure enough, the huge worm jumped up again and fell directly towards Xu Dong and Long Qi.


Xu Dong immediately moved away, leaving Long Qi unable to move and swallowed whole by the death worm.

But when it burrowed into the sand, it felt something was wrong. The sand was too wet, sticky, and heavy, making it very difficult for the big worm to wriggle.

Death worms like dry, clear-grained, golden deserts. Only this kind of terrain allows them to crawl and hunt more freely.

But with the arrival of the Carni rainy season, the sand has become wet, which makes the worms very uncomfortable. What's even more annoying are the stubborn plants. After absorbing the water, they start to grow wildly. They are huge in number and have dense roots, which seriously hinders the growth of the worms. Crawl speed.

This death worm has been starving for two years. It finally waited for a wave of food. Of course, it pursued it relentlessly and refused to give up.

The resistance of the quicksand could not trap the worm for long. Xu Dong immediately called the little red dragons and took this opportunity to escape quickly. In this kind of terrain, the death worm was completely invincible, and he had no intention of fighting back.

Xu Dong didn't have time to count how many lizards he had left, and he didn't care about distinguishing the front, back, left, and right. As long as he could get away from this desert as quickly as possible, the better.

After running for a long time, many little red dragons lost their strength and fell behind. Xu Dong didn't know if the danger still existed, and he didn't dare to wait. He could only reluctantly abandon these brothers and continue to go further.

The rain stopped.

The weather is also sunny.

The vision became clearer, but the sound of running water still lingered in Xu Dong's inner ears that had never grown.

Auditory hallucinations caused by raining for too long?

No, that's not right.

Xu Dong seemed hesitant, hesitant, or even unbelievable. He had been migrating in the desert for so long that he couldn't believe that such a possibility was in front of him.

When the little red dragons around them saw that their leader was not moving, they took advantage of the situation and sat down to rest. Since hunting the tuatara, the little red dragons had not rested for nearly half a day, and they were all very tired.

Xu Dong called out to signal them to continue resting, and he wanted to explore the way ahead.

As Xu Dong got closer and closer, the sound of water became clearer and clearer. From the murmuring sound at first, to the roaring sound later, when the rushing river appeared in front of Xu Dong's eyes, he was finally sure.


Out of the desert!

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