Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 7 The big change is coming

The Carnian flood event is an unavoidable topic in the Triassic. The rainy seasons of these two million years have changed too many things.

The Triassic was a sad era that began with one mass extinction and ended with another.

In particular, the mass extinction at the end of the Permian was the largest disaster that life on Earth has ever encountered since entering the Phanerozoic. Its impact and lasting impact on the biosphere far exceeds that of all other mass extinction events, so much so that if there is no attributive preceding it, the singular noun Mass Extinction refers specifically to this catastrophe.

About 75% of the species in the terrestrial ecosystem became extinct, and the hegemony of the Synapsids was ended. The situation in the ocean was even more tragic. About 96% of the species became extinct, and the once prosperous and rich shallow-sea reefs were wiped out. Over the next 8 million years, the metazoan reefs, made up of corals, bryozoans, brachiopods and crinoids, disappeared from the fossil record.

When this catastrophe ended, all that was left was a desolate world.

In the subsequent Triassic Period, most of the 50 million years were in an environment of drought, heat, and lack of food.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains, floods, hurricanes, earth, fire, water and wind all come to life, and in such a world, living is already extremely difficult.

However, the ancestors of the beast race and dragon race were tenacious and unyielding in such an environment, and evolved into countless races in later generations.

When the Carnian heavy rains came, they finally brought moisture and vitality to the land that had been thirsty for 16 million years, and also brought new changes.

Xu Dong looked up at the sky, and the rain hit his lizard face and his red scales, washing away the dirt all over the little red dragon's body.

Looking around, the little red dragons of the same race were jumping up and down one by one, opening their mouths to greedily drink the rain sent by the gods. They had been in the dry desert for too long, and they had never seen such heavy rain. And when? You can drink as much water as you want.

Not only the little red dragons were happy, countless arthropods, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and other insects, as well as other strange-looking animals emerged from the sand and the Gobi to enjoy this rare sight. of heavy rain.

Soon, they had enough water and the animals were about to eat. At this moment, what was still a barren sandy land before the rain was now filled with countless animals.

Needless to say, this situation was another bloody storm. Small bugs were eaten by big bugs, and big bugs were eaten by small red dragons and small synapsids. The small red dragon had to avoid the largest lizard in the desert. A seventy-centimeter-long red rock tuatara.

At that time, Xu Dong was holding a strange-shaped big spider in his mouth, ready to devour it. After staying in the Triassic for so many days, Xu Dong would hardly despise anything edible anymore. In this arid desert, food and water are all important. More important than anything else.

But before he could swallow it, he was surrounded by a bunch of panicked red dragons and ran away.

Because here comes their larger cousin, the tuatara.

It's just that they don't come to visit to say hello, but they are ready to eat their relatives skin and bones in one go.

The 70-centimeter red rock tuatara was almost six times the size of today's small red dragons, and it took no effort to eat them.

The chaotic fighting in the desert continued for a long time, and the rain continued to fall. The Little Red Dragon clan left this chaotic land under the leadership of Xu Dong. The number of Little Red Dragons was small and they could no longer withstand the consumption. When they left, On the battlefield, Xu Dong took stock of the battle reports and found that the original population of hundreds of small red dragons had been reduced by at least ten.

The desert is too cruel and it can no longer be as chaotic as before. Xu Dong is determined to leave the desert with his tribe and seize an ecological niche in other areas.

Xu Dong has a good sense of direction. According to the Pangea restoration map he saw online, the Eurasian massif is to the east of North America. It is on the Tethys Sea and the ecological environment is much better than that of North America.

You can't go without food all the way east. Xu Dong is targeting a kind of insect that was not on the little red dragon's diet before.

Arthropods, chelicerate subphylum, Arachnida, order Scorpion, North American sand scorpion. This insect is about ten centimeters long. It is no different from the scorpions in previous lives. For ancient creatures like scorpions, except that they become larger and smaller in size, Nothing else will change significantly.

The North American sand scorpion is black in color, with a hard carapace on its back and a long venomous stinger on its tail. It feeds on small insects and is a very common insect in the desert.

But why didn’t the little red dragon eat North American sand scorpions before?

The reason is that the North American sand scorpions have terrible poisonous stings and large pincers. Even if they avoid these two weapons, their shells are still very hard. The teeth of the little red dragon cannot easily bite their carapace, which makes it easy for the sand scorpion to bite them. The scorpion stung, but the little red dragon couldn't bear the poison of the sand scorpion.

But now, Xu Dong is here.

He spotted a sand scorpion that was crawling unscrupulously on the sand. Ordinary creatures did not dare to mess with them. This created a situation in the desert where scorpions were king.

Xu Dong is not a reckless person. His ability to prey on sand scorpions lies in the speed with which he can stand upright and his claws as sharp as a knife.

After changing from a little red lizard to a little red dragon, his body has changed, and the 11 points of agility and 3 points of strength that were originally added are naturally gone. Fortunately, the system can return half of it, allowing Xu Dong to gain another 7 points of source quality, plus After transforming the remaining 2 points, Xu Dong now has a total of 9 points of essence.

The large prehistoric predators were assassins. Assassins were all about killing with one hit, and agility was the key.

The little red dragon itself is much faster than the sand scorpion. Now Xu Dong has added 5 points in agility, which can prevent predators from even seeing their shadows.

call out

A red shadow flashed, followed by a black light, and the originally good piece of sandstone was chopped into pieces by Xu Dong.

Two seconds! That should be enough.

After two days of practice, Xu Dong had completely mastered the one-hit killing technique, and it was time to take action against the real Sand Scorpion.

The first opponent chooses an adult individual of ten centimeters whose carapace has completely turned black, because juvenile sand scorpions are very stubborn, their carapace has not yet hardened, they are very fast, and they like to get together.

Adult individuals are different. After shedding their skin many times, their carapace has become very hard, but their speed has also reached its slowest. They also like to move alone, making them the best targets for Xu Dong.

At this moment, this adult North American sand scorpion is digging leisurely in the sand, trying to dig out the hidden bugs and feast on them.

Little did he know that not far to the side, a small lizard that blended in with the desert was sneaking towards it.

one hundred meters,

North American sand scorpions dig into the sand without noticing.

fifty meters,

North American sand scorpions seem to dig through the sand a little faster.

twenty meters,

The sand scorpion's large pincers stopped digging, clicked the two pincers twice and walked away.

Xu Dong was startled and stood there without daring to move. Only then did he realize what a stupid decision he made eight hundred thousand years ago by standing upright on both feet.

Although the ability to stand upright on two feet has been very strong in the hundreds of millions of years since then, this is only possible in sheltered terrains such as rainforests, forests, plains, grasslands, etc. In vast terrains like deserts, standing upright on two feet cannot even be concealed. .

No wonder the little red dragon is almost extinct. It turned out to be my own mistake.

Fortunately, the sand scorpion had poor eyesight and did not notice Xu Dong twenty meters away. It just couldn't find any insects in the sand and was preparing to dig another hole.

Xu Dong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and did not think about what was available and what was not available. Food was the capital of survival.

two meters,

One-hit kill style - Red Dragon Flash!

The tuatara, also called the wedge-toothed lizard, belongs to the class Sauromorpha-Lepidosaurus-the order Trout-headed Lizardidae-the genus Trout, which has continued from the early Triassic period to modern times.

It looks like a large lizard, with an olive-brown body, granular scales on its back, and a light-sensitive eye in each eye.

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