Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 77 The Pit of Death

This is a large crater with a radius of hundreds of miles, about the size of Qinhuangdao in later generations. At first Xu Dong thought it was hit by a meteorite. However, as he flew closer and closer, he felt more and more disgusted. He knew that this place was It's not that simple.

When Xu Dong flew into the big pit from the sky, a feeling of extreme sadness and world-weariness suddenly emerged in his heart, as if living in the world had no meaning at all, and only death was the only solution. When this sadness and despair The emotion reached its extreme, Xu Dong even fell from the air, lay down at the bottom of the pit and vomited.

It was such a terrifying emotion. Xu Dong even wanted to kill him directly, but he was still stopped by his strong willpower. He wanted to find out what was going on in this big hole.

When he flew up again and looked inside the pit, an astonishing scene appeared. The bottom of the pit here was full of corpses, including Lystrosaurus, Crocodylus, Rhythosaurus, Lowe's crocodile, and many other fundamental elements of the dinosaur family. The bones of an unrecognizable creature.

Although it cannot be said that the entire pit is covered, there will be one almost every few meters. These bones are extremely well preserved and there is no sign of being chewed. If one or two of them are like this, it is okay, but when you look up, there are almost This is true for all the skeletons, proving that they were not hunted to death.

If not killed by predators, then died by natural disasters?

But after seeing some corpses that had not yet rotted, Xu Dong rejected this guess. It was obvious at a glance that these creatures did not die at the same time. After all, the water dragon and the Herrerasaurus were tens of millions of years apart. Maybe there are natural disasters that last tens of millions of years?

So, how did they die? And why did he die here? And what is this feeling of disgust and despair?

There are really too many mysteries in this big pit.

Xu Dong chose to fly up a section along the edge of the pit to see if there were any clues. Soon he found the body of a dinosaur that had just died. It was a three-dimensional Elbepterygospondylus belonging to the superfamily Coelophysis. A small to medium-sized predator with a length of only 1.8 meters, it lay quietly at the bottom of the pit dozens of meters away from the edge of the pit.

There were many carnivorous dinosaurs at the bottom of the pit, so there was nothing surprising about it. But what made Xu Dong pay attention was that the carnivorous dinosaur did not even take a bite of the surrounding corpses before it died.

Yes, not a bite. It can be seen from the corpses of the vegetarian dinosaurs around them that they were all naturally decayed, with no trace of any bites on them.

What made a carnivorous dinosaur die in a place full of flesh and blood without taking a bite? When did they have such strong self-control?

Xu Dong, who was getting more and more curious, heard a long cry. After spending so many days together, he immediately recognized that it was the cry of the Triassic dragons.

They also came here. Did they scream because the pit was too big to pass through? Xu Dong chose to go back and take a look.

It has to be said that flying is faster. With all his strength, Xu Dong quickly saw those huge figures.

I saw more than a dozen giant dragons standing on the wall of the pit, chirping one after another, their voices distant and sad. In front of them, at the bottom of the pit, were two giant dragons that were 20 meters long. They were among this group of giant dragons. The two largest of the dragons.

At this moment, Xu Dong seemed to understand how the creatures in this big pit died, and why the Triassic dragons traveled across mountains and rivers to get here.

They are bidding farewell to their elders who are about to die, and this is their final resting place.

In the midst of these sad calls, the two largest giant dragons did not look back, said nothing, held their heads high, and walked farther and farther into the depths of the pit with firm steps.

After seeing off their elders, the Triassic dragons on the pothole turned around and reluctantly left here. They will continue to return to their original lives until they reach that moment.

Although I knew this was a huge cemetery, I still couldn't explain why the creatures chose this place to die, and where the extreme sadness and despair in this pit came from.

Flying followed two Triassic giant dragons, and the ground was still full of corpses and bones. The two giant dragons walked very slowly, very slowly. Although they did not speak, they could still feel their attachment to each other.

But the journey has an end, just like life, it will come to an end.

The two Triassic giant dragons have finally come to the end, whether it is road or life. In an empty flat land without corpses, one giant dragon bent its forelimbs and slowly lay down on the ground, while the other one lowered its head close to the ground. That one, gently stroking it.

However, the Triassic dragon that fell on the ground only opened its eyes slightly, and after several attempts, it finally failed to open them again.

The Triassic dragon that was still standing gave a sad low cry, slowly lay down next to the other dragon, nestled its head on its neck, and slowly closed its eyes.

Finally, I left, and Xu Dong was the only one to explore the next road.

Xu Dong couldn't help but sigh, it fell on the Triassic dragon, and wondered if he should leave something for them?

I found a stone slab and engraved two Q-versions of the Triassic dragons on it, put their heads together, and in the air above them was a flying witness, the red-scaled flying dragon.

Xu Dong witnessed that the two giant dragons never left each other, and they walked into death together.

He buried the stone slab between the two giant dragons. Xu Dong jumped up with both feet, flapped his wings and continued to fly towards the center of the pit.

The two Triassic dragons had just died, and there were no wounds on their bodies. Xu Dong could not break through their skins, so he decided to wait until he came out after exploring the pit before eating the soft dragon meat.

Looking down at the large pit from the air, the number of corpses at the bottom of the pit decreases as you go deeper, but each one is a giant. If you pick any one, it is a giant beast ten meters tall. Just looking at the bones, it is difficult for Xu Dong to recognize them. What species are they?

It would be great if there were still some that were not rotten. Even if there was only a little bit left, Xu Dong would eat it directly regardless of his nausea. After all, they were all large creatures measuring ten meters tall, and they were absolutely terrifying existences in life.

Continuing to fly eastward, the corpses were sparse, and it took a while to even see one, and they were all creatures that had been dead for a long time, so Xu Dong couldn't take any advantage.

This feeling was like a treasure hunter who entered the treasure mountain and returned empty-handed. How could this be possible? Xu Dong began to expand the search area. He still didn't believe that it was so big here that he couldn't find a giant beast that could be eaten.

Finally, Huangtian paid off, and Xu Dong finally saw a corpse that had been rotting for a long time, but there were still some sporadic stench and rotten black meat left.

Judging from the bones, this giant beast was at least twenty meters long, which was completely outside of Xu Dong's cognition range. Regardless of what kind of creature it was, with its size, it was definitely a ruthless character.

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