Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 76 Walking with the Dragon

Although the Triassic dragons were huge, they were not very fast. Xu Dong chased them for a long time and finally caught up with them by the lake.

A dozen Triassic giant dragons lowered their long necks, put their little heads close to the lake, and drank the water with their tongues. However, the predators in the water, the plant dragons, only dared to watch from a distance and did not hunt at all. thoughts.

When the size of a creature reaches a certain level, even if the creature has no fangs, claws, or armor, it can still stand proudly in the Paleozoic Era, and no one dares to mess with it. It has opened up a third place from the two development routes of stacking armor and storming. road.

Sauropods are the dinosaurs that have evolved this path to the extreme. Therefore, these giant dragons have no predators that can prey on them. As long as they survive the initial juvenile stage, they can basically reach their old age safely and die.

While the others were lowering their heads to drink water, Xu Dong quickly climbed onto the back of a Triassic dragon along its hind legs as thick as a tree trunk.

Xu Dong's body length is only 40 centimeters. To this group of 16 to 20 meter big guys, he is just a little ant.

The skin of the Triassic dragon is very tough, not as sensitive and fragile as human skin. The striped skin cannot be broken even if Xu Dong chops, stabs or bites it.

After trying it for a while, Xu Dong gave up the idea of ​​cutting open the skin and tasting the dragon meat, and was ready to settle down and do his job as a dragon knight.

But the Triassic dragon under him was not too happy. Xu Dong's scratching and stabbing not only did not cause any harm to it, but made it very comfortable. Now Xu Dong stopped, this 18-meter-level dragon He turned his head slightly and said woo—— twice in dissatisfaction.

Xu Dong was speechless. He felt extremely insulted. It was really that his all-out attack was just scratching an itch. . .

Soon the Triassic dragons ignored Xu Dong. They raised their heads after drinking the water and continued their journey. Xu Dong didn't know where they were going. Anyway, they just stayed on the back of the dragon, and they didn't care about it. A little guy.

The hip height of the Triassic dragon is about 2.5 or more. Standing on it is like standing on the second floor and looking at the scenery. It's nothing special. When Xu Dong still had wings, he could fly even higher, but the advantage is that it doesn't require any effort and it's free. What else is demanding about buses?

Xu Dong soon regretted it, because the group of Triassic dragons stopped to eat leaves again. This was already their seventh meal today.

Their huge bodies require enough energy to support them, and plants cannot provide as much energy as meat, so they can only lengthen the esophagus and enlarge the stomach to strengthen digestion. In addition, they eat and eat all day long, successfully creating Such a land titan.

They didn't think anything and ate while walking, but Xu Dong felt that they were walking too slowly. Thank God that they could walk ten kilometers a day.

While they were eating, Xu Dong crawled down and went to look for food.

This time it aimed at a small rhinoceros, a bamboo rat-like creature with two fangs that was once very prosperous before the Noli period and could compete with the water dragon Kenshin's for supremacy.

If the water dragon Ken's beast is a big straw bag, then they are a small straw bag. The water dragon Ken's beast provides sufficient meat for large predators, then they provide meat for small and medium-sized creatures.

It is true that snakes have their own way and rats have their own way. As long as there is no conflict in ecological niches, there is basically no dispute.

Now is the final Regeneration period of the Triassic. They have lost their former glory and are already on the verge of extinction at any time. You are lucky to see one here.

Time passed, and Xu Dong suddenly sighed when he remembered that he had seen a large number of them in the ferns back then, but now there were only a few left.

This group of old guys have experienced the Carnian flood event, the Carnian-Retian extinction event, and the meteorite impact event four million years ago (i.e., the Eye of Quebec crater in Canada) and are physically and mentally exhausted.

Of course, these are not the main reasons. The most important ones are the extinction of the two-pronged fern and the competition of the vegetarian dinosaurs. It is estimated that they will be completely extinct before long.

Xu Dong sent this old man on the road with a paw. The Triassic was too bitter and the water was dire. It was better to die early and be reborn.

If my own race had not survived the mass extinction seven million years later, it would have been like this.

After eating prehistoric bamboo rats, Xu Dong continued to keep up with the Triassic dragons. They walked so slowly that Xu Dong could catch up easily without much effort.

He had been following this group of big guys for more than ten days, and it was estimated that he had only walked more than a hundred kilometers. Xu Dong's wings had recovered in advance before he had gone very far.

It stood on the back of the 18-meter giant dragon that it was familiar with, raised its seven pairs of feather scale wings, and the feather scales shone in the sun. It flapped its wings, soared into the sky, and flew up to the long-lost place. blue sky.

Xu Dong fluttered in the air like a butterfly that had not yet appeared. Sometimes he soared upwards and struck the sky like an eagle, sometimes downwards he stepped lightly on the top of the giant dragon's head like a dragonfly touching water, and jumped into the tree crown.

At this time, the 18-meter giant dragon that had been Xu Dong's mount for more than ten days was gnawing on the young leaves on the top of the tree without any reaction. It rolled countless leaves into its mouth with its tongue. , very cute.

The Triassic was an era when gymnosperms flourished. The tops of tall pine and fir trees were places where no living thing could touch them. Even Plasosaurus could only eat leaves on the branches.

The emergence of the Triassic dragons was to fill the gap in this ecological niche, and made the sauropods grow longer and longer, breaking through the limit of what terrestrial creatures could grow and becoming a veritable titanosaur.

Except for legends, of course.

With the wings, Xu Dong felt at ease, and his hunting range expanded. When he was searching for food in the surrounding area, he suddenly discovered a large pit. On the plain full of ferns, there was such a large open space without ferns. , right on the path that the Triassic dragon must pass.

Xu Dong was about to fly over to see what was going on with the big pit. However, the closer he got to the big pit, the more disgusted he felt, as if this place was some kind of uncomfortable and disgusting place.

He was obviously very interested in the big pit, but his instinct drove him to stay away. It was not the instinct of danger perception, but the instinct full of disgust and rejection.

If it were other creatures driven by instinct, they would have turned around and left at this time, but Xu Dong did not only have instincts, he also had his own consciousness. This contradictory feeling only made his curiosity more intense. He wanted to take a look. , there is something weird about this big pit.

But when it really entered this big pit that was hundreds of miles from east to west, Xu Dong was shocked and speechless. What on earth is going on here? !

Thanks to franklin101, Blue Melancholy for the tip.

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