Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 78 Strange Pillar

Flying over this corpse that had been rotting for a long time, the bones exuded an unpleasant smell, but this was the smell in this large pit, and Xu Dong was used to it.

Ninety-nine percent of the flesh and blood of this corpse had rotted away, leaving only sporadic black flesh.

This large pit is very strange. The decomposer bugs that are found everywhere are not found here. They rely entirely on natural slow decomposition and corrosion, and the decay rate is much slower than in the outside world.

Even though the body looked like this, it had probably been lying here for several months.

Do you really want to eat this black and smelly rotten meat? Xu Dong couldn't help but hesitate.

However, thinking of the size of this big guy, Xu Dong made up his mind and grabbed the remaining small piece of meat that had not melted.

Holding back his nausea, he swallowed the black, hairy carrion, which was as soft as tofu.

[Acquired component: Food storage accessory stomach of Crocodile crocodile]

Xu Dong's eyes lit up, but then a sense of nausea rushed straight to his forehead, making him unable to help but vomit and vomited out all the food he had eaten today. This is the self-protection mechanism in the body to prevent dangerous things. Bacteria invade the body and cause damage.

Although his body was uncomfortable, Xu Dong was in a very good mood. It was really a big profit to spend a day of discomfort to replace this component.

In fact, just by the name, you can tell what this component does. It is equivalent to having an extra granary in the body, which can make living things more resistant to hunger and have stronger standby capabilities. One section is better than six sections.

Of course, there are no creatures in later generations that store fat energy in three seasons and hibernate in winter. However, due to frequent natural disasters, Mother Nature gets angry at every turn, and creatures have also come up with various coping methods.

For example, the long-backed crocodile, which is unheard of in Xudong, should be called a pseudosuchian, or simply a larger species of crocodile. In order to make itself hungry, it has evolved a second stomach specifically for storing food. .

After recovering for a while, Xu Dong continued to move towards the depths of the pit, but he saw no rotting corpses along the way, and there were no components or source materials that could be used for free.

After flying for a whole day, the bottom of the pit became deeper and deeper, and the bones of the creatures became fewer and fewer. In the end, not even a single one could be seen.

It was dark, and another night had arrived. No living things would come to this pit. Xu Dong found a place at the bottom of the pit to sleep, preparing to continue moving forward tomorrow.

As soon as it got dark the next day, Xu Dong got up and continued flying. He was not big now. In fact, he would not die from starvation for a few days. It was just that the feeling of hunger was uncomfortable. As he flew, a stick appeared in front of him. With the black pillars rising straight into the sky, Xu Dong knew that he had arrived.

If an equally strange thing is found in a strange place, then there is no doubt that this strange thing is most likely the source of the strangeness.

As Xu Dong approached, this strange long black pillar became clearer and clearer. It was a pillar with complex patterns carved on it, just like a totem pole.

Triassic? Totem pole? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't match. In such an ancient era, it would be more appropriate to have murals like Xu Dong's.

Flying in front of the black pillar, I realized how huge the pillar was. Xu Dong circled it in a circle. It was estimated to be a hundred meters in diameter, and the height was even more amazing. One end was inserted into the bottom of the pit, and the other end went straight into the sky. There was no trace of it at all. How high.

The black pillars were carved with distorted images and words. With Xu Dong's shallow archaeological knowledge, he couldn't recognize what these words were saying, but the pictures could still be seen.

He stretched out his paw and touched the thick black stick slightly, and gently rubbed the dust off the pillar. He saw a very vivid picture, a large pit with a pillar inserted in the center. It can be said that it was very restored.

Looking at the rest, a crescent moon is broken into two parts?

can't read.

Weird comb?

what is this?

What is this?

Xu Dong looked confused and just wanted to say, although I couldn't understand it, I was shocked.

What super ancient civilization is it? Or maybe aliens? Even in the later era of the erect ape, there are still many things that cannot be explained on the earth, let alone the current era of paleontology driven purely by instinct.

While Xu Dong was observing attentively, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Dong immediately turned his head and was shocked to find a huge appendage rushing out of the soil. This appendage was long and thin, just like a spider's legs.


The soil fell, the rocks rolled, and a huge blue-white spider emerged from the ground.

When it stood upright on eight legs, it was tens of meters tall. Its body was not furry, but a hard and lumpy bluish-white shell. It had six small black eyes and a terrifying face with pliers. Huge mouth.

It looks more like the spider crab of later generations than a spider.

This big spider got up and launched an attack on Xu Dong without saying a word. It raised a sharp appendage and smashed it down at Xu Dong.

It's a pity that this spider is too big. Although it is very fast, it is difficult to hit such a small Xu Dong.

As a pseudo-legend that is infinitely close to the legendary level, the big spider has a very high IQ. After it knew that it could not hit Xu Dong, it immediately used the wind pressure generated by the falling appendages to successfully disrupt the surrounding airflow, making it difficult for Xu Dong to be free for a while. flight.

Then, this big guy used his ultimate move, spider silk.

White spider silk spurted out from its mouth, forming a thick white line in the air, and shot straight towards Xu Dong.

I dodge!

Cum again!

I'll dodge again!

The big spider is helpless. If it is other large creatures, it can kill them easily, but it is such a small creature. A cannon cannot hit mosquitoes at all.

The giant spider is a terrifying creature that is infinitely close to legend. In order to avoid nature's attack, it sleeps in this large pit.

The reason why I woke up today was that I was attracted by the two mutated proto-nuclei in Xu Dong's body. After all, this was the key to advancing to legend, and no pseudo-legend would be greedy for it.

Xu Dong was tense at this time and carefully avoided the spider's attack. The big spider could fail countless times, but he could not fail once. As long as he failed to dodge once, his life would depend on it.

Fortunately, Xu Dong was small and agile, and he narrowly avoided the spider's attacks every time.

However, there is no way to go on like this. You still have to find a chance to escape. For such a big guy, Xu Dong has no intention of fighting back.

After all, the spider monster is an existence that is infinitely close to the legend. Seeing Xu Dong trying to run away, he thought for a while and sprayed out a white thread that was much thicker than before.

Xu Dong still wanted to hide as before, but he didn't expect that the spider silk would spread out and turn into white sticky balls, shooting towards Xu Dong like raindrops.

Caught off guard, Xu Dong was directly hit by the sticky ball. Under the huge force, he was hit by the spider silk and hit the bottom of the pit.

Thanks to book friend 20200809130941076 for the reward.

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