Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 6 Evolution! Little red dragon

Xu Dong now has 17 points of essence in his body, the newly obtained 13 points, the previous 4 points, and in addition there is a component, the Ken's Beast Vegetarian Stomach. Xu Dong does not want to become a vegetarian animal, so this thing is naturally useless to him. He has always been targeting predators.

With 17 points of essence, you can enter the creature editor. I don't know how many components can be loaded into it.

No way, the Gobi ecology has collapsed, and it is irreversible now. The only way out is evolution.

The creature editor is still a familiar circle and a familiar model.

Xu Dong is not in a hurry to transform species. He needs to figure out what the transition points do first. If it is as he imagined, the road ahead will be much smoother.

[In the process of biological evolution, there are gradual and slow changes, as well as sudden mutations. Jump points are necessary for biological mutations to occur.

Biological mutations such as insect metamorphosis, human intelligence, color change, parasitism, electrification, super-giant growth, etc. ]

Xu Dong immediately understood that these jump points were used to mutate creatures. Although mutation involved gambling on luck, winning the bet would bring about a leap. It seemed that he would have to find a way to get more jump points in the future.

The next step is to modify the body. The components Xu Dong currently has include the hook claws of Herrerasaurus, the venom glands of Sand Giant Scorpion, the differentiated teeth of Rio Grande Beast, and the vegetarian stomach of Ken's Beast.

Among them, the hook claws and poison glands are weapons, and the tooth differentiation and vegetarian stomach are auxiliary components. Of course, the two weapons can bring a qualitative leap to the little red lizard.

Xu Dong tried to install the hook of Herrerasaurus first.

[In order to install this component, you need to adjust your body structure to stand upright with both feet. Do you want to spend 11 points of essence to adjust it? ]

There are also adjustment details below:

[Increase the bones of the hind limbs by 2 points of essence, increase the muscles of the hind legs by 2 points of essence, expand the soles of the hind feet by 2 points, and adjust the dynamic balance of the feet by 5 points. ]

This is. . . Buy one get one free?

I have to say that Xu Dong was a little excited. He stood upright with both feet. This will be the standard equipment for dinosaur overlords in the future. It will also be very practical for more than 200 million years. Spending 11 points is definitely worth the money.

But Xu Dong also wanted to see how much source material it would cost to add the poison gland component.

[Installing the poison gland component requires adjusting the toxic circulation structure inside the body. Do you want to spend 12 points for adjustment? ]

this. . .

Xu Dong currently only has 17 points of essence. Installing the hook and standing upright requires 13 points of essence. Installing the poison gland requires 14 points of essence. It is basically only enough to install one of them, which is difficult to handle.

Should I choose hook claw plus upright or poison gland? Another way to express it is, is it a full-time sensitive thorn or a poisonous thorn? Xu Dong has difficulty choosing.

After a while.

Xu Dong finally chose the path of sensitive sting. He had no choice but to say that stings are not popular nowadays. There are not many animals in the animal world that use poison. To put it more down to earth, the stings are not strong at all in this version.

But Min Ci is different. This version of Triassic has already begun to show its talents. The next version, and the next version will be a major advantageous profession. Xu Dong decided to follow the version.

It took a total of 15 points of source of energy to install the Herrerasaurus claws, adjust the body structure, and differentiate the teeth, almost returning to before liberation.

The process of biological transformation is very wonderful. Xu Dong in the creature editor is just a conscious body. The body of the little red lizard is placed on the center table. He is looking at the body structure of the little red lizard bit by bit in 360 degrees without blind spots. Change.

The two hind legs lengthened, the muscles expanded, the soles of the feet became larger, the body tilted to a 30-degree angle with the ground, and the grooved teeth became shorter and denser, forming four or five molars.

After all adjustments were completed, the little red dragon's body was tilted, its head was slightly raised, its tail was close to the ground, its hind limbs were upright, its hips were 10 cm high, and its total length was 20 cm. It is a sharp weapon used to tear open the skin of prey and cause large wounds.

[It has been identified that the Gobi Red Lizard has undergone major mutations and species have differentiated. Players can name the new species and choose one of them to continue the game. ]

Can you name it yourself?

Xu Dong subconsciously touched his chin, but found that he was simply a formless consciousness and could not move his chin at all.

Then let's call him Xiao Chilong. Xu Dong said the name without thinking for a long time.

[The new species is confirmed to be called Little Red Dragon. Players are asked to choose one of the species to continue the game. ]

[Gobi Little Red Lizard/Little Red Dragon]

No need to think about it, Xu Dong must have chosen his own masterpiece, Little Red Dragon.

As Xu Dong's choice was confirmed, his consciousness fell into darkness again.

In this darkness, it was just a smooth journey for Xu Dong, but the outside world began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Of course, this change was also gradual.

When Xu Dong opened his eyes again, he found that the sky was gray, as if something dangerous and terrifying was brewing.

He slowly got up, and the surrounding scenery came into view. It was still the vast desert, but the Gobi desert where the little red lizards relied on for survival was no longer visible.

The surrounding groups no longer see the small red lizards that once crawled on the ground on all fours. Instead, they have turned into small red dragons with upright hind legs, but the number has been reduced to a few hundred.

After the Gobi desert where the little red lizard once lived was destroyed by aerial mica, the ecosystem completely collapsed. The little red lizard, who could not change the environment, would die if he stayed where he was. He had no choice but to embark on the road of migration, and Xu Dong was very interested in the little red lizard. The transformation of lizards was also achieved during 800,000 years of migration.

Yes, 800,000 years have passed since Xu Dong just closed his eyes and opened his eyes, which is equivalent to one hundred and sixty years of Chinese history. In the history of biological evolution, this is not even qualified to be recorded.

The basic unit of time for paleontology is Ma, which means that the lowest unit is one million years!

Eight hundred thousand years have passed. The hot, dry and food-scarce desert has not wiped out the fragile little red lizards, but has allowed them to evolve into a brand new species.

Crawling on all fours evolved into standing on two legs, short fingertips evolved into sharp hooks, and sparse teeth evolved into grinding teeth.

Although the little red dragon has had countless habitats for such a long time, as long as it does not leave the barren desert for a day, the population of the little red dragon will continue to decrease, and it will always be on the verge of extinction at any time.

Xu Dong moved his body. This time, it was finally not a little cub about 7 centimeters tall, but an adult little red dragon. However, compared with the ancestral little red lizard 800,000 years ago, the little one lacked food. The size of the red dragon has shrunk to twelve centimeters.

The reduction in body size is also a helpless move to cope with food shortages. If they can eat and drink enough and thrive, all species will move closer to gigantism.

Xu Dong is very worried now, because when he took over this time, he saw that the little red dragon was about to finish playing. He didn't know how big the damn desert was and where he could get out.

At this moment, Xu Dong felt as if something fell on top of his head. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The dark clouds seemed like they could no longer restrain the little naughty ghosts in his body.

They immediately swarmed in and scattered all over the world, bringing new changes to this land that had been dry for a long time.

Yes, it's coming, it's coming, the Carnian, the deluvial event!

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