Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 65 The Insect King Appears

Millions of pterosaurs flew into the forest to avoid the strong wind, and every big tree was crowded, just like the bats hanging in caves in later generations. They were so densely packed that it gave people goosebumps.

Xu Dong is the only dragon on this branch. He doesn't like to get close to others. He even pushes away Xiao Zaizhan when he comes up to him, let alone these strangers.

Of course they didn't ask Xu Dong's opinion when they stopped on the branches. They basically fell down wherever there was an opening. Xu Dong's way of dealing with this was to knock each one away.

The group of pterosaurs will naturally have a long memory after being beaten frequently, so this branch belongs to Xu Dong alone.

Dark clouds covered the sky, strong winds swayed, and then thunder fell from the sky.

The lightning that illuminated the sky was like a sharp sword, which plunged straight down from the sky and struck a big tree next to the clearing.

The big tree was split in one fell swoop, and the huge trunk fell down burning with raging fire.

At this time, the ground had long been covered with black tide, and the dense insects were smashed to death by the big cedar trees.

Of course, this is not the worst thing. What is even worse is that the acidic liquid sprayed by some insects can actually be ignited, which is troublesome.

Countless bugs were ignited by the flames, and their whole bodies were wrapped in flames. They ran rampant in the insect swarm and scurried around. Soon, the entire insect swarm was on fire. The fire rose several meters high, and the burned open space was filled with sizzling, crackling sounds. Voice.

The insect swarm, which originally had the upper hand in the fight with the pterosaurs and was invincible in land battles, was wiped out in the blink of an eye in front of Tianwei.

The fire burned for more than half an hour, and the surrounding trees were also ignited. Xu Dong and other pterosaurs had to keep moving outward.

It wasn't until the heavy rain fell that the rain extinguished the burning forest fire. The scorched earth was emitting wisps of white smoke in the rain, and the black charcoal was knocked to the ground by the rain. The scorching breath still condensed around the surroundings and never dissipated.

Xu Dong jumped off the cedar tree and landed on the still slightly hot ground. He picked up the roasted beetle carcass at his feet and threw it into his mouth. Well, it was just like baked beans, crunchy and crispy.

If it was a live bug, Xu Dong would definitely not want to eat it now, but if it was a roasted bug, it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Not to mention, it really tastes like baked beans, and some even burst into pulp. The protein content is five times that of beef.

Xu Dong slowly walked towards the big pit. At this time, there were no insects on the ground. Basically, they were roasted by the fire into spiced beans with different flavors, some were sweet and sour, some were fragrant, some were stimulating, and some were even spicy. There are spicy ones, good guys, I didn’t expect the grilled bugs of all kinds to be so delicious.

The pterosaurs in the rain forest had already reacted, flying up from the trees and filling the sky again. They flew quickly towards the big hole, chasing each other for fear of falling behind.

Xu Dong was not in a hurry. He had already concluded in his heart that the bug in the pit should be a pseudo-legendary bug, because only pseudo-legendaries could be so powerful and so powerful. . . Bad luck.

This scene is somewhat familiar to the long-scaled dragon from more than 20 million years ago. It is a trick used by nature to kill you when you are weak. The pseudo-legends in this world are really miserable. They are targeted in various ways, but they Not vegetarian either.

The previous fire didn't kill the long-scaled dragon. Xu Dong didn't believe that this much smaller one could kill the pseudo-legend in the cave. He asked the pterosaurs to explore the way first and see if there was any chance to mutate the pronucleus. But baby, once you touch it, you can’t let it go.

Kazikaz was eating spiced insects while walking towards the big pit. Later, he found that the distance was too far and walking was too slow. Sure enough, he still had to fly, and flying was much faster. He could see the pterosaurs gathering in front of him. When they swarm, they are like a black whirlwind, devouring dead and living insects in the potholes.

The holes that were previously filled with bugs were cleared out at a speed visible to the naked eye, just as Xu Dong chewed the five-spice bug and slowly flew forward leisurely.


There was a sudden loud noise, and the flames expanded rapidly, filling the entire pit in an instant. Even the pterosaurs flying above were not spared, and fell to the ground one after another, forming a spectacular rain of pterosaurs.

And in the red firelight, a huge figure slowly crawled out of the pit. This thing was completely a terrifying nightmare that humans can't get rid of.

Xu Dong has been fond of watching various documentaries since he was a child, especially those that introduce paleontology, which makes him particularly obsessed. However, there are also some that are difficult for him to accept and even give him nightmares at night, namely those insect documentaries shot with high-definition cameras.

Xu Dong can still recall those insects that grew huge under the camera's perspective, with numerous compound eyes gathering into densely packed big eyes (a secret nightmare), countless hairy tentacles moving around, terrifying mouthparts, wet, dirty They were so dirty and so numerous that after watching the documentary, the young Xu Dong could feel the giant bugs right in front of him when he closed his eyes, with a pair of forelimbs touching each other as if they were ready to eat Xu Dong at any time.

Although I am no longer afraid of bugs as an adult, I am not cold either. Sauroptera and Synapsida are still interesting.

After arriving in the Triassic, the first thing I ate was bugs. Just close your eyes and swallow them. After eating them for so long, you have developed immunity.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that Xu Dong is bigger than the bug. Now this big bug crawling out of the fire pit simply combines the classic elements of all horror movies, with its huge body and countless compound eyes. Terrifying eyes, weird patterns, tentacles with numb scalp, three-section body, and mouthparts with so many teeth that they explode.

Xu Dong couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Cthulhu was nothing, but he had the ability to look directly at giant insects!

This giant insect with a height of ten meters and a length of an astonishing fifteen meters raised its huge mouth and sprayed a colorless and transparent liquid at countless pterosaurs in the sky. The stench drifted out with the wind. , after this transparent stinking liquid sprayed out of the insect's mouth, it reacted violently with the rain from the sky, and the result of this reaction was:

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A violent explosion!

Even if Xu Dong is not good at chemistry, he still knows that lime, liquid nitrogen, metallic sodium, etc. will explode when exposed to water. The feelings in the belly of this big insect are a chemical laboratory and can also produce chemical substances.

The pterosaurs fell to the ground wailing, their bodies were on fire, but they were drenched in rain. Water and fire were no longer in opposition at this moment, and they were harmonious like best friends who loved each other.

Under the falling dragon rain, the giant insect looked up to the sky and howled, as if it was demonstrating, making an oath, or warning the world not to try to eradicate its existence.

After getting rid of the initial shock, Xu Dong stopped approaching the pothole and hovered a few kilometers away from the giant insect, watching the terrifying giant insect slaughter the pterosaurs.

He is waiting, waiting for the pseudo-legend behind these pterosaurs. He does not believe that no one can command so many pterosaurs. There is definitely an equally terrifying existence behind them.

Paleontology Theater: Pterosaurus is a genus of pterosaurs. The fossils were found in the lower layer of the Corsen Formation in the Northern Limestone Alps of Switzerland. The geological age is at the junction of the Norian and Rhaetian stages of the late Triassic. .

According to fossil researchers' speculation, the lower jaw of Colonychidosaurus was covered with soft tissue or keratin during its lifetime. The jaw is light and hollow inside. The teeth are similar to those of Eudiodon. However, there are obvious differences in the jaws of the two, and few have been found so far. Triassic pterosaur fossils, so Pterosaurus Pterosaurs is an important discovery.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Ornithopods - Pterosaurs - Letian Pterosauridae - Holocypteryx

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