Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 64 The Battle of Insect Wings

Xu Dong followed the insect tide all the way north, and no creature along the way could escape the black tide.

A lizard was eating stone pine leisurely. Judging from its appearance, it should belong to the Streptosuchidae family. Based on the armor of Orthopteryx, there were several sharp spines growing on both sides of the body. It really made the ankylosaurs of later generations That set was ordered first.

Originally, with its thick armor that covered its whole body and had an anti-injury effect, no creature in the Triassic could threaten it. Even the current overlord pseudosuchian, oh, the kin lizard is also a member of the pseudosuchian. Let's start again. Pass.

Even the current overlord Crocodylus Rausi can only shake his head and walk away when he sees it. It is really unable to bite and cannot bite. With this skill, it is not as effective as catching Elastosaurus or Lisovius.

The lack of natural enemies made this chain crocodile slow to react. It only came to its senses when the black tide reached its legs. This vegetarian creature with thick armor all over its body felt fear for the first time. When it When you want to escape from the black tide, it is already too late.

The corrosive liquid secreted by this unknown group of beetles is so insoluble that even the hardest bones of living things, fossils excavated by paleontologists that have survived for hundreds of millions of years, are like tofu in their mouths, easily decomposed and swallowed Not to mention the armor on this chain crocodile.

After struggling for a moment, the iron tower-like chain crocodile completely disappeared without a trace. Wow, it's really exciting. I'm looking forward to the next plot more and more. Xu Dong already has some guesses in his heart, but this guess is too shocking. He wasn't even sure.

Swarms of insects roared, hundreds of dragons gave their heads, black tide surged through, and everything was silent.

Kuroshio left the rain forest and came to a vast open space. There were no mountains, no rivers, and no plants. I don’t know why such a large open space appeared out of thin air in the rain forest.

When things go awry, there must be monsters, just like the unique big lake in the mountains and the magical fungi. Xu Dong still has fresh memories. Of course, now it seems that the weird fungi are probably mutated prokaryotic bacteria, and only That kind of magical bacteria can cause such magical changes in living things.

Xu Dongfei was flying in the air, licking his upper and lower jaws, his heart beating loudly. If he ate that weird fungus, he would get countless jump points.

When the time comes, it will no longer be a dream to mutate the whole body, punch mica in the sky, kick the fear in the deep sea, and casually quell the mass extinction of species.

Well, Xu Dong is already having sex before the things are received.

However, after leaving the rainforest and entering the open space, Xu Dong discovered that there were more pterosaurs in the sky. There were bat pterosaurs that he had seen before, as well as hollow branch pterosaurs that he knew but had never seen, Peiwen pterosaurs, and true double-shaped pterosaurs. Dragons, Carnian pterosaurs, etc., but there were more strange pterosaurs that he didn't even know about.

At the end of the Triassic, the pterosaur population was already very prosperous, occupying the empty ecological niche of the sky at that time. Who was the original occupier of the sky? It is a battle against five scum insects, and insects are just food for pterosaurs.

Pterosaurs opened up a path of flight for amniotes, and also opened up a new ecological niche without rivals.

Just like the business world in later generations, a new blue ocean has been opened up. If you are the first to eat crabs, many people may die young, but as long as you can gain a foothold in this blue ocean, you can basically make a lot of money.

The same goes for pterosaurs. After opening up an empty ecological niche in the sky, they can naturally do whatever they want, and the number of races expands rapidly.

Although the red-scaled flying dragons also flew into the sky, they were not pioneers after all. They relied solely on Xu Dong for cheating, otherwise they would not be able to fly until the Triassic mass extinction.

However, although the red-scaled flying dragons were the second group to enter the sky ecological niche in the Triassic, they were better at fighting than pterosaurs.

Its wingspan is larger than that of most pterosaurs, its limbs are more numerous and thicker than those of pterosaurs, and it carries deadly weapons. The most powerful thing is its ability to hover in the air, which basically makes red-scaled flying dragons incompetent in battles with pterosaurs. In an invincible position.

Although the two parties were in an antagonistic relationship, the appearance of Xu Dong did not cause the pterosaurs to reject it. There were so many pterosaurs here that they covered the sky and the sun. There were so many types of pterosaurs. Maybe many pterosaurs thought that Xu Dong was also a kind of pterosaur. What about a special pterosaur?

Xu Dong was like Erha among the wolves. He followed them and flew in the same direction as the insects. There must be something attracting these insects and pterosaurs in this open space in the rain forest.

Xu Dong flew to the center of the clearing and saw a huge pit. The pit was densely crawling with all kinds of bugs, including termites, beetles, cockroaches and many other bugs that he had never seen before. The diameter of this pit was huge. At least the hundreds of meters of large pits have been filled.

What is the pterosaur doing in the sky at this time? Of course, they are such a large group of at least a million and they will not just watch in the air. Instead, they will swoop down one by one and continue to eat the bugs in the pit. The bugs in the pit are consumed at an alarming rate. Those beetles that just came over are Came to support.

Facing flying units, the black tide all over the ground is unable to block and kill them like they did before against land creatures. Most of them cannot fly and can only be passively eaten by pterosaurs.

Of course, the bugs are not without means of counterattack. They will spray out the venom in their bodies. As long as the pterosaur touches a little, it will fall into the insect swarm and be chewed to pieces.

Xu Dong felt that it would be better for him to just watch this war between pterosaurs and insects. Being sprayed by an insect accidentally is not a joke. He also has poison glands and he is more aware of the horror of toxins, especially this group of people. The ancestors who played poison, Zerg.

This battle lasted for a long time, and new members continued to join both sides. However, there were too many bugs. No matter how much the pterosaurs tried to eat, they could not eat all the bugs in the pits. The stalemate lasted until dawn. , Xu Dongdu woke up from his sleep on a tree outside, and they hadn't finished fighting yet.

Speaking of which, these bugs are powerful enough. The tactics adopted are that although we can't do anything to you, I can kill you.

Yes, many pterosaurs were full. They had never eaten so much since they were born. Some even fell directly into the insect pile because they were overweight. These same bugs.

As the saying goes, there are unforeseen circumstances, and the face of nature is always changing. The sun has just emerged in the sky, but it is driven back into the dark clouds.

The sky became gloomy again, but this time it wasn't dark, but it was going to rain.

It was going to rain, and the first thing that came was the strong wind. The strong wind roared up, and the pterosaurs in the sky suffered first. They were blown around by the strong wind, and countless pterosaurs fell into the pile of insects below. Nature inadvertently helped the insect complete the assist.

Triassic pterosaurs are generally small in size. Even the largest Xushabona Peak Kongzhi Pterosaur known to Xu Dong only has a wingspan of 135 centimeters, which is naturally incomparable with the peak Pterosaurus Aeolus in later generations. But in this Era, it can already be called the largest flying unit.

Such a small body is naturally difficult to resist the force of nature. Many pterosaurs began to hide in the forest and squat on the branches to avoid the strong wind.

Reward from book friend 20190803020014024.

Small theater of paleontology: Streptosuchus, also known as horned crocodile and nailed crocodile, means, is an extinct archosaur reptile, belonging to the order of saurians. Streptosuchus is one of the largest stylosaurs, with a length of 5 meters. , about 1.5 meters in height. They lived in Texas in North America during the Late Triassic.

The appearance of Streptosuchus is similar to that of their close relatives. The body has scales and the head is similar to a pig. Streptosuchus uses their shovel-shaped snout to pull up plants. Unlike other lizards, Streptosuchus has two rows of spikes on the sides of its back. , there is a 45 cm long sharp horn on each side of the shoulder, which provides the crocodile with additional protection against predators.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchians - Stenosaurus - Spadeleosauridae - Streptosuchus

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