Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 66 The pterosaur ancestor fights against the terrifying insect king

Pattering rain fell from the sky, covering the entire rain forest, bringing life to all things. However, in the open space in the center of the rain forest, scenes of constant death were being staged.

As soon as the venom sprayed by the insect king came into contact with the rain, a violent chemical reaction occurred, and it exploded violently, burning all the pterosaurs flying in the air, creating a spectacular scene of the pterosaurs falling.

And those pterosaurs that were not sprayed by the venom were still attacking the Insect King on the ground relentlessly. At this time, they had touched the second layer of protection of the Insect King, and they were dancing like crazy with a thousand touches!

The countless tentacles on the Insect King's body are like living creatures. One roll can restrain the pterosaur. Then it does not eat it and throws it back to the pterosaur group again. It seems that it just wants to drive the pterosaur away.

However, after a while, Xu Dong knew the reason why the insect king did this. It directly planted the insect eggs in the bodies of these pterosaurs, and hatched the young eggs through the flesh and blood of these pterosaurs.

The eggs grow rapidly in the body of the pterosaur, and after devouring the host's flesh and blood, they break out of the body. Okay, ok, it feels like an alien. And these alien eggs also have the characteristics of zombies, which can spread infections wildly, and flying insects can grow and develop rapidly. And they laid eggs again, which were lodged in the bodies of other pterosaurs, causing the number of flying insects to continue to increase.

In an instant, the form of the pterosaurs covering the sky began to reverse. Each pterosaur could hatch hundreds or thousands of flying insects, and these flying insects were also very ferocious, directly copying the black tide on the ground into the air. , killing all the pterosaurs that were showing off their power in the sky.

Fortunately, Xu Dong is far away, otherwise it would not be spared. These flying insects don't care whether you are watching the battle or not, they will eat anything they see alive.

For the sake of his own life and to avoid being affected by Chiyu, Xu Dong flew a few kilometers away again. In order to see more clearly, he flew higher. At this time, he could no longer see the specific appearance of the pterosaurs and insects. , but at least I can still tell which side is the pterosaur and which side is the flying insect.

Xu Dong's position was far and high, and he could see the battlefield situation from a macro perspective. The black clouds formed by the flying insects obviously defeated the black clouds of the pterosaurs.

Just like chewing an apple, as soon as the small black ball of flying insects approaches, the large black ball of the pterosaur becomes smaller. Although the pterosaur also eats insects, it is not as fast as the speed at which the insects eat the pterosaur.

Xu Dong estimated that if nothing else intervenes, these million pterosaurs will be devoured by the endless swarm of insects in at most two hours. By then, let alone the insect king, these flying insects will be difficult to deal with.

The pseudo-legendary pterosaur hidden behind was obviously not stupid. He would not let the flying insects expand their numbers by fighting. Strong wind pressure blew from the rear of Xudong, and the hurricane brought by this terrifying speed made this little The red-scaled flying dragon rolled forward several hundred meters.

Xu Dong was dizzy and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the ground was full of insect corpses, so he didn't suffer any injuries after falling into the pile of insects.

He casually grabbed a handful of roasted spiced insects and stuffed them into his mouth to regain his strength. Xu Dong was not in a hurry to fly into the sky. Although the red-scale flying dragon's ability to stay in the air was stronger than that of the pterosaur, it would still get tired. He lay in the pile of insects and ate while watching the show. Is it not good? Anyway, a big guy like the Insect King can see clearly even from a few kilometers away.

The giant pterosaur that came this time was not one, but two. Judging from the appearance, one was a Fashinar pterosaur and the other was a bat pterosaur that I had seen before.

Both of these two guys are about four meters long, with a wingspan of up to ten meters. Although they are not as good as their descendants 100 million years later, the Aeolus pterosaurs, they are already considered the top predators in the Triassic period when they were six or seven meters tall. Big Mac level.

And this is still in the sky. It is not considered a legendary creature at the moment. In the Triassic, the largest aerial creature Xu Dong knew was the Snow Shabona Peak Kongzhi Pterosaur of the pterosaur family, with a wingspan of up to 1.35 meters. Compared with these two The boss is totally incomparable.

The two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs rushed towards the Insect King with wind pressure, trying to kill him as soon as they came.

But what did the insect king have to fear? It opened its big mouth and sprayed venom towards the two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs, directly interrupting the pterosaurs' attack.

In order to avoid being stained by the venom and causing an explosion, both the Bat Pterosaur and the Fashinar Pterosaur chose to fly upwards, and then encountered a swarm of flying insects. Since there was no chance to sneak attack on the Insect King for the time being, they had to deal with the flying insects in the sky first. Insects, this is the Insect King's only anti-air means. As long as they are dealt with, you can fly a kite to kill it.

Two pseudo-legends flew out from left to right in tacit agreement, circling around the flying insects.

The huge leather wings spread out and flew extremely fast. The two dragons flew around each other in a circle, forming an invisible wind belt and successfully trapped the flying insects. Of course, there were not only flying insects trapped, there were many of them. The pterosaur also became the victim of two ancestors.

Of course, the flying insects would not sit back and die. After eating the pterosaurs in the wind circle, they rushed in all directions to try to break out, but were instantly blown to pieces by the strong wind. After all, the flying insects were not a whole, their individuals were too weak, and the wind force You can kill them quickly.

You may ask why not fly up or down?

This is the shrewdness of the two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs. They may not understand what physical mechanics is, but they have used it in practice. Their flight is not vertical, but slightly diagonal, making the people below The wind belt is completely closed, forming a small tail connected to the ground, creating a tornado cage that is difficult to leap.

It is true that one thing defeats another. The Zerg are almost the nemesis of all living things. No matter you are armored, agile or bloody, you will die in front of their endless numbers and venom that melts everything, even if you stand proudly. In the sky, the plants that caused several mass extinctions were all eaten to death by insects.

However, such terrifying creatures are helpless in the face of the power of nature. Their fragile individual strength is helpless when faced with the previous flames and the current strong wind. Venom and quantity have lost their effect. At this time, the best solution is the biological world. The eternal truth, become bigger!

As huge as the Insect King, the wind can't blow it away, the rain can't kill it, and even the thunder can't do anything to it.

The encirclement circle that the two pterosaurs flew out of became smaller and smaller, and more and more insects were blown away by the centrifugal force. The fragile body could not withstand such wind pressure. It was torn and scraped to pieces, and the whole army was about to be annihilated.

The insect king below sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart. It is very strong, very, very strong, with the ability to drive insects with pheromones, a powerful external carapace, and it can also spray explosive venom. The tentacles on its body carry countless germs and insect eggs. The biggest flaw of such a terrifying insect king is that it cannot fly!

If those two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs had a head-to-head fight with the Insect King on the ground, even two more would not be enough to defeat it, but these two guys would not fight it head-on and firmly grasped their aerial superiority.

After all, it is a pseudo-legendary creature with a very high IQ. The Insect King quickly figured out a way.

Thanks to Inevitable Night, Fraudulent Doctor, and Book Friend 20180423212516897 for the reward.

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