In the evening, as the sun sets in the west, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the forest, and a 20-centimeter Salover dragon jumps and glides among the branches.

Behind it was a red-scaled flying dragon that was slightly larger than it. It was also tossing and jumping and running quickly like it.

In this tropical rainforest with dense trees, Xu Dong's more than 60-centimeter wings were a burden. It would be better to jump directly.

This Salover dragon was Xu Dong's choice for dinner. He wanted to attack secretly, but was noticed by it. Xu Dong used his own experience to tell future generations that the red skin is really not suitable for ambush in the forest because the color is too conspicuous. Can't hide it at all.

If the ambush failed, then the ambush turned into an open robbery. Xu Dong directly chased Salovilong.

Salovesaurus, a black-tech wing wizard at the end of the Triassic period, was different from the method of Konneriosaurus that unfolded the membranes on both sides of its body to turn into leather wings, nor was it like pterosaurs who sacrificed two arms in exchange for wings.

Saloveron said, you are so rubbish, it can fly even with its feet.

So Salovesaurus really flew with its feet, and leather wings appeared on its hind limbs, forming a triangular gliding wing structure, successfully making Salovesaurus one of the candidates for dominance in the sky.

Salovesaurus ran very fast in the forest, and the leather wings on its hind limbs allowed them to glide long distances in one jump. If Xu Dong hadn't been able to fly, he would have been thrown away long ago.

During the chase and escape, the sky began to get dark, which was the brief bright time after the sun set.

During the escape, Salovesaurus lost its hind limbs and fell down. Xu Dong wanted to go down and eat his dinner, but the strange terrain on the ground made him choose to observe it for a while.

Under the big tree is a large yellow-white mound, but it is not a normal mound of soil, but a loose structure stacked one on top of another, like, yes, like an insect nest!

I heard that there were termites in the Triassic. Could it be a termite nest?

The Salovesaurus that fell onto the insect nest is not dead yet, but its legs seem to be broken. It is lying on the ground and crawling outward with difficulty.

Xu Dong waited for a moment, but nothing happened. Instead, the Salovesaurus was about to crawl out of the insect nest.

A small reptile jumped out from the ferns and looked around thiefly.

It was a small dinosaur that I had never seen before. This little guy, only 30 centimeters tall, looked around for a while before pounced on the crawling Salovesaurus.

The Salovesaurus, which was about to crawl out of the insect nest, screamed in surprise when it saw this, and quickly turned around and ran in the direction it came from, but with a broken leg, it couldn't compete with the already very agile little dinosaur.

It didn't take long for him to be caught by the little dinosaur and his neck was bitten off.

Salovesaurus screamed and was dragged back to its habitat by the small dinosaur. The blood from its neck flowed to this huge insect nest. Maybe they didn't know it, but Xu, who was standing high up, But Dong saw it clearly.

This yellow-white insect nest is actually slowly moving!

What the hell is this? It looks alive.

The prehistoric era is too remote and mysterious. Modern people can only understand the scaly feathers of the prehistoric era from the side through fossils, rock formations, etc. What is this thing that looks like a stone, an insect nest, and a living creature?

Soon this thing gave Xu Dong the answer, it was the insect nest! The reason for the squirming is that countless bugs are crawling out from under it.

Xu Dong himself was not interested in bugs, so he could tell the difference between butterflies and beetles, but what about the difference between beetles and beetles? Sorry, aren't they all the same?

Countless little beetles emerged from this yellow-white insect nest. There were so many of them that they spread quickly like surging black water. The unknown little dinosaur was frightened and dropped the half-dead sand. Lovilong turned around and ran away.

The tide of insects quickly swamped the immobile Salovesaurus. In just a moment, the jumping master who raced with Xu Dong through hundreds of trees was eaten down to the bone.

Xu Dong had only heard that African man-eating ants were very terrifying. Once they appeared, they would kill both humans and animals. He never expected that in the Triassic, where ants had not yet appeared, there would be such terrifying beetles.

The biggest difference between this group of beetles and man-eating ants is that they are very fast. The small dinosaurs had already started running dozens of seconds in advance, but they were still catching up and eating them up.

Faster than man-eating ants and more edible than them, pseudocrocodiles would be frightened to see such a biological disaster.


There is no grass growing wherever the Kuroshio passes. Except for tall trees, they will eat everything on the ground, whether it is animals or plants.


Vegetarians, carnivores, omnivores, small predators, medium predators, large overlords, there is no creature that is not afraid of this black tide and does not run away.

But what's the use of escaping, they crawl too fast, and the creatures in the woods have nowhere to escape.

The huge black tide submerged a large area of ​​rainforest and dyed the earth black. Xu Dong flew in the air and followed these beetles all the way. He watched the moving natural disaster wreak havoc and slaughter, and listened to the crunching sound. I feel a little relieved, which can be called a stress-relieving tool.

The insect tide stretched all the way to the river. Xu Dong thought to himself, there is nothing you can do now. Who knew that these perverted guys once again exceeded Xu Dong's imagination. They could actually float on the water and successfully spread the water with this ability. The entire river.

The stupid ray-finned fish swam up one by one thinking it was some kind of food, only to be eaten to pieces by the insects. They didn't even have time to react, and even if they had, they couldn't escape.

A ferocious crocodile emerged from the water and struggled in the tide of insects. Their subcutaneous bone formation defense was amazing, and they were still fully armored, but they were still bitten by the insects.

The painful plant dragon launched the death roll skill, trying to throw away all the bugs on its body, but these black beetles seemed to be stuck to it, and even a few of them were not thrown out by the death roll. Instead, more bugs came towards it. It comes.

Soon, the huge crocodile's body was covered with bugs, which condensed into a black cocoon. Finally, the insects flew away, and the overlord of the water, the crocodile, died quietly, even its bones were ground clean. , leaving no trace in this world.

It took Kuroshio nearly half an hour to cross the river and reach the rain forest on the other side. What were they going to do?

When Xu Dong knew it was going to rain, ants would move in groups and dragonflies would fly low. So what would drive the tide of insects across the river?

Xu Dong decided to go and have a look. Anyway, he could fly, and these insects did not eat trees. In the absence of life-threatening conditions, Xu Dong still tried his best to satisfy his curiosity.

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