Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 62 Crocodile, Crocodile and Goose

Xu Dong led the crocodile in front and kept running deep into the forest. The furious crocodile, which had lost one of its eyes, didn't even notice that the terrain in front of it had changed. Only Xu Dong's figure could be seen in its single eye.

Until they encountered another huge creature in the forest, a Poloni crocodile.

It's true that the tides are turning, and the sky will bypass whoever it is.

Just a few days ago, a reckless Poloni crocodile was eaten by the Jiucha River Crocodile crocodile. Now another reckless Crocodile crocodile broke into the territory of the Poloni crocodile, and it still blinded one. eye situation.

Suddenly encountering a Poloni crocodile that was twice as big, the Berserk Crocodile, which had already fallen into a violent state, instantly woke up, ignored the annoying red-scaled flying dragon, and turned around and ran away.

The Poloni crocodile opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs. Looking at the crocodile that turned to run away, it immediately spread its legs and chased after it.

There was no fool among the top predators in ancient times. The Poloni crocodile naturally discovered that the Crocodile was injured. How could an injured animal be easily let go? Naturally, it would take advantage of your illness to kill you.

The crocodile is an amphibious creature. Although it can move on land, it is far less agile underwater. Naturally, it cannot outrun the land bully, the Poloni crocodile.

Soon the Poloni crocodile, which had four long legs, caught up with the crocodile, opened its huge mouth and bit the crocodile's neck. Naturally, the crocodile would not sit still and wait for death, and lowered its head to avoid it. After the Poloni crocodile bites, it hits it with the side of its body.

Although the crocodile is only half the size of the crocodile Poloni, it is not light. The collision during the high-speed movement almost knocked the crocodile to the ground.

Taking advantage of the stiffness of the land crocodile, the crocodile spread its legs and ran as fast as it could. It had now forgotten all the blind hatred and hatred of harassment, and had only one idea in its mind, to escape into the river as quickly as possible.

As we got closer, we finally saw the edge of the forest. Beyond it was the river beach where it often basked in the sun. As long as it ran out of the forest, the Poloni crocodile would definitely not dare to pursue it again.

The crocodile opened its mouth in excitement and screamed, making a hiccup-like sound, full of joy. However, fate always likes to give the deepest despair when it is about to succeed.

The moment the crocodile's forelimbs stepped out of the forest, a huge beast from the side rushed over and threw the crocodile directly to the ground. It was the Poloni crocodile just now.

Its 6-meter-long, 500-kilogram body pressed against the crocodile, making it unable to move at all. The Poloni crocodile's jaws fell down and bit the crocodile's neck directly.

Even with the defense of subcutaneous bone formation, the huge bite force stuck the Crocodile's trachea like a vise. After struggling for a period of time, it died completely due to suffocation and massive bleeding less than ten meters away from the river.

Then it was time to enjoy the blood meal. Although the subcutaneous bones and outer scales of the Crocodile were hard, they were still torn apart by the powerful bite force and sharp teeth of the Poloni crocodile.

Its big mouth stretched into the body of the crocodile and tore out a sufficient amount of flesh and blood, then raised its head and swallowed it directly into its belly.

There was no way, no one called Sauromorpha knew how to chew, so they could only bite a few times, and they even skipped the bite and just swallowed it.

The surrounding small and medium-sized predators have gathered around, drooling, waiting for the Poloni crocodile to eat its fill and leave, eating its remaining body parts and scraps of meat.

Xu Dong is also waiting, but it is a flying unit and can wait very close to the scene to ensure that he can be the first to grab the flesh and blood of the Frenzy Crocodile.

Soon the Poloni crocodile raised its big mouth covered with sticky blood, licked its upper and lower jaws with its tongue, shook its head and left here. After eating the big meal, it was time to find a place to lie down and wait quietly for digestion to finish. After eating the next meal, it just wants to be a useless crocodile.

The Poloni crocodile left with satisfaction. Xu Dong immediately rushed down and started feasting before the surrounding small and medium-sized predators came over.

Phytosaur teeth, masseter muscles, subcutaneous osteoblasts, scales, and secondary jaws (for underwater breathing and eating) are all very good components. If you can get any of them, you will make a profit.

One sip to refresh your mind. (Take time)

Two mouthfuls, never tired. (Taking time again)

Three mouths, immortality. (Still taking the time)

Four mouths, [obtain component: Hypodermic crocodile subcutaneous osteogenesis]

Well, here comes the last thing you want. Xu Dong is going to be a full-time agility assassin for a hundred years. What's the point of giving him a defense component? Could it be that the will of the earth can't stand it anymore and wants Xu Dong to switch to melee combat?

It is impossible for Die Jia to be Die Jia, not even in this life, so let's do a good job in Min Ci's promising job first.

The fifth mouthful, [obtain 3 points of source quality]

It's only 3 o'clock. . .

Forget it, it's better than nothing.

The sixth bite was destined to be missed. All the small and medium-sized creatures around him were already approaching. Xu Dong kicked his legs and rose into the sky, leaving the place that was about to become chaotic.

On this continent, food is always the most precious thing, related to the lives of all creatures. No creature will give up the food in its mouth. There are so many small and medium-sized predators around, but there is only one crocodile, fighting Food grabbing is inevitable.

Leaving this jungle and heading east along the main vein of the Jiucha River, the rushing river will eventually return all the rivers to the sea, and Xu Dong is destined to return to the cedar forest where he once lived.

After flying for dozens of days and flying over countless jungles and grasslands, although Pangea has returned to a dry and hot climate, the large forest formed by the Carnian flood event will not recede. At most, it will change from a forest to a tropical rain forest.

The river is still vast and flowing eastward, but the edge of the sea still does not appear on the horizon. How far have the Red Scaled Flying Dragons moved, and why haven't they reached the sea yet?

Xu Dong stopped to rest in a rainforest whose terrain was no different from other places, preparing to have dinner and sleep before continuing on his way.

The types of creatures here are no different from other places. Therizinosaurus, Cone lizard, and Salovesaurus are always there. Together with pterosaurs, they form today's arboreal Four Heavenly Kings.

A Salovesaurus swelled its hind limbs and glided in the forest. They were still unable to fly and could only glide. In terms of evolution, they were already lagging behind pterosaurs and red-scaled flying dragons.

What the biological world values ​​​​is first-mover advantage. Just like the motherland after its opening up, you can make a difference as long as you go to sea. Almost all the first batch of people who became rich came from that era.

Before Xudong crossed over, the market had been monopolized by these first movers, almost cutting off the development opportunities of new enterprises. The same was true in the biological world.

Red-scale flying dragons and pterosaurs have already taken to the sky, and it is difficult for the likes of Salovesaurus and Konai Lizard to take off again.


If they can survive nature's heavy blow and develop quickly after the blow, they may still have a chance to compete with pterosaurs.

Thanks to Gou Wu Fishing, Ji Mao Chen Kong, and book friend 20201025080448399 for the reward.

Don’t miss it if you pass by, I posted a component post in the comment area, post the animals and components you think of!

Paleontology Theater: Salovesaurus is one of the earliest gliding reptiles, living in the late Triassic period, about 225 million years ago. It is nearly 20 centimeters long, has an extremely long tail, and weighs 7.5 grams. It may be closely related to pterosaurs, or it may be the ancestor of pterosaurs, but this argument is controversial. Unlike pterosaurs, Salovesaurus' wing membranes were primarily connected between its hind limbs rather than its very short forelimbs.

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