Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 61 Fishing for Crocodiles

With the ability to move quickly on the water surface, catching fish has become much easier. Food and other things were easily caught by Xudong's salted fish spurs, with amazing efficiency.

After eating and drinking, Xu Dong did not let go of these innocent fish. He drove his red-scaled flying boat on the water. When he saw the fish, he accelerated and stabbed them. Alas, he stopped eating and just played.

Maybe Xu Dong was too arrogant and attracted the attention of the ruler of this section of the river. A crocodile quietly stopped in front of Xu Dong, turned into a piece of rotten wood, and wanted to rob and kill Xu Dong.

However, Xu Dong is not stupid. He can clearly distinguish the difference between a plant dragon and a rotten piece of wood. When he sees this overlord in the water, he immediately turns around and runs away.

However, this crazy-toothed crocodile refused to let go of Xu Dong. It flopped into the water and chased Xu Dong underwater. The dragons swam underwater very fast, and their huge tails were the best. With the accelerator, you can swim forward quickly with just one swing.

This time it is no longer a comparison between fighter jets and helicopters, but a competition between clippers and submarines.

Theoretically speaking, a submarine with the same power must drive faster than a ship, because the only resistance encountered by the submarine is viscous resistance and water resistance. However, boats on the water surface are subject to seven types of resistance, including air resistance, water resistance, friction resistance, viscous resistance, and wave resistance.

However, Xu Dong's body is light and he can swim quite fast with 7 pairs of wings working together. However, he is not an aquatic creature after all, and his speed is not as fast as that of the overlord Zhilong in the water. Especially the explosive power of Zhilong is terrifying.

No, within a few minutes of running, a wave of water surged out of the water. Xu Dong's feathery wings clearly felt it. Successfully let yourself fly.

When he flew about three or four meters away from the water, the river water broke open around him, and a dark-brown figure suddenly jumped out of the water, opened its bloody mouth and bit at Xu Dong.

Oh my god, this is what I have been waiting for. There is no creature in the air that can be Xu Dong's opponent.

He had long wanted to kill a plant dragon to extract its components, but considering that the body of the plant dragon was too thick, the pseudocrocodile's subcutaneous bone formation was simply a bug. The claws of the red scale flying dragon could not break through the defense at all, and he wanted to deal with it. You can only do it from its defenseless mouth.

Xu Dong made a 360-degree turn and flew. Before the Crocodile could react, Xu Dong had already arrived at its mouth. His claws broke open the flesh and injected poison into it. The whole set of movements was so smooth that the Crocodile had no time to close it. When he spoke, Xu Dong had already used his strength to fly up again.

In the end, the crocodile fell back into the river, but this time, Xu Dong followed it in turn. The crocodile in the water didn't care much about Xu Dong flying in the sky. Since it failed the first time, it also became very difficult after that. It is difficult to succeed again, so both today's plant dragons and later generations of crocodiles are very patient and will wait for the next good opportunity to hunt.

There are always plenty of fish in this big river. The staple food of plant dragons is mostly fish, just like the rice of ape erectus, while the creatures on the shore only eat big fish and meat occasionally. , after a full meal, you can lie down for half a month without having to work.

The crazy-toothed crocodile in the water began to catch fish in the water, not paying attention to the wounds in its mouth that were constantly oozing blood.

It took a fancy to a half-meter-long ray-finned fish. It swung its big tail. It was about to speed up. It was close. It was close. As long as it stretched its neck forward, this ray-finned fish would be it tonight. The spoils of war!

Let us cheer in advance for the king of the water, Crocodile Crocodile, and let us shout Phytosaurus YYDS together! Why? What's going on? Why didn't it bite? Director, why didn't the director follow the script?

The above are all random thoughts in Xu Dong's mind. Remove the unnecessary modifications. It's just that this crazy-toothed crocodile didn't bite the half-meter-long ray-finned fish. This is actually nothing. As a veteran in the biological world, fish is perfect. Adapted to moving in the water, with high flexibility and fast speed, Zhilong might not be able to catch fish if he didn't rely on his terrifying explosive power.

But this crocodile was not because its enemy was too cunning, but because it was infected by Xu Dong's toxins.

In 20 million years, even if Xu Dong is not transforming other components, there will be more or less changes. For example, the toxin of the red scale flying dragon is definitely stronger than the little red dragon 20 million years ago.

The evolution of skill components actually follows the principle that practice makes perfect. The more frequently you use it, the higher your proficiency in this component skill will be, and the natural effect will not be the same as before.

The toxin has a great effect on the group hunting method of the little red dragon. It has also evolved into an enhanced version of the red scale flying dragon. Although it is not fatal to 3-meter-level creatures, its hallucinogenic and debilitating properties are enough for everyone. Guys, it's hard.

After repeatedly failing to catch fish, the Crocodile felt that he was not in the right state today and should go to the shore to bask in the sun and rest for a while, take a nap and then go down to eat something.

It was very quiet on the shore at this time. It was not yet time for the vegetarian animals to drink water, and natural predators would not come over. The crocodile now just wanted to sleep peacefully.

Unfortunately, the crocodile's wish failed, and a small red-scaled flying dragon actually beat on its outer scales, completely ignoring him as the overlord of the water.

I had let Xu Dong go before because it was difficult to catch him. A waste of time would be a waste of life. Unexpectedly, he would actually deliver it to his doorstep by himself, just in time to eat it.

So the crocodile suddenly opened his eyes and prepared to bend his waist to kill him, but it was a good thing that he didn't open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a sharp claw, and the claws penetrated into the eyes of the crocodile without any hindrance. , even the Berserk Crocodile himself was stunned for two seconds before he started screaming.

Its cry was so shrill that it moved people and made them cry. The cry resounded through the jungle, attracting the attention of countless creatures.

What Xu Dong wants is to attract other predators. Its current claws and teeth cannot break the defense of the crocodile, so it can only let other predators come and deal with this water overlord on the shore.

When the predator breaks through the skin of the crocodile, Xu Dong can come over and steal its meat.

Xu Dong's current task is to drag the crocodile to prevent it from entering the water. However, looking at its violent appearance, it is difficult for it to enter the water. Forget it, just take it into the forest to save it. Then he ran back into the water.

Xu Dong was flying at low altitude, and from time to time he had to dodge the sudden attacks of the Crocodile. There was nothing he could do. Now the hatred value of the Crocodile was firmly locked on Xu Dong, and it almost went wherever Xu Dong went. Be good. Incredible.

Until I bumped into a bigger guy head-on!

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