Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 60 Red Scale Flying Boat

Just as Xu Dong was about to find a place to enjoy the delicious meal, a group of uninvited guests suddenly came.

It was the bat pterosaurs we had seen before. They actually wanted to rob Xu Dong of his food. It was so unreasonable!

Xu Dong's claws haven't touched meat since they came here. Since these guys are seeking their own death, it's no wonder Xu Dong killed them all.

As mentioned before, the wings of pterosaurs are good at gliding and are very fast, so sneak attacks to snatch food are just a matter of flow.

It quickly glides over and flies away when it grabs it. If it can't grab it, it's difficult to turn back. Its flexibility in the air is far inferior to that of the Red Scale Flying Dragon.

So as long as Xu Dong carefully avoids the first wave of attacks from the Bat Pterosaurs, he can harvest at will.

The wind-sensing ability of Feather Scale Wings allowed Xu Dong to detect the movement behind him even without looking back, and he dexterously avoided the bat pterosaur's attacks from all directions.

Xu Dong raised his claws at a bat pterosaur that rushed forward and easily tore its leather wings. Once the leather wings were torn, the bat pterosaur fell downwards in circles like a kite with its string broken.

Not far below is the river. Although some pterosaurs can swim, this group of bat pterosaurs obviously does not have that kind of structure. If they go down, they will either drown or be eaten by predators.

I also discovered that one of the advantages of feather scale wings is that they are not easy to damage. The leather wings of pterosaurs are very thin and can be easily scratched. A pterosaur with a scratched wing is basically dead.

As for the feather scale wings, there are seven pairs of fourteen wings on the left and right. Even if a few are broken, it will not affect the flight. At most, it will only affect the balance ability and reduce the flight speed and load-bearing capacity.

After seeing through this, Xu Dong pointed his claws at the bat pterosaur's leather wings. His claws were very sharp, and there was almost no skin wing that could not be scratched.

After a while, dozens of bat pterosaurs were shot down by Xu Dong. The remaining pterosaurs saw that this guy was not easy to deal with, so they continued to attack without hesitation, but turned around and ran away without mercy.

Xu Dong exhaled. Fighting in the air is still relatively energy-consuming. Fortunately, there is a magical air bag. By the way, the air bag of dinosaurs should be the most advanced among archosaurs, right?

He took the big fish and flew to a forest belt. He chose this place in the air because it was a ginkgo forest. On both sides of the green river, this golden apricot forest was particularly conspicuous.

Xu Dong flew into this golden world. The trees were covered with golden ginkgo leaves, and the breath of autumn was everywhere. Xu Dong landed on a branch, as if to welcome guests from afar, the ginkgo tree sent a piece of gold. The fallen leaves fluttered just in front of Xu Dong's eyes.

It's so beautiful! Xu Dong sighed in his heart. Ginkgo biloba trees in later generations were all artificially planted. How could there be such a large number of ginkgo trees in the Triassic and so natural ones?

While admiring the colorful scenery of falling apricots, eating high-end sashimi dishes, this is the life of a wealthy person that Xu Dong never dared to imagine before traveling through time.

The creatures of this era only eat and reproduce, and don't pay attention to the beauty of nature. Can we say that they are wrong?

No, because being touched by beautiful scenery is a meaningless action that only the invincible ape erectus is qualified to perform. All living creatures are very busy and have no time to pay attention to this.

Although Xu Dong has some time now, he can only stay here for one day at most to enjoy the beautiful scenery that humans have no time to appreciate. When the sun rises the next day, he will continue to go eastward, for the sake of source quality, for Components are also prepared for those eight million years from now.

After eating and drinking enough, Xu Dong fell asleep with his pillow on the ginkgo tree and the smell of apricots.

The next day, the rising sun poured its rays onto the earth and turned into a dazzling golden light when it shone in the ginkgo forest, almost blinding Xu Dong's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

I finally managed to fly out of the apricot forest with my eyes closed, bumping here and there, and was finally rescued. No wonder no living things live in this ginkgo forest. It turns out that I can't stand the brightness here at all.

Of course, the first thing to do when getting up early in the morning is to eat. If you want to maintain your physical strength for the day, you must eat breakfast. Xu Dong flew to the river to see if any silly fish could jump out for him to eat.

However, the fish are not really stupid enough to jump out of the water for Xu Dong to eat. They are all swimming freely in the water.

Xu Dong could only go back to his old job and fish. Now that he has wings, he definitely can't soak his body in the water as bait like he did back then.

He imitated the birds of later generations, gliding low over the water, observing the fish in the water, and stretching out his claws to prick them when he saw an opportunity.

Catching fish is a delicate job that requires extremely sharp dynamic vision and body reaction speed. Apes erectus has always looked down on fishermen, thinking that with such a large body and such long claws, Acanthus should slap a carcharodontosaurus, and bite a typhoon. Dragon, when Spinsela became a Thorn Fisherman, she suddenly felt sad.

However, not everyone can become a fisherman if they want to. After all, Spinosaurus embarked on a road that no dinosaur has ever traveled before, going down the river! Waging a trivial yet significant corner war with the remnants of the previous dynasty.

At this moment, a big fish suddenly jumped out of the water. Xu Dong was overjoyed that food was delivered to his door. However, he soon discovered that the big fish did not jump up to feed him, but to eat it.

None of the ancient creatures are easy to deal with. Even fish, common people in the water, will sometimes counterattack.

This big fish is about one meter long. It is indeed strong enough to press the pterosaur into the water and swallow it. After all, the pterosaur is like a pirate who has eaten a devil fruit. When it enters the water, it will fight against the five scum.

But Xu Dong is not a pterosaur, he is a red-winged flying dragon, the male/female dragon who will become the king of the sky in the future.

When the big fish was pressed under him and the teeth in his mouth were still biting Xu Dong, his claws had already taken action. The sharp blade easily broke through the fish scales and penetrated into its body. The dragon and the fish fell together. Into the water.

Xu Dong didn't panic when he got into the water. He could swim. He used to swim in the water as bait, but he couldn't swim fast. Now that he was brought into the water, he was surprised to find that these seven pairs of feather scale wings could actually be used as bait. paddle to use.

Also, the wings of the red-winged flying dragon are themselves a main trunk strung with tiny scales on both sides, which are decorated like feathers on the wings. The scales themselves do not absorb water, but water is better than air, allowing Xu Dong to quickly float on the surface of the water. Move upstream.

However, it can only paddle on the water surface. The feather scale wings cannot withstand too much water pressure and cannot move in the water.

With the feathery scales of the paddle, Xu Dong swam wildly on the water, relying on the waves all the way, and he swam faster than many fish.

The wings move flexibly on the water surface, and the claws act as harpoons underwater. He can quickly approach fish in the water with a single acceleration. After several adaptations, Xu Dong finally successfully transferred to a red-scale fishing boat!

Now that I can move freely in the water, can I have some big ambitions, for example, hey hey hey!

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