Liu's Crocodile died, and the end of another pseudo-legend strengthened Xu Dong's determination to become a legend, but the most important thing now was to find out whether there was a mutated pronucleus in this guy's body.

After expertly disemboweling and removing the heart and lungs, Xu Dong finally dug out a white bead from the body of Liu's crocodile. Sure enough, it was this again.

Xu Dong swallowed the third mutated pronucleus without hesitation. The effect of this thing is obviously cumulative. The more you eat, the faster and stronger it will mutate.

Like Xu Dong now, his body length is close to 65 centimeters, and his hip height has also increased by two or three centimeters. Although it doesn't look like much, you must know that it has only been six days since Xu Dong ate the mutated prokaryotic nuclei.

Yes, does it not reflect the power of the mutated pronucleus that it has risen so much in just six days?

After having a hearty meal here, Xu Dong returned towards the habitat.

After he left, small and medium-sized predators dared to approach the body of Liu's crocodile and bite its flesh.

Xu Dong felt a strange feeling as he jumped among the dark woods.

The top is blocked by thick tree cover, and only sporadic moonlight can penetrate into the woods. At night, when small insects are active, the chirping of insects can be heard everywhere.

Nowadays, there are very few people who can threaten Xu Dong in this forest, so even at night, he dares to jump on the tree branches openly.

This run lasted until the sun rose before running back to the clearing where the little red dragon lived.

The sun rose as usual the next day, and the brilliance of the morning light shone on the open space, coating the ground with a thin layer of gold paint.

Perhaps because the Carnian rainy season is coming to an end, the sun appears more frequently.

On the square, some of the little red dragons had just gotten up. After eating a few bites of the Liu's crocodile that died here yesterday, they were about to get started with the day's work.

The original leader of the Little Red Dragon howled and pulled up the Little Red Dragon hunting team. They were going to hunt the Bryptoraptor again.

The rest of the pregnant females were lying on their stomachs preparing to hatch their eggs, the young red dragons were chasing and fighting, and the remaining little red dragons were busy and didn't know what they were doing.

When the little plant on the treetop discovered that Xu Dong was back, he flew down excitedly, but was blocked by Xu Dong's hand.

The lives of the little red dragons have returned to peace. Yesterday's tragic casualties seemed like a dream, and they continued to live their lives as usual. Whether they are open-minded or heartless, creatures do not have the unnecessary sadness of human beings.

In their eyes, survival comes first, reproduction comes second, and the rest is nothing at all. Isn't it just the death of some little red dragons? This is a common thing in nature.

However, a scene that surprised Xu Dong appeared. There were actually some little red dragons dragging the bodies of the dead little red dragons.

They followed them to the bottom of the big cedar tree, where a large pit that was not very deep had been dug. The little red dragon dragged the corpse here and threw it into the hole. Looking at the appearance of the hole, there were already a lot of corpses piled up.

Seeing this scene, Xu Dong's mood suddenly improved. What could be more gratifying than seeing the changes he has brought to this era.

The little red dragon forgot about hunting in groups, but did not forget about burying himself in a pit after death. This made Xu Dong very happy.

Together with Xiao Zaizong, he helped dig holes and transport corpses. He brought over the little red dragons who died yesterday and threw them down.

Some of these corpses are no more than ten centimeters tall, and may have just opened their eyes to see the world. Some corpses are still pregnant with dragon eggs, while some bodies are dry and lack vitality.

They all died in yesterday's calculation and became victims under the feet and mouth of Liu's crocodile.

The biological world will not tell you about respecting the old and loving the young, benevolence, justice and morality. From ancient times to the present, if you look horizontally and vertically, this long history is filled with the word human.

After working for a few days, he finally threw the bodies of the little red dragons into the pit. Xu Dong sat down on the edge of the pit and picked up the long-lost slate. He wanted to pay tribute to these people who died under his own negligence. Later generations erected monuments as a commemoration.

He split the stone slab into an oval-shaped stone tablet, rubbed his claws against the stone, and made a harsh sound, driving away the little red dragons who came to watch.

The only one who is still behind Xu Dong is Zhan Zhan.

Of course, it is not possible to carve words on the stone tablets. Xu Dong doesn’t want to do anything too advanced yet, so he should be more realistic with his paintings. As for what to paint? Xu Dong couldn't help but recall the scene of his confrontation with the leader of Liu's crocodile.

Xu Dong, armed with a knife, took on ten huge Liu's crocodiles alone, as well as the Liu's crocodile leader who was hiding in the shadows, half of his face facing him, and a magical poster style came out.

It's a pity that I'm afraid that painting this thing won't embarrass me, Fat Tiger.

But the simplified version can still be drawn. Xu Dong raised his right paw and began to carve on the stone slab, minimizing the size of the little red dragon and enlarging the size of the Liu's crocodile as much as possible to create a distinct contrast.

Originally, Liu's crocodile's hip height was less than three times that of Little Red Dragon, but on the stone slab, Liu's crocodile was at least five times as high as Xu Dong's, and the leader of Liu's crocodile after them was at least ten times as tall as Xu Dong's. More than times.

Xu Dong nodded with satisfaction, but it still didn't work. There was only Xu Dong on this stone tablet, which could not reflect the existence of the Little Red Dragon clan, so Xu Dong drew many lying Little Red Dragons at the feet of Liu's crocodiles, like this A complete mural is considered finished.

Throwing the stone tablet into the pit and burying it with the little red dragons can also help them leave traces of their existence in the long river of history.

Towards evening, the red hunting team came back with dozens of Brythraptors. Xu Dong clicked and found that the proportion of casualties today was not large, which showed that they were becoming more and more skilled in hunting Brytheraptors. , Xu Dong can rest assured to let them face the enemies that may appear in the future alone.

It stood up, took a deep breath of oxygen, and let out a cry that echoed through the jungle.

All the little red dragons also gathered around sensibly. As time went by, this farewell ceremony that had been passed down for two million years was once again conducted under the command of its developer Xu Dong.

After reburying the dug holes, the dragons clasped their hands together and lowered their heads in mourning to see off their dead parents, children, and brothers.

Two million years ago, only Xu Dong understood the meaning of this set of actions. Two million years later, only Xu Dong still understands it. Perhaps in five million years, ten million years, or one hundred million years, only Xu Dong still understands it. But so what.

In life, if a white horse passes through the gap between heaven and earth, it will happen suddenly.

They don't remember, Xu Dong remembers for them, they don't understand, Xu Dong lets them get used to it, time can smooth everything, but Xu Dong transcends time, he will become a witness and recorder of this history, until another group masters observation Historically capable ethnic groups emerge.

After the funeral ceremony, the Little Red Dragon clan returned to their original peaceful life.

The Red Hunting Team will go out every day to hunt the Bryptoraptor and take back the territory that originally belonged to the little Red Dragon.

The other little red dragons in the habitat no longer hunt alone, but begin to learn to hunt in teams, and the race is thriving.

Little Zanzhan has grown a lot in these days, but obviously it still cannot meet the requirements of being ridden by Xu Dong. Maybe Xu Dong can't wait for the day to ride it. He stroked Zanzhan's head, and the little long-scaled dragon enjoyed it. Squinting his eyes, he really looks like a cat from later generations.

Little Zanzhan, I may not be able to see you grow into the majestic figure of your mother.

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