Detective Xu Nan's reasoning begins.

First, the vast majority of dinosaurs cannot swim, so even if Liu's crocodile wades into the water, it will not go too far. It will definitely come ashore within a few hundred meters to the left and right at most. Just check the footprints in these close areas.

Second, the lake is full of mud. If you step on it, you will definitely leave footprints. When creatures come to drink water, they will not leave footprints in the mud closest to the lake. Even if they leave footprints, they will face the lake. Xu Dong only Just look for the footprints heading towards the forest.

Thirdly, there are predators in this water, and they can run out of the lake with blood. Except for the pseudo-legendary Liu's crocodile, he almost doesn't think about it.

Within a hundred meters, there were footprints heading towards the forest, still stained with blood. When the three were combined, Xu Dong immediately locked onto the only qualified footprint and followed it quickly.

In the woods, the leader of Liu's crocodile lay weakly on the tree trunk, with blood continuously flowing out from the back of his buttocks. He was very smart and knew how to use lake water to eliminate traces, but this lake was not something he could do whatever he wanted.

This lake has its own owner, a predatory salamander of the dissociated spondyloid type. After discovering Liu's crocodile running into the water, he immediately launched a surprise attack and bit off half of the tail of the leader of Liu's crocodile in one bite.

Fortunately, it was a mutated creature and was stronger than ordinary predators. It managed to escape from the mouth of the little bully in the lake, but it also suffered serious injuries.

The most obvious thing is the half-broken tail, with blood flowing out continuously, taking away the little physical strength and energy left by the Liu's crocodile leader.

It is now very weak due to excessive blood loss. The weakness and hunger are attacking its brain, making it extremely manic.

A small insecticidal lizard cautiously approached Liu's Crocodile. It belongs to the family Legoliidae and is only 40 centimeters long. It feeds on insects, but it is good to try carrion occasionally.

It was approaching Liu's Crocodile little by little, and every time it took a step or two, it had to carefully observe Liu's Crocodile and the surrounding movements. As a small creature, vigilance always comes first.

The huge Liu's crocodile lay down under the tree, motionless, as if dead. In the end, the insecticidal lizard could not resist the temptation, and came to the side of Liu's crocodile, opened its small mouth and prepared to take a few bites. Okay, you can fill your stomach.

It's really not greedy, it just wants to eat a little, just a little.

But Liu's Crocodile is very greedy, it wants them all.


When the insect-killing lizard opened its mouth and was about to touch the body of Liu's crocodile, its big mouth opened suddenly and bit it in one bite. Kabakaba swallowed it into its stomach several times.

Liu's crocodile shook his head to make himself more awake. The insecticidal lizard was too small and could only rest on its belly. If it wanted to recover from its injuries, it would need more and more food.

However, it no longer has this chance.

Xu Dong jumped to a branch not far away, and his keen eyes noticed the movement here.

Got you!

The Liu's crocodile leader reluctantly got up and continued walking unsteadily, but a sudden sword light fell from the sky.

The second move of the one-hit kill style - Thorn of Faith

The mutated Liu's crocodile only had time to turn slightly and get its neck out of the way. The light of the sword slashed open its shoulder, passed through it and fell to the ground.

Xu Dong makes a shining debut!

The pseudo-legendary Liu's crocodile's amber pupils shrank slightly. It didn't understand why Xu Dong could still catch up here. It had obviously washed away its footprints in the running water, and its tail was bitten off by the giant salamander in the water.

Even though it was hard to imagine, Xu Dong still caught up with it and slashed it, almost cutting off its neck.

The current Liu's crocodile leader looks very miserable, with one eye blind, half of his tail broken off, and a big gap on his shoulder. He was never a match for Xu Dong, and now he looks like a dead end.

Since death is certain, wisdom has no effect at all. The ferocity of the predator directly swallows up its reason. The only remaining eye of the Liu's crocodile leader slowly turns red, and the big head is bared with fangs and saliva. , the vicious look is revealed.

Even if mutations occur, they are still beasts. Even if they have intelligence, they will eventually be swallowed up by instinct. Xu Dong can't help but wonder how destructive those pseudo-legends driven by instinct can be.

The leader of the Liu's crocodile opened his mouth and roared and rushed towards Xu Dong. Xu Dong easily dodged it, quickly retreated and put a certain distance away from the Liu's crocodile, and then used a red dragon flash move.

The red shadow flashed past and cut off one of Liu's crocodile's arms.

The pain not only failed to subdue the mutated ferocious beast, but made it even more violent. But no matter how violent or ferocious it was, it could only be helpless and furious if it couldn't catch Xu Dong.

Red dragon flash!

Another move cut off the left forelimb of Liu's crocodile, and now it only has two hind limbs left for walking and running.

With this old coin plotting against himself, Xu Dong would naturally not let it die too easily. He wanted to destroy the heart of this ferocious beast and make it fall to death in fear and helplessness.

Red dragon flash!

This time, the cut was made on the side of Liu's crocodile, leaving a long bloody mark. Xu Dong was very measured and did not penetrate the skin and expose the internal organs. He still wanted to cut it into pieces with a thousand cuts.

The fourth knife.

The fifth knife.

The tenth knife.

It is indeed a pseudo-legend. It has a strong vitality. It is not dead after so many blows. However, Liu's crocodile's spirit has collapsed. The blood in its eyes has dissipated and turned into endless fear. It is covered with wounds. It was blood, and he staggered and fled into the distance.

Xu Dong fell behind leisurely. No matter where Liu's crocodile ran or how far he ran, he could not escape Xu Dong's pursuit. If he caught him, he would be stabbed, and after being stabbed, he would continue to run away.

This went on until the sky darkened. A leaping dragon rushed over smelling the smell of blood. When it saw Liu's crocodile covered in blood, it was ecstatic. Just when it was about to call its companions, a sword light suddenly fell from the sky, and it was directly hit. Split it in half.

The leader of Liu's crocodile moved in vain, and soon fell down under a big cedar tree and stopped moving. Xu Dong knew that this guy wanted to pretend to be dead and trick him into passing, but so what, even if he was about to fight back, Xu Dong was not afraid. .

He just jumped in front of Liu's Crocodile and raised his claws.

When the claws were about to fall on Liu's crocodile, the ferocious beast suddenly reared up and bit its head towards Xu Dong. Xu Dong could even clearly see its huge teeth and smell its fishy breath.

Xu Dong moved a few steps to the left to avoid the big mouth of Liu's crocodile, and jumped lightly on the head of Liu's crocodile. Three sharp claws plunged into Liu's crocodile's head, and blood burst out from the wound. It splashed all over Xu Dong's body.


Liu's Crocodile howled for the last time in this world. This howl was desolate and long, as if the history of all living beings in prehistoric times was condensed into this one sound.

Xu Dong stepped on the body of Liu's Crocodile and was bathed in blood. He was the winner of this battle, but will he be the winner every time in the future?

In prehistoric times, no matter you were an insect or an overlord, if you were not a legend, you would one day become food for other creatures.

Thanks for the reward from Human Lost Dreams.

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