Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 53 The Third Transformation

Xu Dong left, and when the clansmen and Xiao Zhanzhong were asleep, he quietly walked into the dark jungle alone and returned to the creature editor again.

The time he stayed this time was much shorter than the last time. Two million years ago, Xu Dong stayed for three years in order to lead the little red dragons out of despair.

But this time, it only took half a month in total. In fact, all the events were concentrated together, leaving Xu Dong with not much free time at all.

Returning to the biological editor this time, the first thing Xu Dong wanted to know was what the mutated pronucleus was and whether it could be brought back to space.

[Mutated prokaryotic: an unknown mutated prokaryotic bacterium that can change biological genes]

It turned out to be bacteria. Xu Dong suddenly realized that this microscopic organism may be the real source of biological variation.

The love-and-kill relationship between bacteria and cells has been going on for billions of years, and it will not stop even if humans perish.

So were the three mutated prokaryotes that I ate brought back to the creature editor?

[The mutated pronucleus has been exchanged for jump points, jump points +3]

Clam? Is there any difference between these two things?

[The mutated pronucleus has the risk of losing control and is a source of uncontrollable variation that can interact with cells in the organism and change genes...]

System Balabala talked about a lot of professional terminology and explained it for a long time. Xu Dong seemed to understand it but he didn't seem to understand it. Based on what he understood, he could briefly summarize the differences as follows.

Let’s talk about the similarities first. Mutated prokaryotes and jump points can both cause organisms to mutate, but mutation and mutation are also different.

Although the mutant pronucleus can mutate living things, it is very unstable and may turn the host into a crazy beast, and its mutation means that all aspects of the body are enhanced.

Jump points are different. It is a controllable mutation. You can choose the parts that need to be mutated and evolve independently, so that it will not affect other parts that do not need to be changed.

There is also a very strange point. According to the system, creatures modified by mutated prokaryotes will be rejected by nature. The stronger they are, the more they will be targeted.

Pseudo-legends like Xu Dong and Liu's Crocodile Leader, who are just starting out, are often unlucky at best. For example, in the previous battle, Xu Dong was slapped in the face after making a decision. It was really unlucky.

The leader of Liu's crocodile was even more unlucky. Even though he was hacked and chased by Xu Dong, Wading also had his tail bitten off by a vertebrate. Isn't he unlucky? Really unlucky.

As for Xiao Zaozhan's mother, the giant long-scaled dragon and the malodon, nature just wanted their lives. When the long-scaled dragon was hatching its eggs, a forest fire burned without warning. Although the cedar trees It is flammable, but you must know that this is in an oxygen-poor era like the Triassic.

So, if you eat mutated prokaryotes, nature is trying to kill them?

Also, if I were nature and the maintainer of order, I wouldn’t want a bunch of buggy things that surpass ordinary creatures to appear and grow.

The transition points of the creature editor can circumvent nature's targets, carry out independent mutations, and enter the village secretly without using guns.

Xu Dong originally had 2 jump points, plus the 3 points obtained in exchange for mutated prokaryotic bacteria, a total of 5 points. I think he should be able to use some special abilities, fire, thunder, frost, whatever, as long as he can He experienced an extraordinary pleasure.

However, before acquiring extraordinary abilities, one must first install wings. The mutated component, the long-scaled dragon's feathery scale wings, should be able to allow the little red dragon to fly.

He took out the components, seven pairs in total, and installed them on the side of the little red dragon's back. Just when Xu Dong wanted to confirm, the editor sent a prompt.

[It costs 1 jump point to install the mutation component. The presence of rebirth cells and flexibility cells in the player's body is detected, and the body adjusts the source of essence reduction, which costs a total of 30 points of essence. ]

Darling, this is where the jump points are used. Xu Dong also wants to use them for super powers.

But having said that, flying should be considered a super power. He couldn't wait to experience the feeling of flying.

The installation of the creature editor has always been simple and quick. As soon as Xu Dong realized it, the wings were already installed on the back of the little red dragon. It just looked weird. After all, based on human aesthetics, I think the wings of a lizard should be like those in fantasy movies. Extended bat wings.

The details of the special feather scale wings are like a mimosa with an elongated length and a flattened width. It is also a main trunk decorated with long feather scales on both sides, and there is an outer membrane of unknown material wrapped on the outside.

The advantage is that you can adjust the ups and downs of the feather scales at any time according to the wind direction, thereby accurately controlling your flight direction and wind control ability.

Both the take-off time and the landing accuracy were far superior to the leather wings of its era, but this thing was actually eliminated. One can only imagine how cruel the technological competition among flight preparatory personnel at that time was.

The flying seed players in the Triassic include the yet-to-be-discovered ancestor of pterosaurs, the Archosaurian Konneriosaurus, the Protosaurus Salovesaurus, and the unknown classification of Longisquamosaurus.

Among them, only pterosaurs stood out and became the overlord of the sky for the next 160 million years. The others were buried in the years.

The science and technology competition does not mean that the more advanced and better you are, the more likely you are to win, but that the simpler and more popular you are, the more likely you are to win the final victory.

After installing the wings, there are still 19 points of essence left. Extraordinary abilities are definitely a no-brainer. One has no components and the other does not understand. He has not learned chemistry well.

In addition to his superpowers, Xu Dong had a bold idea. He wanted to transform the little red dragon's brain.

The brain is a very complex component. It can be said that the more complex a component is, the longer it will take to develop and evolve.

Xu Dong holds 4 jump points in his hand, so he doesn't have to feel uncomfortable all the time. In this case, if he wants to mutate, he should become a big one.

In nature, there are only two ways to escape from the control of nature. One is to become a legend, jump out of the three realms, and no longer be among the five elements.

He is still unable to evolve all the little red dragons into legendary creatures, so he can only take the second path and imitate the upright ape.

[Editing Brain]

[Players have not reached the micro level and cannot edit the structure of the body without components]

. . .

A basin of cold water poured over the head, which means that in order to transform the brain, one must either reach the microscopic level or be lucky enough to obtain brain components?

Xu Dong immediately wanted to lift the table, but unfortunately he didn't have any hands now, so he could only think about it in his mind.

However, Xu Dong thought of a curved way to save the country.

Since the brain cannot be edited directly, if the brain is enlarged, won't the brain automatically become larger over time?

Just do it when you think of it. As soon as Xu Dong realized it, the head of the little red dragon model in the middle of the creature editor was elongated.

Does it work?

Xu Dong continued to pull, feeling an inexplicable sense of disobedience. He was too smart, a bit like the lawless rush in Zhu Bajie.

Xu Dong then thought about it, why should he have trouble with his head? Can't they be drawn into two dragon horns? It not only expands the intracranial space, but also looks cool.

Stretching the skull and expanding the scalp, two Y-shaped dragon horns were formed on the head of the little red dragon, and the dragon shape came out.

But Xu Dong forgot that transforming the body structure also costs essence. When he wanted to confirm the transformation, he was prompted that the essence was insufficient.

This is very embarrassing.

Two dragon horns cost 20 points of source quality. This cost is too high, but the editor said that special parts, special prices, and the key position of the head are relatively expensive.

Thanks to Ji Ruochenxing for the reward.

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