Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 50 Breaking the situation

Xu Dong admitted that he was careless and underestimated these ancient creatures. In fact, since he time traveled, his identity and wisdom as a terrifying erect ape gave him a natural sense of superiority over these stupid and low-end ancient creatures.

But at this moment, Xu Dong felt that he had completely shamed the terrifying Ape erectus. He was actually plotted by a Triassic dinosaur. He drove away the Ticinosuchus and transferred the elite Little Red Dragon. Xu Dong Every step of his inspection was understood and exploited by this guy.

Three teams of Liu's crocodiles set off in three directions towards the ancestral land of the Little Red Dragon. Xu Dong found that any one of them was irrelevant. Even if one of them was destroyed by Xu Dong's group, the other two teams could reach here smoothly.

As long as they arrive here, these little red dragon cubs and dragon eggs will be food in Liu's crocodile's mouth, and it, the king of Liu's crocodile, is targeting Xu Dong.

No, to be precise, it should be the mutated pronucleus in Xu Dong's body.

Looking at the look in this guy's eyes, Xu Dong knew that he also had intelligence and was much larger than other Liu's crocodiles, so he should be a pseudo-legend.

This big guy is very cunning. After seeing Xu Dong, he didn't take action himself. Instead, he came with ten Liu's crocodiles around him, obviously with the intention of surrounding him. This guy is so powerful yet so cautious, facing a small body. Xu Dong, who has so many skills, shows no flaws at all and plays steadily.

But Xu Dong is no ordinary pseudo-legend. He has two mutated proto-nuclei in his body, the rebirth cells and flexibility cells of the legendary creature Deep Sea Fear, as well as 10 points of agility and 15 points of strength.

The combination of these aspects makes Xu Dong's strength far beyond imagination. This big Liu's crocodile thought that he would be able to sleep peacefully by hiding in the team. So today Xu Dong will let him know what it means to become a general among millions of soldiers. The head is like searching a bag to retrieve something.

Using his speed to the extreme, Xu Dong turned into a red shadow and easily passed through the Liu's crocodile's blockage. The figure arrived in front of the Liu's crocodile leader in an instant. When his claws were about to touch its neck, this guy was actually very fast. The short body opened the mouth of the blood basin and faced Xu Dong.

The flexible cells gave Xu Dong the ability to move in the air. He turned around 360 degrees and passed by the side of the Liu's crocodile leader. When the two parties met, he did not forget to scratch the big guy's eyes. One knife.


The severe pain made the Liu's crocodile leader scream. Its eyes were cut into two pieces by Xu Dong's claws. Blood gurgled out of its eyes, and it kept screaming and jumping in pain.

If the venom hadn't been used up when dealing with Liu's Crocodile, this big guy would probably have lost its fighting ability by now.

From this, Xu Dong also understood his current strength. Although the size difference was nearly four times, it was still very easy for him to deal with this assassin-type predator with high attack power and squishy skin. After all, assassins relied on agility and attack power. Xu Dong surpassed the Liu's crocodile leader in both aspects.

What really makes it difficult for Xu Dong to attack is the pseudocrocodile, a warrior-type predator with tough skin and thick blood.

After the encounter, Xu Dong wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, but the old coin actually launched all his men to charge, and he evacuated northward under the cover of Liu's crocodiles.

Ten Liu's crocodiles, one meter long and sixty centimeters tall, lined up in a row and charged together. The pressure created was still very strong. Xu Dong could easily get out of the way with his agility, but the leader of the old coin Liu's crocodile Taking this into consideration, the order it launched was to let the Liu's crocodiles rush forward regardless.

Behind Xu Dong at this time were countless small red dragons, old and weak. The Liu's crocodiles would definitely suffer heavy casualties under the stampede of the swarm charge. On one side was the Liu's crocodile leader who might not be able to catch him, and on the other were his descendants. Xu Dong turned around and ran towards the ten Liu's crocodiles without any hesitation.

Although the cluster charge is powerful, it also has a big flaw, that is, if one person falls, the entire team will collapse together. Xu Dong does not need to intercept them all, he only needs to intercept one of them.

Dinosaurs moving at high speed are very dangerous, especially under the feet of dinosaurs that are much larger than themselves. Even if Xu Dong is agile enough and fast enough, he will inevitably encounter accidents.

So he has to be very careful, very careful.

Xu Dong chased after ten Liu's crocodiles, getting closer and closer to the middle one, so close that when it raised its heels, it could touch Xu Dong's front jaw.

When the pace of Xu Dong's steps reached the same rhythm as that of Liu's Crocodile, when its heel was raised again, Xu Dong suddenly lowered his head and raised his paws. It was so smooth, without any twists and turns, Liu's Crocodile lifted itself up. The sole of his foot was sent to Xu Dong's knife and was cut in half.

Xu Dong stopped, but Liu's crocodile group continued to charge.

He counted silently in his mind





This Liu's crocodile whose sole was scratched finally felt the pain, as if it was bleeding after recognizing the pain. The blood in the sole of this Liu's crocodile's foot exploded instantly, and its intact foot could no longer support it. Body.

So with a scream, the Liu's crocodile bumped into its companion on the left, and then fell to the Liu's crocodile on the other side.

The ten dragons' stormtroopers disintegrated when something went wrong with the Liu's crocodile in the middle. Their fast running made them unable to adapt flexibly, and they fell to the ground one by one, falling to the ground and screaming in pain.

After quickly dealing with these guys, there were only twelve Liu's crocodiles left on the other side of the entire clearing. Just when Xu Dong wanted to rush over and deal with them, countless small red dragons jumped out from the surrounding woods, forming a formation of ten. A team rushed towards Liu's crocodiles.

The Red Hunting Team is back!

Xu Dong was relieved when they came back. He turned and looked in the direction where the Liu's crocodile leader was escaping. This cunning Liu's crocodile must not be left behind.

It's not yet powerful now, and Xu Dong doesn't know if its mutation is due to the mutated pronucleus, but what Xu Dong knows is that such a cunning and cunning guy must definitely kill him with his own hands to be safe.

The little red dragon's sense of smell is not very good, or in other words, there are very few creatures with a sensitive sense of smell in this Triassic. Except for some prehistoric dogs and synapsids, most of them still rely on their eyes to observe, track and hunt.

Fortunately, the leader of Liu's crocodile was chopped down before, and its blood was left on the ground. In addition, there were footprints left by trampling on ferns and branches, so Xu Dong did not chase him all the way.

After tracking for most of a day, it suddenly dawned on me that there was actually a lake here. The bloodstains and footprints of Liu's crocodile extended into the lake and disappeared completely, and the trace was broken.

Good guy, he actually knows how to cover up his traces with water, but it’s a pity that he is an animal after all. He doesn’t know that even if he wades away, he will still leave traces. This lake is not big, even if it is circled around, it will not take long.

However, Xu Dong was soon slapped in the face. The lake in the forest must be a place where creatures often drink water, so the footprints left by the lake were so many and messy that it was impossible to tell which ones were those of Liu's crocodile.

Fortunately, Xu Dong has a brain and can reason. You can't run away now!

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