Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 49 Crisis strikes

After the Carnian flood event, the number and types of dinosaurs have significantly radiated. Although their size and strength cannot be compared with the dominant pseudosuchians with great wealth and military capabilities, in some forest areas, dinosaurs The family has fought back.

These corners of the forest are not enough to shake the dominance of pseudosuchians, but for small and medium-sized creatures, the dinosaur family is definitely the opponent they least want to face.

Because they are smart, cunning, alert, united, have advanced weapons, and have abundant physical strength, almost no one in the forest can control them except pseudocrocodiles.

No small or medium-sized predator in any forest wants to encounter them, and the little red dragons don't want to either. But obviously, the little red dragons are not lucky enough. A sudden fire has destroyed several places that were originally peaceful. Creatures bump into each other.

Originally, the Bryonraptor on the tree was already difficult enough to deal with, but the Liu's crocodile under the tree was smarter and more ferocious than the Bryonraptor. They also acted in groups, and Xu Dong had nothing to do with them.

Liu's crocodile is much more difficult to deal with than the pseudosuchian Ticinosuchus. Although they are not as good as the pseudosuchian in size, they are completely crushed in terms of IQ.

They are numerous in number and have strong organizational skills. Whether it was the sneak attack on the Agudo Dragon or the hunt for this Ticino Crocodile, they all planned their actions before moving forward and attacked in groups.

Nowadays, it is clear that the Ticino crocodile will not be spared, and the control of the southeastern area of ​​cedar forest will fall into the hands of Liu's crocodile. For these large numbers, is there any better food than the little red dragon?

This is the reason why Xu Dong secretly said, We're in big trouble. Now there is a Bryonraptor on the tree and a Liu's crocodile under the tree. These dinosaur ancestors have put the little red dragon in a dilemma.

If you want to break the situation, you can only choose one breakthrough first. Now it seems that Bryonraptor is the more important and easier side to break through. Only by reoccupying the arboreal ecological niche can the little red dragon have a basic base and be able to break through. The Liu's Crocodile gangster is slowly trying to figure it out.

Then the previous method of dealing with Brygny's Raptor will have to change. The little red dragon must defeat them as quickly as possible in the shortest time to avoid falling into a two-line battle between Brygny's Raptor and Liu's Crocodylus.


Xu Dong, who was standing on the branch of a tree, suddenly turned around. He felt peeping again, but when he turned around he saw nothing strange. This was definitely not because he was suspicious. There was definitely something hidden in this. It was not good, it was not good, Xu Dong. Dong's heart became even heavier.

Returning to the group of small red dragons, Xu Dong did not disband the three hundred small red dragons. Instead, he divided the original twenty-one red dragon hunting teams into ordinary small red dragon groups to form twenty-one small red dragons. A new red dragon hunting team.

Some of them were carrying fourteen or five little red dragons, and some were carrying twelve or thirteen. Xu Dong was going to start a hunting plan in batches in advance.

Xu Dong knew that the casualties would definitely increase, but he couldn't care less about it now. That's how nature is. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't get stronger, fight hard, or fight hard, you will only become meat in the mouths of other creatures. , so now we can only hope to eliminate the Buchnaraptor before Liu's crocodile targets the little red dragon.

The twenty-one red dragon hunting team left under Xu Dong's anxious gaze. He did not go because he wanted to sit in the habitat of the small red dragon. The threat of Liu's crocodile was too great, and a backbone was needed to make an immediate decision. Instead, The hunting of Bretonraptor in the past few days has given the little red dragons experience. Although the casualties may be larger, there will not be any problems.

The rain kept falling, just like Xu Dong's irritable mood. As the little red dragons left, Xu Dong discovered Liu's crocodile in the surrounding vigilance.

Sure enough, it was right to choose to stay behind. This group of Liu's crocodiles are very cunning. They should have discovered that the little red dragon group left and then secretly came to attack the little red dragon's hometown. Thinking about it this way, the previous Ticino crocodiles were probably captured. They came here to explore the way.

The intelligence of animals often exceeds human imagination. In the dinosaur era, there were many people who stole eggs, lured young dragons to attack, ambush and lure tigers away from the mountains. Such behavior of Liu's crocodile was nothing.

Xu Dong stood on a branch and looked at the twelve Liu's crocodiles below. He needed to intercept them here and try to prevent them from approaching the core open space.

The second move of the one-hit kill style - Thorn of Faith!

Xu Dong jumped down from the branch, transformed into a red light, and instantly decapitated the Liu's crocodile below. Then he stepped on the ground and jumped forward. A red shadow flashed, and the second Liu's crocodile The crocodile was also decapitated, but Xu Dong's momentum continued unabated and he slashed his claws towards the neck of the third Liu's crocodile.

But the dinosaur ancestors were not easy to deal with. This Liu's crocodile actually shrank its neck at the critical moment, allowing Xu Dong's claw attack to miss and fall into a circle surrounded by ten Liu's crocodiles.

Tsk, can you catch me?

Even if he was surrounded by ten Liu's crocodiles in the center, Xu Dong was not afraid at all. His physical fitness and jumping ability determined that he could climb the tree at any time, and the two-dimensional siege had no effect on him.

When he slightly bent his knees and jumped upward with force, the powerful tail frog's bouncing bare bones and the calf muscles of Scolerosaurus made him jump nearly five meters high. Seeing Xu Dong take off, the Liu's crocodiles all followed suit and jumped. To Xu Dong.

This will directly negate Liu's crocodile's numerical and size advantage. Land creatures always have difficulty moving in the air and are more helpless than in the sea. But Xu Dong is different. His flexible cells allow him to move in the air. Able to perform unimaginable movements, coupled with terrifying agility attributes, he can be regarded as half of his home team in the air.

Xu Dong, who had the bonus of home field advantage, harvested two Liu's crocodiles when he jumped up. After jumping to the tree, he pushed down and harvested two Liu's crocodiles again. After landing smoothly, the ten Liu's crocodiles he had provoked Before the crocodile fell, Xu Dong instantly entered the harvesting mode again and slashed at the Liu's crocodile in the air, which was unable to resist.

When the unlucky Liu's crocodiles finally landed, they discovered that only three of the ten were still alive. Are three Liu's crocodiles fighting Xu Dong? That's not even delivering food.

After dealing with the twelve intruders, Xu Dong was about to drag the corpses back to let the little red dragons have a taste, but countless shrill screams suddenly came from the central open space.

If it’s broken, let the tiger leave the mountain!

Xu Dong immediately put down the body of Liu's Crocodile and rushed back to the gathering place of the little red dragons.

When he walked out of the cover of the woods, what he saw was a dazzling bright red, which was the remains of countless little red dragons. More than twenty Liu's crocodiles were divided into two teams, one on the left and one on the right, slaughtering the little red dragons here wantonly. Even if an adult baby Red Dragon came out to resist, the size and numerical advantage of Liu's Crocodile were nothing more than an egg against a stone.

Among the twenty or so Liu's crocodiles, one is the most eye-catching. It is nearly twice as tall as the other Liu's crocodiles. It has a big head with sharp teeth and muscles all over its body. The most surprising thing is that it is actually the most eye-catching one. Staring at Xu Dong so directly, this feeling was like the peeping in the forest before.

Is it also a pseudo-legend?

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