Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 45 Return to the Territory

The journey with the plant is much slower than before. This little guy is full of energy and curious about everything. Xu Dong needs to always pay attention to keeping it within his field of vision, so that he can complete the journey that originally only took two days. It was stretched to five days.

At this time, the situation in the territory of the little red dragons on the outskirts of the cedar forest was not good.

The forest fire drove out all the creatures that should have stayed in the depths of the forest. The forest that had turned into a scorched earth obviously could not allow them to continue to live and live, so they were bound to seize the living space of creatures in other areas.

The people who were most affected were the small red dragon tribe in the southeast. Since their area was close to the ocean, most of these creatures naturally ran here.

First, the fast small predators arrived, which made the little red dragons very happy, with smiles on their faces, as they had more food to hunt.

Then came the small and medium-sized herbivores. The little red dragons were even happier and their smiles were brighter. The animals they could prey on were like two.

Then came the arboreal predators, and the little red dragons were even happier, their smiles gradually getting out of control, and the interchangeable flavors were added to the mix.

Then there are the medium-sized predators. Although the medium-sized predators are difficult to kill, the little red dragons are so numerous that these scum cannot escape the claws of the little red dragons. The smiles of the little red dragons gradually Pervert, you can hunt objects with a plus four.

Then the large herbivores also came. Well, these big guys like Kenshin, Agudosaurus, and Skeletonsuchus were two meters tall. The little red dragons were a little stretched, and their perverted smiles were also Begins to twist and droop downward.

Finally, when the large predators came roaring, the smiles of the little red dragons completely lost control and turned into tears. We only wanted a little, but there was too much.

After this wave, the originally free and carefree little red dragons could only nest in the trees. If they wanted to go to the ground, they might be preyed upon by predators.

However, trees are no longer a safe place, and there are many new arboreal animals, such as the long-spined clavosaur of the family Konneridae, the lake-dwelling acrosaurus with a bird's head in the family Therizinidae, and the weird The dragon Trigonosaurus is a wonderful climbing dragon.

The newly arrived arboreal vegetarian animals range from small ones such as the Tall-tailed Dragon, which is only twelve centimeters long, to large ones such as the Mystic Creeper, which is over a meter long. For the little red dragons, they are all food.

But the new arboreal predators are not easy to mess with. There is no threat to insect-eating dragons like the long-spined Cryptosaurus. The one that poses the greatest threat to the little red dragon is that one!

When Xu Dong brought Xiao Zaizong back to Xiao Chilong's territory, they were all shocked. There were all kinds of creatures everywhere, and it was even more lively than the inside of the forest.

After these five days of journey, Xu Dong found that he was getting stronger and bigger, and the mutant pronucleus was constantly changing Xu Dong's genes, making him move towards a pseudo-legend.

Pseudo-legendary is Xu Dong's own classification, which refers to those creatures that have broken through the original species category but have not yet reached the legendary level.

For example, the previous long-scaled dragon and malodon, although much stronger than their original state, are still far behind compared with Sky Mica and Deep Sea Terror.

The Malodon was the previous canine-toothed long-clawed dragon, a new component discovered by Xu Dong when he was counting the harvest.

[The ossicles of the malodon]

Xu Dong knew both the long-necked rock crocodile and the Galilean lizard crocodile, so naturally they couldn't be hexodonts, so there is only one truth, and that is the canis-toothed Longyonyx.

As we all know, those who were called dragons in prehistoric times were not necessarily sauropods, but those who were called beasts were definitely synapsids, because there were a large number of synapsids in the Permian called dragons, such as Dimetrodon and Cuprysaurus. Belongs to the synapsid class.

It can be inferred from this that this malodon is actually a member of the beast tribe. This is the late Triassic period, an era when the dominant dinosaurs of the sauropod class have appeared. There are actually remnants of the previous dynasty that have developed to such a large size. Do they still want to counterattack? Qing Fu Ming? Apart from the mutated pronucleus, Xu Dong could not think of any other reason.

After this chaotic battle between the four kings, Xu Dong obtained a total of 49 points of essence, and after adding 5 points of strength, he still had 44 points.

Two components were obtained from the Long-Scaleed Dragon, one from the Maltooth, and the Lizard Crocodile and Rock Crocodile gave some source of matter and nothing else exploded.

Although the ear ossicles obtained from this malodon are not a huge profit, they are still guaranteed. They are better than those two guys who have the title of overlord but get nothing for nothing.

Xu Dong, who returned to the Little Red Dragon's habitat, did not attract the attention of the surrounding large herbivores. The size difference was too big, and there were no cubs to protect. It was impossible to pose a threat, so naturally there was no time to pay attention to him.

Even when the plant flew onto the head of an Agudo fierce dragon, it didn't care. It just shook its head and threw the plant down.

However, he could not attract the attention of herbivores, but some creatures could. At this time, a long-ambushed Ticino crocodile ran out of the grass, causing a commotion among the fierce dragons.

Xu Dong would be in bad luck if they messed with him. These large vegetarian animals didn't know how to attack. A casual kick could kill Xu Dong.

So he urgently called for planting and took it up a tree to avoid the commotion. Looking at the Ticino crocodile below, he tried to knock down a fierce dragon, but was thrown on the head by its tail, hitting the Ticino crocodile on the head. Suddenly, several teeth were broken.

Fortunately, the defensive power of its head was amazing, so it was not blown off its head by the tail of the fierce dragon, but it also temporarily lost its ability to hunt.

Just when an ordinary hunting in the biological world was about to end in vain, another group of large predators rushed out, cut directly from the side of the group of fierce dragons, and bit the outermost dragon.

They were the False crocodiles that we had seen before, also called Liu's crocodiles. This group of group predators, each over one meter tall, swarmed up and knocked down the fierce dragon. Before it even died, they had already started. Bite and devour.

The Ticino crocodile behind finally caught up and roared dissatisfied at Liu's crocodile with its cross-legged kick. How dare you?

However, this group of Liu's crocodiles not only showed no fear, but also issued a warning towards the Ticino crocodiles.

Because of the fire, many Liu's crocodiles gathered in the Little Red Dragon's habitat. Once there were a sufficient number of Liu's crocodiles, they suddenly became bolder. They no longer had the slightest respect for the Triassic overlord pseudosuchians, but were even a little eager to try. , want to have a taste of overlordship.

After a moment of stalemate, the Ticino crocodile finally chose to give in. After all, there was only one of them here, and there were at least ten on the other side.

Xu Dong was watching with great interest on the tree. Unexpectedly, a flying creature crashed into his arms, knocking it staggering. Fortunately, he quickly grasped the branch with his forelimbs and was able to escape. fall down.

Who on earth dared to attack me secretly?

Xu Dong suddenly became angry, staring at the creature that hit it and then fell, Huh? It's actually a konai lizard?

It is not accurate to say that the Konaisaurus is not accurate, because except for the genera Longispinosaurus and Pamelina, no other species of the Konaisauridae have evolved.

Thanks to Elinor, the Lord of Light and Darkness, Xiao Huangbai weighs seven pounds, book friend 20201025122949174, book friend 20200320185116490 for the reward.

Small Theater of Paleontology: Ticinosuchus, which means Crocodile of the Ticino River and also translated as Ticinosuchus or Ticinosuchus, is an extinct archosaur reptile with a length of about 3 meters. The Ticinosuchus's body, including its abdomen, is covered by thick scales. The limbs of Ticinosuchus were located vertically beneath the body. The development of the calcaneus and specialized ankle joints of Ticinosuchus made them fast running animals.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchians - Ticinosuchus

The genus Tyrannosaurus is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaurs found in the Santa Maria Formation of Brazil. It lived in the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic about 230 million years ago. It contains only one species, Tyrannosaurus agudo.

Tyrannosaurus is a medium-sized sauropod, about 2.5 meters long. Based on the shape of its teeth, this species should be a herbivore. It was smaller than Norian sauropods but much larger than other sauropods of the time, suggesting that it was evolutionarily at the transition between primitive sauropods and Norian sauropods. stage.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Sauropods - Tyrannosaurus

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