Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 46 Niche Invasion

And this one is the long-spined Clemosaurus, which looks almost the same as the Ikaro lizard. As long as no one pays attention to the difference in the pelvis, no one will think that they are two creatures.

The Rod-Hipped Dragon actually had no intention of attacking Xu Dong. It was just being chased by a certain creature and panicked, so it bumped into Xu Dong.

As a result, not only did it not hit, but it fell down on its own and became food for the small predators peeping around.

What chased it was a Bretonraptor, an arboreal predator that threatened the status of the little red dragon.

This guy is 1.5 meters long, with a green body and a slender head. The most dangerous thing is that it has a cutting-edge equipment, sharp teeth!

The teeth of Bryptoraptor were slightly curved like daggers, with tiny serrations on them. With one bite, it mattered whether it was scales or fur, and it could cut meat as easily as cutting tofu.

Xu Dong, who was familiar with paleontology, knew something was wrong. This guy was different from those arboreal predators that ate bugs and invertebrates. They specialized in feeding on small creatures. Although the little red dragons were now sixty centimeters long, they In the eyes of Buchnaraptor, it was still just a little guy that could be easily eaten.

The daily food of Bryonraptor is leaping lizards that are similar in size to the Red Dragon. Now that it is in the territory of the Red Dragon, it will naturally not let go of the large number of Red Dragons.

Xu Dong wanted to rush back to see the situation of the little red dragons, but the most important thing now was to escape the pursuit of the Bryptoraptor on the opposite tree branch.

Wait, why are you running away?

He has a bit of strength and agility, and is much stronger than the average little red dragon. Especially after eating two mutated proto-nuclei, his body changed. Not to mention half the universe with a snap of his fingers, but One against ten is no problem.

Just in time to see if my own claws are sharp or if the teeth of Bryptoraptor are more powerful.

Xu Dong called out and flew to the canopy of the tree. This was their tacit understanding for several days. Whenever Xu Dong was about to fight, he would take the initiative to fly up to avoid affecting Xu Dong.

Xu Dong was planning to strike preemptively, but he didn't expect that the Bryonraptor on the opposite side jumped over, and Xu Dong took the bloody head without mercy.

Xu Dong's agility was very high and his speed was very fast. When the Brysonraptor jumped into the air, he had already extended his claws and faced the direction in which the Brytheraptor jumped.

It was difficult to turn around and change direction in the air, so Brynaraptor could only watch as it collided with Xu Dong's claws. Feeling the pain of the claws digging into its flesh, Brynaraptor suddenly screamed.

But before it even screamed twice, Xu Dong's left claw had already been swung out, directly cutting off the head of the raptor in his hand.

That's it?

Xu Dong couldn't help but feel as lonely as snow. He looked up and saw where there was any opponent in the Triassic.

Of course, after the routine of the second grade, Xu Dong honestly gnawed the flesh and blood of Bryptoraptor. He was more greedy for the serrated teeth of Bryptoraptor.

As a creature of about 1.5 meters, the explosion rate is a bit too low for Xu Dong now. He and Zhan Zhan only ate most of it and got 1 point of source quality without seeing half of the components. It was really dark enough. of.

Throwing the remaining half of the raptor carcass to the small predators who were watching eagerly below, Xu Dong jumped and continued towards the big tree in the center. There was something very important to Xu Dong on the mound there. I don’t want to be destroyed by the big guys coming from the depths of the forest.

Whoa! A Bryonraptor hiding in the leaves suddenly jumped out and wanted to attack the planter. The little guy suddenly panicked. He couldn't even flap his wings and fell vertically. However, he successfully avoided the fall. Launched the raid of Buchnaraptor.

Xu Dong casually killed the raptor with one claw. Looking down, he saw Zanzhi's limbs clinging to the trunk of the tree and not daring to move. He was obviously frightened.

Xu Dong had no choice but to jump down and pull it up. Thinking about the scene of the giant long-scaled dragon fighting three giant beasts, and looking at this little guy who was scared to death by the Bryptoraptor, he really doubted whether it was the same species.

There were no twists and turns in the journey after that, but Xu Dong felt a little heavy because he was almost at the core area of ​​the Little Red Dragon's territory. Instead of seeing the Little Red Dragon, there was a Brysonraptor, which meant that the Little Red Dragon was compressed. living space.

After all, the territorial niche of a species does not allow invasion by other creatures of the same niche. Invasion means a declaration of war, and now that the Bryonraptor has actually penetrated here, the current situation of the little red dragons does not seem to be optimistic. .

Although Xu Dong easily defeated the Bryonraptor, ordinary small red dragons might not be able to defeat it.

Comparing the body size, Bryonraptor is three times the size of Red Dragon. The weapon of Red Dragon has sharp claws. They also have fangs, and they are also arboreal creatures. In a real fight, it would be very detrimental to Red Dragon.

After all, Xu Dong's role alone was limited, and it was impossible for him to kill all the Bryptoraptors by himself. In the end, he had to rely on the little red dragon himself.

After running for so long, he finally saw a few scattered little red dragons, which finally convinced him that this was still the territory of the little red dragons. As he continued to move forward, the number of little red dragons became more and more. When he came to the place where the ten red dragons were placed, When the three clans were painting murals in the large open space, countless little red dragons gathered here, and the scene was comparable to the worship ceremony a few days ago.

The huge little red dragon leader was still sitting under the mound, but it looked like he was injured.

Jumping down from the tree, Xu Dong's arrival did not attract the attention of the little red dragons, but they would take a second look at the huge long-scaled dragon. Xu Dong crossed the group of dragons and headed towards the mound in the center of the red dragon. Go.

While passing through the group of small red dragons, he saw that many of them were injured, and some were even lying on the ground dying. The group of nearly ten thousand dragons could no longer live up to their previous vitality, and their morale was very low.

When I came under the mound again and saw the thirteen vivid little red dragons on the mural, the scene two million years ago seemed to be right in front of my eyes. These little red dragons are their thirteen descendants. , are also his descendants.

Originally, when Xu Dong came to this era, he just wanted to find wings that could fly, see the lives of his descendants, and then continue to evolve.

But now the Little Red Dragon clan has reached its most dangerous time. Xu Dong swore in front of the mural that he would take good care of these descendants and ensure their continuity. At this time, he, the ancestor, cannot be justified if he does not take action.

Previously, although the Bryonraptor and the Red Dragon were in the same cedar forest, their territories were far apart, and the Bryonraptor mostly acted independently, so there was little communication between the two parties.

But now that they have met together, if they want to change the disadvantage of the Little Red Dragon family, they have to unite and take advantage of the large number of Little Red Dragons to carry out ambush and annihilation tactics against the Buchiraptosaurus.

It's no problem that a small red dragon can't defeat the Bryptoraptor, but what about the two? Where are the three? Where are the five? If it doesn't work, I can beat ten of them.

As long as all the little red dragons in the forest unite and work together toward a goal, we can create a new era for the little red dragons without oppression or plunder.

Paleontology Theater: Bryonraptor is an early sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Santa Maria Formation of the Paraná Basin in southern Brazil during the Late Triassic. The genus contains a single species: the type species Bruceraptor shubini was named in 2016. Its holotype specimen was discovered together with the dinosaur-like Legosaurus genus.

The shape of its teeth suggests that it was a carnivore, feeding on small vertebrates and invertebrates. This provides support for the theory that the ancestors of sauropods, even sauropods, and even all dinosaurs were carnivorous, and that sauropods, ornithischians, and many theropod groups evolved independently. Herbivorous.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Sauropoda - Bryonraptor

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