After getting rid of these jumping dragons, Xu Dong entered the forest area with the dragon egg in his arms. This round dragon egg was very difficult to hold. It might fall and break if not careful. For this reason, Xu Dong did not dare to stand on the tree crown. Jumped.

It would be great if there were vines or something like that to tie the dragon egg around his body. Unfortunately, this is the Triassic and there are no vines at all. Xu Dong could only keep running with the egg in his arms.

The prehistoric forest is full of dangers. You don't know when a few sneak attack predators will pop up. They don't talk to you about martial arts. Their lifelong pursuit is to obtain the maximum results with the minimum losses.

An Eoraptor jumped out from the ferns, and a Demacia came towards Xu Dong, but unfortunately, Xu Dong flashed, uh, sprinted.

Xu Dong's agility was too high and he had flexible cells. Eoraptor's sneak attack did not work, and Xu Dong easily dodged it.

But before it was over, another Eoraptor jumped out. Xu Dong narrowly avoided its claw attack, but fell into the attack range of the third Eoraptor.

Good guy, these dinosaur ancestors already have hunting skills. After these three consecutive attacks, few creatures can withstand it.

In the end, he was unable to dodge this third move, and was knocked to the ground by Eoraptorosaurus, leaving three blood marks on the left side of his abdomen.

It was difficult to maintain balance in the air, and the long-scaled dragon egg was very fragile. It cracked immediately when it hit the ground. Fortunately, Xu Dong hugged the dragon egg when it was about to hit the ground and turned his back to the ground, thus saving the remaining long scales. Dragon eggs.

Enduring the burning pain in his back, Xu Dong gently placed the dragon egg on the ground. He had no time to check his injuries. He now had to face the siege of three Eoraptorosaurus in front of him.

Hehe, the three Eoraptorosaurus wanted to deal with him. It was simply too naive. Even if Xu Dong was injured, they were not something they could deal with.

He showed off his two hook claws, stepped out his long legs, and used his enhanced speed to the limit. If anyone was watching the battle at this time, they could see an N-shaped red lightning flashing past the Eoraptor. .

Xu Dong killed three Eoraptors in just one move, and the process didn't even take more than one second.

When Xu Dong came back to his senses, he was surprised. What was going on? When did you become so strong?

Could it be. . . Are those two mutated prokaryotes?

It should be the case. The mutations of the Giant Long-Squamosaurus and the Canis-toothed Longclaw Dragon should all come from this bead, and Xu Dong may also begin to mutate at this time.

After taking care of the three Eoraptors and confirming that the long-scaled dragon eggs were fine, Xu Dong checked his own injuries.

It was okay not to look at the result, but I was shocked again when I looked at it. There were no injuries on my body. The scratches on my side and back that were scratched by Eoraptor's sneak attack had completely healed at this time, and only a faint trace could be seen. Mark of.

But now is not the time to marvel. The jungle is full of dangers at this time. Xu Dong must be extremely careful. Only when he enters the territory of the little red dragon can he be considered safe.

In the following period, Xu Dong did not encounter any ambush. After all, the creatures in the forest were either attracted to the fire scene by the smell of blood, or they ran to the outer circle of the fir forest and have not returned. At this time, they stayed in the original place. There are very few living things on earth.

In this way, Xu Dong ushered in his second night after two million years. He was going to sleep in a cave tonight. It was not safe to put such a big egg anywhere, so it was better to guard it by himself in the cave.

After digging a cave big enough to accommodate one dragon and one egg, Xu Dong stuffed the long-scaled dragon egg into it and got in. Looking at the cumbersome dragon egg, Xu Dong sighed helplessly.

He had to fulfill the promise he made with tears in his eyes. Since he promised the giant long-scaled dragon to take care of the eggs, he would not give up.

The next day, Xu Dong was woken up by something wet, soft and tender. When he opened his eyes, he found that a lizard about the same size as himself was lying on his body and licking wildly.

What's going on, where is my vigilance? Why didn't you notice that a lizard was on you?

Soon Xu Dong understood that this blue-green lizard was a small long-scaled dragon hatched from a dragon egg.

As expected of being born from a mutated creature, he was almost as big as himself when he was born. Then when he grows up, wouldn't he have to be as big as his mother?

This little long-scaled dragon was very close to him, and would lick and hump him from time to time, which made Xu Dong, who was used to being a loner, very uncomfortable.

In his previous life, he didn't like being so close to people or animals, and felt it was numb. Although he no longer had the skin and hair of an upright ape, the psychological effect was still there.

He stretched out his claws to push the attentive little long-scaled dragon away. The little long-scaled dragon whose head was pressed tried to pull its limbs desperately to break through the blockage of Xu Dong's claws and continue to cling to the creature it felt close to.

It's daybreak and it's time to continue on the road. There's still a long way to go before we reach the habitat of the little red dragons. If we start early, we'll arrive earlier.

Climbing out of the hole, the sun shines through the tree canopy into the forest, casting spots on the ground. The little long-scaled dragon that has just broken out of its shell is curious about everything it sees, and jumps around to catch these light spots.

The kid just can't stop.

Xu Dong looked at the little long-scaled dragon that had just hatched from its shell with the eyes of an experienced person.

The little long-scaled dragon ran around here, crouched there, and chased a few small bugs from time to time, but all of this was within Xu Dong's field of vision, so he had nothing to worry about.

Now that the scaly dragon has broken out of its shell, it is a good thing for Xu Dong. At least he no longer has to carry the dragon egg around, and his combat power can also be partially released.

But the trouble is, he has no way to control the movements of the little long-scaled dragon, and he might be picked up and eaten by some ambush creature if he is not careful.

As soon as Xu Dong was distracted, the little guy disappeared, which made Xu Dong a little anxious.

However, when he finally found it after searching for a long time, he couldn't laugh or cry because this little guy was so funny.

At this time, it was just like a certain Internet celebrity fox that was active in the desert in its previous life. It stuck its head into the soil, its limbs were constantly struggling, and its tail kept wagging, just like a plant planted in the soil.

Xu Dong approached, grabbed its tail and pulled it out hard, pulling out the little long-scaled dragon in an instant.

It was a little confused when it first came out of the dark cave, but after seeing the familiar Xu Dong, it immediately pounced on him like a dog seeing its owner.

However, he was blocked by Xu Dong's hand again. Looking at this long-scaled dragon baby that was very close to him, Xu Dong felt that he should give it a name.


Xu Dong suddenly remembered the scene where the little long-scaled dragon stuck its head into the ground. Xu Dong couldn't help but laugh again, and a name came to mind.


You can just call it planting from now on.

Plant a scaly dragon today, and grow a bunch of scaly dragons tomorrow.

By the way, when the baby scaly dragon grows up, will he be able to become a dragon knight?

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