Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 43 All Return to Xu

Since the egg is still warm, Xu Dong accepts the reward unceremoniously. The four corpses lying here are a supreme treasure trove.

The first thing Xu Dong opened was the body of the Galilean lizard crocodile. He had just seen it eat a milky-white shiny bead. He must have gathered the three kings in this cedar forest here just for the bead inside the long-scaled dragon.

The things that these three apex predators want to snatch must be good things, and Xu Dong will naturally not let them go easily.

The hook claws of the little red dragon were extremely sharp. It dug all the way down along the hole torn open by the long-clawed dragon on the back of the lizard crocodile. Finally, it dug into the abdominal cavity of the lizard crocodile and pulled out the white bead from a pile of internal organs and flesh. Found it out.

Strange to say, the beads that had been soaked in the dirty internal blood for so long were still spotless after being taken out, still so holy and clean.

Xu Dong swallowed the beads without any hesitation. After coming to this prehistoric era for so long, he didn't care about food hygiene and food safety at all.

[Obtain special item: mutated pronucleus]

What is this stuff?

No matter, it should be something very useful for evolution. The Canis-toothed Longyon is so smart, and it is a species that has never been seen before. It is probably a mutated creature, and maybe it also has something like this in its body.

He did it as he thought, and Xu Dong started digging from its belly. The skin scales of the Canis-toothed Longyon were very hard, but the skin had been scratched by the Galilean Crocodile before, so Xu Dong could easily start digging from the flesh.

Still following the same steps as the previous lizard crocodile, Xu Dong soaked the entire dragon in the wide abdominal cavity of the Canis-toothed Longyon, and threw out sections of internal organs. With the dirty flesh and blood, Xu Dong once again dug out a strange bead. .

Slightly different from the previous milky-white mutant pronucleus, the white light emitted by this bead has a very subtle hint of red.

Xu Dong continued to swallow the bead, and sure enough he got the system prompt again.

[Obtain special item: mutated pronucleus]

While the iron was hot, Xu Dong turned over another long-necked rock crocodile, but found nothing in this body. It seemed that the only two animals with mutated prokaryotes were Longisquamosaurus and Canis-toothed Longyphosaurus.

Now that the mutated pronucleus is gone, it's time to extract the components. Xu Dong's first target is the giant long-scaled dragon, whose pair of feather-scale wings Xu Dong has been coveting for a long time.

When he came to the long-scaled dragon, although he admired the greatness of this mother, he would not be soft at all when it was time to take action. If he really wanted to bring the so-called humanity of Ape erectus into nature, Xu Dong would have died eight hundred times.

I remember a famous saying in The Three-Body Problem:

If you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot. If you lose your bestiality, you will lose everything.

Only when you truly enter the biological world where the weak eat the strong and are on the same level as other creatures will you realize how ridiculous human nature is.

As the old saying goes, only if you are strong enough can you talk about human nature.

The long-scaled dragon is indeed a mutated creature. One sip can give you 8 points of source essence, which is really great. If two million years ago, when the size of the little red dragon had not increased, it would have given you 10 points in one sip.

The second sip, after taking the time, there was nothing.

The third mouthful, 5 points of essence.

The fourth mouth, [obtain component: long-scaled dragon's throat fan]

Hmm~ This is somewhat useful, but it seems that I already have this thing. . .

Continue, hoping that the wing components will not come too late, otherwise he will not have the stomach to eat several other giant beasts.

The fifth mouthful, 7 points of source material.

The sixth mouth, [Obtain the mutated component: Long-scaled dragon's feather scale wings]

Nice, I finally got it. Thinking that I could fly into the sky, Xu Dong suddenly danced with joy.

However, before he could be happy for too long, the sounds of other creatures came from the surrounding area. Although the fire made some creatures afraid to approach, the spread of the smell of blood still attracted some predators who wanted meat rather than their lives.

For example, the jumping dragons whose noses are sharper than dogs.

As a quasi-medium-sized predator that may be downgraded, in order to avoid becoming food for other predators, the Elgin Jumper must ensure a sufficient number of tribesmen, and the large number of tribesmen means that they will not let anyone go to obtain food. Opportunity.

After smelling the bloody smell in the burning woods, they rushed to the scene in groups after just a moment's hesitation.

Even if you can't become the winner of the battle and get all the results, you still have to grab some leftovers from the big guy.

Their mingling makes Xu Dong very difficult to deal with. If he is the only one here, he will not be afraid no matter how many predators there are. After all, all the big guys at the ten-meter level have died, and the remaining predators will not exceed five at most. Mi, with Xu Dong's agility and flexibility, predators have no way of taking advantage of him.

But now he is not the only one here, there is also a scaly dragon egg. Since he promised his mother, he naturally cannot leave it alone.

It's just that this dragon egg is big and heavy, and it's very troublesome to carry. Xu Dong had to add 5 points of strength to pick it up.

He hurriedly took a few bites from the Canis-toothed Longyon, Galilean Crocodile, and Long-necked Rock Crocodile. He didn't even have time to see what he got, so he turned around and ran away with the Long-scaled Dragon egg.

A few minutes after Xu Dong left, dozens of Elgin's Jumping Dragons came to the scene. Seeing so much delicious meat, and no large predators were present, they immediately became happy, and they all drank happily and devoured them to their heart's content.

Xu Dong avoided the group of Elgin jumping dragons by taking a detour. When he was about to leave the fire area, four or five jumping dragons suddenly jumped out of the grass in front of him and screamed at Xu Dong in demonstration.

There are many Elgin jumping dragons in the cedar forest, distributed in various areas, but the smell of blood emanates from one place, so theoretically Xu Dong is likely to encounter jumping dragons no matter which way he goes.

Creatures like the jumping dragon will obviously not let go of any food that appears in front of them, unless the creature is powerful enough that they dare not take action at all.

Obviously, the little red dragon does not belong to this kind of creature. Although they have lost more and won less in the battles over millions of years, they are not afraid of the little red dragon, especially when they are alone.

Since he was targeted by this group of prehistoric dogs, he had no choice but to fight. There were only five of them, which was just a trivial matter to him.

Putting down the scaly dragon egg gently, Xu Dong didn't wait for the jumping dragon to attack before taking the initiative to attack. His speed was very fast, and he approached the leading jumping dragon in a few breaths. Before it could react, he slashed with his knife. Opened its neck.

One-hit kill style - Red Dragon Flash!

Then he jumped hard with his feet and jumped into the air. After landing, his feet directly stepped on the heads of the two jumping dragons, knocking them to the ground.

With the help of the reaction force of these two jumping dragons, Xu Dong pounced on the two Elgin jumping dragons at the back.

The last two jumping dragons were frightened and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Xu Dong's sharp claws directly pierced their chests.

With one stab, he stopped, drew his knife and turned back to pin the two jumping dragons in the middle who were trying to get up to the ground.

The whole process lasted only four seconds, and Xu Dong eliminated all five jumping dragons. Today's little red dragon's body components are already very strong. Coupled with Xu Dong's combat experience, let alone these scumbag jumping dragons, Even if he were to face the jaw-eating dragon from two million years ago, he would still be confident, hmm~


Maybe it's possible. . .

Thanks to Hunxi Mengxi, the little yellow and white weighs seven pounds, the reward from a forgotten passerby

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