Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 42 Four Kings Die

A shrill scream resounded throughout the forest. This was the roar from the king of the cedar forest, Canis-toothed Longyon. It was so huge and strong that even the king of the Triassic, Pseudosuchus, was inferior to it.

But at this time, it was wailing in pain. What could make such a giant creature so painful?

Oh, it's this pseudosuchian Galileosuchus lying underneath it, performing a headbutt blast on Cynodontosaurus.

With its eggs shattered on the ground and in excruciating pain, the Canis-toothed Longyonyx plunged its two long claws into the rebellious lizard-crocodile that had killed its heirs.

In an extremely angry situation, Canis-toothed Longyonyx killed the lizard crocodile with a sliding shovel, oh no, with a hand tear. . . The scales on his back were torn apart.

Such severe injuries also triggered the lizard crocodile to go berserk. Its huge head sank slightly, then lifted up with force, and hit the lower abdomen of the Canis-toothed Longyon again.


Dandan's sadness is still twice as happy. Look, the canis-toothed dragon has happily raised its two big claws and hit your back with a set of small fists.

The powerful and heavy claws struck the lizard crocodile's back. Every time the claw fell, several more blood holes appeared on the back of the Galileo lizard crocodile.

Finally, under the violent beating of the Canis-toothed Longyon, the lizard-crocodile couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Such a flaw is fatal to predators. How could the cunning Canis-toothed Longyonyx let go of this opportunity? It raised its big foot and stamped hard on the lizard crocodile's big head.



Xu Dong could hear the sound of bones breaking.

But the Canis-toothed Longyon didn't give up, and raised its foot again. It was going to crush this bastard who stole its treasure and exploded it.

However, as soon as the foot was raised and before it fell, the lizard crocodile launched a death-defying counterattack, directly throwing the Canis-toothed Longyon to the ground with only one foot supporting it, and opened its big bloody head to bite it. .

The Canis-toothed Longyon is not a vegetarian either. Although this throw was a bit dazed, its hands were not slow at all. It inserted its two long claws from both sides of the lizard crocodile's head.

This fatal blow did not kill the lizard crocodile immediately. In its death struggle, the four claws scratched countless blood marks on the body of the Canis.

However, the Canis-toothed Longyon didn't care at all. It raised its two forelimbs vigorously and lifted the head of the Galileo crocodile. It let its claws scratch and scratch, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the head of the crocodile Galileo in one bite.

Blood mixed with brain matter spurted everywhere, staining the Canis's head and face red and white.

The Canis-toothed Longyon threw the dead lizard crocodile aside and just lay on the ground, breathing heavily and recovering its exhausted energy.

Like a monster in a Hollywood movie, he will roar after defeating his opponent to express his invincible loneliness and power.

Cynodontosaurus also felt this way, so it also.


The roar is loud and long, and even if the sound is not loud or long, the animals in the forest can't hear it. If you can't hear it, isn't it just pretending in vain?


But the long roar suddenly stopped, as if a chicken had been strangled by the neck and could not make any sound.

The giant long-scaled dragon that was supposed to die, perhaps because it was reflecting on its past, or perhaps because it was worried about its child, suddenly jumped up at this moment and bit the canine-toothed long-clawed dragon's neck.

This bite was accurate and cruel, using up all the strength of the long-scaled dragon. The canine-toothed long-clawed dragon struggled desperately, trying to grab the long-scaled dragon from its neck.

But its invincible paw suddenly lost control and lost strength. It was very difficult to even lift it.

It turns out that there is a very, very small little guy on its right paw, so small that it wouldn't feel anything if it was stepped on.

But just such a little guy ruined its last hope of survival.

Xu Dong himself was very close to the battlefield. After seeing the long-scaled dragon's desperate counterattack, he ran towards the canine-toothed long-clawed dragon without thinking and injected all the toxins he had accumulated into its right claw. among.

Xu Dong knew that the effect of his toxin on such a ten-meter-level giant was approximately zero, but that was when he was in a state of complete victory, and at this time, the canine-toothed Longclaw Dragon's injury was not minor.

The loss of immunity protection, coupled with Xudong's toxin targeting its right front paw, caused the right claw of Canis-toothed Longyon to temporarily lose control.

It's like falling asleep on the table. When you wake up, you will find that your hands or legs are numb. It is completely out of control and will basically recover in a while.

This was what happened to the Canis-toothed Longyon at this time. He could not control his right claw, and his left claw could not reach the Long-scaled Dragon. In just such a moment, the king of the cedar forest breathed his last breath in endless frustration. .

The canine-toothed longclaw finally died, and the long-scaled dragon also lost all its strength and fell to the ground.

Xu Dong jumped off the Canis-toothed Longclaw Dragon and landed just in front of the Long-Squamous Dragon's face. His eyes directly met the Long-Squamous Dragon's eyes.

From those eyes, Xu Dong saw a lot, including the desire for life, the fear of death, the hatred of these predators, and the richest, deepest and most ardent maternal love!

With just one glance, Xu Dong was able to confirm that this long-scaled dragon was intelligent, and the intelligence was not low, otherwise it would not be possible to reveal such rich emotions from his eyes.

Perhaps out of his status as an intelligent creature, Xu Dong shouted, what he wanted to express was Do you have any last wishes?

He didn't expect the long-scaled dragon to understand. The languages ​​of the two creatures were completely different, and even if the little red dragon of the same race came, he might not be able to understand what the cry expressed.

Suddenly a light flashed in the eyes of this giant long-scaled dragon. She raised her finger with difficulty and pointed to a place. The direction she pointed was exactly her previous lair, where her children were. .

Xu Dong understood that she wanted to entrust her child to him.

Alas, how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are.

Xu Dong finally couldn't bear it anymore and nodded in agreement with the long-scaled dragon.

After getting Xu Dong's consent, the long-scaled dragon finally let go of his obsession, his big eyes could finally be closed, and his body, which was still erect with its intestines torn apart and rotten, finally lost its voice.

Mother's love is really a great power.

In the face of the forest fire, even though her whole body was burnt black and her wings were ashes, she did not give up her child and run away.

Facing the same huge monster, she fought until the last moment even though she was bruised and bruised, until she was sure that the child was out of danger.

What a great mother.

Xu Dong came to the long-scaled dragon's lair. There should have been nearly twenty dragon eggs here, but now they were all a pile of yellow, yellow, and white.

this. . . How should I explain to the dead long-scaled dragon?

At this moment, Xu Dong discovered a dragon egg, which was only slightly smaller than the little red dragon, lying alone on the edge of the nest.

It luckily escaped being trampled by the Canis-tooth Longclaw Dragon and survived tenaciously. Xu Dong approached, hugged the dragon egg, and used his body to carefully feel whether the dragon egg still had any signs of life.




The subtle heart beating sound was transmitted to Xu Dong's brain. This little guy is still alive. He is really a lucky scaly dragon. I just don't know if he will be as powerful as your mother in the future.

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