Without exception, Malasuchus, who was forced to go out at night by the little red dragons, was unable to fight back against Xu Dong.

The red dragon flashed and its head separated.

After eating these two creatures, one big and one small, Xu Dong's stomach finally calmed down and stopped making a fuss.

After eating, you can have a good sleep. It is still more dangerous to travel at night. It is better to recharge your batteries and wait until dawn before moving on.

After finding a stable tree trunk and nesting on the branch, Xu Dong soon fell asleep.

Xu Dong, who had not dreamed for a long time, actually dreamed of drinking and eating barbecue with his friends. Fatty used wine to relieve his sorrows when his love situation was not going well, Dahai used wine to relieve his sorrows when his business was not going well, and Xiaoan used wine to relieve his sorrows when his family had problems.

Xu Dong just sat on the plastic bench and watched them drink bottles of wine. He actually laughed out loud. It's great to see you again.

At this time, Dahai took a skewer of barbecue and handed it to Xu Dong. Taking advantage of his drunkenness, he said with a big tongue: Dongzi, why don't you eat it? Come on, eat a skewer of barbecue.

Xu Dong was still smiling until he picked up the skewers, and what was on the skewers was the cooked little red dragon.

Xu Dong woke up instantly. When he looked up, what he saw was not darkness, but red. He was a little confused at first, but it wasn't until the hot breath hit Xu Dong that he realized that the cedar forest was on fire!

Although plants like cedar trees can easily catch fire, the oxygen content in the Triassic is only 15%. It should be difficult for fires to occur in this low-oxygen environment.

No matter how unbelievable it was, the cedar forest was still on fire. Facing such a fire, Xu Dong had no choice but to run back as long as he didn't want to turn into a roasted red dragon.

At this time, Xu Dong's wisdom two million years ago can be reflected. He chose the cedar forest near the sea as his habitat. He could run out of the forest by running eastward. If he was not worried, he could also throw himself into the sea. Once you soak it, you won't be afraid of the flames at all.

The fire was burning wildly, burning large tracts of cedar forest. Countless animals were burnt to charcoal in their sleep, and more creatures were panicking and running around. Once these headless flies gathered together, they became a bigger thing than the fire. Terrible man-made disaster, animal tide! Oh no, it should be said to be a lizard tide!

Under the tide of lizards, no matter whether you are a large predator or a bottom grazer, there is only one result for being trampled by iron hooves, that is, you will be trampled into a pulp.

Fir trees were knocked down, ferns were trampled, everything went crazy.

Xu Dong also went crazy. He used his extreme speed and kept jumping on the treetops, getting further and further away from the herd behind him.

After finally getting rid of the tongues of fire and the tide of lizards, Xu Dong sat on a branch and gasped for air. The fire should subside soon. After all, the oxygen content in the Triassic was too low, and oxygen was the fuel for the flames. If there is insufficient oxygen, the flame will naturally not burn for long.

Sure enough, when the light of day shines through the canopy of the cedar forest, the pattering of rain follows.

The rain was not heavy, but it extinguished the flames quickly. The surviving creatures did not feel sad or emotional. They shook their bodies and continued to live their own lives, eating and mating.

Xu Dong was different. His not very sensitive nose could smell the aroma of barbecue, and tears flowed out of his mouth.

How long has it been since you had cooked meat? In a narrow sense, it was only three years, but in a broad sense, it was outrageous. It had not been eaten for a full 2.8 million years.

Do you know how I have lived these two million and eighty thousand years?

Although he was used to eating raw meat, the memory of barbecued and cooked meat lingering in his mind kept driving Xu Dong to rush to the fire scene.

There is a fear of fire in the hearts of living things, just like thunder and floods. This is a fear rooted in the genes of all living beings. Even if the fire has been extinguished, many living creatures still dare not approach.

Well, at this time Xu Dong will act as a retrograde man and return in the direction in which the creatures fled. Many creatures he encountered on the way have already begun to eat after the disaster to comfort his little heart that was frightened by the fire.

It is still the big fish eating small fish model, and it has nothing to do with Xu Dong. After all, in the current canopy ecological niche, no one dares to claim the first place even if the little red dragon is second.

He had been running away for two hours before, but now it would take twice as long to get back. Plus he didn't sleep well last night, Xu Dong's stomach started to feel upset again. He was hungry, so hungry!

The belly is the largest in the world, and this is the most important job of any living thing.

Looking around, the creatures had long since disappeared, but they found an extremely huge beast path (lizard path) not far away. It didn't look like the lizards could not escape.

Generally speaking, the lizard tide last night left a messy scene. Xu Dong also saw a lot of them when he came over, and they were all running from the inside out, and no one was going inside.

But this lizard path is different. It is not messy, but neat, just like a path formed by a giant beast walking through and crushing the plants.

Xu Dong jumped down from the tree and measured the width of the beast's path. It was at least two meters wide. This was a bit outrageous. The width alone was only two meters, so how long did this thing have to be? How big is it?

Out of the curiosity of the upright ape, Xu Dong followed the lizard path and soon came to an open space without trees. He didn't expect that there was such an open space in the forest.

The original lizard path turned into footprints here, and the huge footprints spread all the way to the pond in the center of the empty land.

The pond is not big, only four or five meters wide. This huge guy probably came to drink water.

Xu Dong jumped down from the tree and looked at the footprints. Oh, good guy, one foot is bigger than Xu Dong's body. Counting four toes, it can stand upright on both legs. I don't know what kind of terrifying creature it is. .

When Xu Dong approached the pond, he discovered another harvest, a huge dragon corpse. This giant dragon had a long neck. The neck and body were six meters long, and the neck alone was three meters long.

This guy is that weird giraffe whose name is easily confused with plesiosaur and giraffe.

There was a huge bite mark on the neck of the long-necked dragon, which bit the big guy's neck into two pieces.

But there was no chewing. Neck sucking was not popular in this era. For predators, a hard and long neck like a giraffe's neck, which could reach directly to the stomach with a poke, was obviously not popular.

The body parts are still tender and plump, and it is pleasant to eat, so most of the long-necked dragon's body was eaten, but the neck was left motionless.

Xu Dong happened to be hungry now. Seeing that the body of the long-necked dragon was quite fresh, it must have been dead not long ago. He just wanted to eat something to fill his stomach and reward his five internal organs.

Although the giraffe was not mainstream, it was still a six-meter behemoth. Xu Dong earned a full five points of essence from eating this meal, which was stronger than the five Eoraptors.

Of course, the most important point is that both the long-necked dragon meat and the essence are free of charge. Xu Dong filled his stomach and earned the essence without any effort. The free whoring is indeed pleasurable.

After eating and drinking enough, continue tracking. Xu Dong wanted to see where this monster came from?

Thanks to Qing Zixian and Wang Quan Taiyi for the reward.

Paleontology Theater: Gyrosaurus is a reptile that lived in the Carnian period of the Triassic. It is about 6 meters long. Its main feature is its extremely long neck. The neck is 3 meters long, which is longer than the body and tail combined. Long, I guess he is a fisherman (why should I say again?). Although the neck is so long, there are only 12 vertebrae in the neck, and each vertebrae is quite long. This shows that the neck of the giraffe is quite stiff and difficult to move flexibly. God knows how it survived in the Triassic. There are similar examples. Plesiosaurs in the sea.

Sauriformes - Archosauriformes - Protosauria - Gyrosauridae - Gyrosaurus

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