Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 40 Ancient Embrace

It’s really strange. Other creatures wanted to stay away from the scorched place, but this big guy walked all the way towards the scorched place. Looking at the huge footprints left on the black ashes, Xu Dong took a bite of the food at his feet. Know what creature's grilled meat.

The fire burned all the hair and scales on its body, and nothing could be identified except that it was an upright bipedal animal.

If you were to ask Xu Dong to comment on this prehistoric barbecue, he could only say that it completely destroyed the beautiful fantasy in his mind.

The roasted dragon meat was not delicious. The fire was too high and most of the unlucky dragon was burnt. Only the side facing away from the fire was barely edible. Although the meat was edible, it was very old, had no seasoning, and was dry. Baba, it doesn’t taste good at all.

Xu Dong spat out the unpalatable roasted dragon meat and spat a few mouthfuls of saliva on the ground before following the giant beast's footprints into the ashes.

Yesterday's fire burned all night, dyeing the sky red. When Xu Dong stepped into this scorched land, he saw fir trees burned to charcoal, creatures burned to black charcoal, and burned Dark stone.

This area has gone from being full of life to being desolate now, but it won't be long before life comes back and fills this empty space again.

It has to be said that plants are truly difficult to die. No matter drought, heavy rain, ice age, or volcanoes, they can repair their scars in a short period of time, allowing greenery to cover the earth again.

Following the footprints all the way, Xu Dong discovered something interesting. In the cave under the ashes, there were two creatures roasted to death by the fire.

They are the pseudosuchian Pseudosuchus of the dragon family and the eutherodont Ciniguadon of the beast family.

The two tribes of dragons and beasts have been fighting against each other for nearly 300 million years. The battle between dragons and beasts will never stop as long as one side does not fall.

But these two people are like Romeo and Juliet, they obviously have opposing families, but they embrace each other and die in the same cave.

Xu Dong once read a popular science story.

About 250 million years ago, in the Karoo Basin of South Africa just after the end-Permian mass extinction, an amphibian, A. protzekii, finally found a suitable burrow. When it climbed deep into the cave, it discovered that a flat-nosed three-pronged beast had already arrived one step ahead.

The intense heat and drought force the two animals to share the cave and enter aestivation together. However, the rain they had been waiting for turned into raging mud, filling the cave and burying two animals, condensing into this precious dual-species hybrid fossil.

This is the famous ancient hug in the paleontological world. There are actually many similar examples in the paleontological world, but Xu Dong did not expect that he could see a living case with his own eyes.

This famous scene made him have the urge to visit here, and it also had some bad taste. Xu Dong found a medium-sized stone, carved a standard love pattern on it, and stuffed it between two Among the dead animals.

Imagine that 200 million years later, paleontologists excitedly unearthed another pair of ancient hug fossils. As a result, between the two fossils that were just stuck together, there was actually a stone carved with a heart.

The most romantic thing in the world is to be buried with you for 230 million years after death!

Paleontologists are probably going to have their heads exploded, especially for singles. This is a scene that completely shocks their outlook on life.

However, as long as there is love, why can't the orcs and dragons be together? [Manual funny]

At the end of the episode, Xu Dong continued to follow the footprints of the giant beast, from when the sky had just broken at dawn to when the sun was shining in the sky.

I haven't been in the sun for a long time, so I feel a little uncomfortable.

Soon a huge figure appeared in Xu Dong's sight.

Hey, this guy looks really weird. To describe it simply, he has a thick body, a long neck, and short hands. He looks like a prehistoric ostrich. When his neck is raised slightly, he is 5 meters tall, and the total length is more than 10 meters.

Where have you seen this weird guy before?

Xu Dong recalled as he hurried on that such a large creature, and it was in the late Triassic period, was basically a member of the pseudosuchian family. There seems to be a long-necked one in the pseudosuchian superfamily Poposaurus. By the way, it is A long-necked rock crocodile from the family Sumoosauridae.

Good guy, rock crocodile was originally one of the largest pseudocrocodiles. Now this one is more than 9 meters and has entered the ranks of more than 10 meters. It can even compete for the largest predator in Pangea in the Triassic.

And such a huge existence theoretically has no opponents, let alone any food, so why does it keep running into this charred jungle?

Feeling that there was something wrong, Xu Dong followed more vigorously. Although the big guy was huge, he was also relatively slow, so Xu Dong followed effortlessly.


Suddenly, the long-necked rock crocodile straightened its long neck and howled toward the sky.

A corresponding howl came from the other side, and the sound was no less powerful than that of the long-necked rock crocodile.

The long-necked rock crocodile stood on the spot and stopped moving forward, quietly waiting for the enemy to arrive. Xu Dong was curious about what other creature could make the 10-meter rock crocodile so alert.

Soon the creature that dared to compete with the rock crocodile appeared in Xu Dong's field of vision. Sure enough, in the Triassic, the only one who dared to compete with the pseudosuchian was the pseudosuchian.

This is a giant beast crawling on all fours. It looks like a crocodile. It is actually the ancestor of crocodiles. It is a Galileosuchus of the family Velocisuchidae and is known as the largest parasuchiform after Fasolasuchus.

Although this giant beast is not as tall as the rock crocodile, its length exceeds that of the long-necked rock crocodile and reaches an astonishing twelve meters. It is simply terrifying.

I thought that there would be a battle between the two powers, but in the end, the two guys just demonstrated to each other and walked in the same direction.

They are at least a hundred meters apart from each other to guard against sudden attacks from the other side.

Xu Dong continued to follow unhurriedly. He was now more curious about what could make two top predators who were supposed to fight each other live in peace.

However, a more surprising scene soon appeared. A large monster with a body length of more than ten meters and an upright legs like a dinosaur appeared.

The body shape is very similar to that of a dinosaur, but it has a huge head, a hairless body, and two long fangs on the upper and lower jaws. You can tell at a glance that it is also an apex predator.

What surprised Xu Dong was that he didn't know this guy. As a paleontologist, Xu Dong couldn't say he knew everything about prehistoric creatures, but he could at least recognize them.

And this monster clearly looks like a dinosaur, but it has canine teeth that are only found in Synapsids, scaly skin like a pseudocrocodile, and huge claws like a spinyla. It is completely different.

But as soon as these four beasts arrived, the majestic Triassic overlords and the big brothers of the pseudosuchians, the Long-necked Rocksuchus and the Galilean Saurosuchus, actually remained silent. Instead, they faintly revealed their fear of these monsters.

Under the leadership of these four different figures, the three ten-meter-high giants walked in one direction together, and soon arrived at a very ordinary ashes area.

What's unusual is that there is a monster about ten meters long here, but this monster looks a bit miserable, with severe burns all over its body, and it is lying on the ground whining.

Xu Dong carefully identified it and was dumbfounded. Isn't this a long-scaled dragon magnified hundreds of times? How did this little guy grow so big?

Paleontology Theater: Lithosuchus, also known as Schiersuchus, is a prehistoric reptile that belongs to the pseudosuchian class. It lived in Argentina in the late Triassic period. Its length is estimated to be about 3 meters, but the fossil fragment number PVL2267 is estimated to be longer than 9 meters.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchians - Poposaurus - Sumoosauridae - Lithosuchus

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