Finally waiting for you!

Xu Dong's eyes were sharp, his feet were slightly bent, and at the moment when the long-scaled dragon lowered his head to bite the flesh, his feet exerted force and jumped out fiercely.

In this large forest, large and medium-sized creatures have their own territories and fixed ways of obtaining food. Naturally, there is no need to be overly alert, as long as they are faster than larger hunters.

This is also the reason why Eoraptor died so easily in the hands of Xu Dong, because Xu Dong was faster and more deadly than large predators.

It's different for small creatures. They live precariously every day, running for food. Fortunately, there is a life-saving straw like the Zerg, otherwise they would have become extinct long ago.

But with the arrival of the Carnian rainy season, the bugs that were once used as food began to grow in size, putting some smaller creatures in turn at risk of being preyed upon by bugs.

Longisquama is one of them. They are at risk of being preyed on by creaking titanids. For this reason, they have evolved advanced sensing systems. How sensitive is it?

Xu Dong was so agile that he had just started running, and the sound of running wind had already sounded the alarm behind the long-scaled dragon.

Its two rows of seven pairs of hockey-like wings are a kind of feather scale evolved from the combination of tiny scales and feathers, which can better sense the wind direction and allow them to fly flexibly among the treetops.

It can also sense danger signals in the surroundings. After all, if you want to deal with it, you must get close quickly. If you get close, wind will be generated, and the wind can be sensed by the long-scaled dragon's feather scales.

This complete set of warning chains allows the long-scaled dragon to avoid 99% of sneak attacks, and Xu Dong's is no exception. No matter how fast you are, you can't beat the radar.

After receiving feedback from its wings, the long-scaled dragon put down the food on its lips, flapped its wings and flew up.

Demo, you still want to run?

How could Xu Dong let the components he was about to get fly away? According to his current speed, he would definitely not be able to catch up with the long-scaled dragon, but he still had the source of essence that he had returned after adding attribute points before ten o'clock.

Putting all ten points on agility in one breath, Xu Dong's speed suddenly increased. Before the long-scaled dragon could fly too high, he jumped up and wrapped his tongue around the ten-centimeter little guy. , swallowed it directly into the stomach.

After waiting for a long time and not hearing the prompt to obtain the components, Xu Dong was immediately disappointed. He spent ten points of essence in vain, but got nothing.

Xu Dong has always had a dark face, and the explosion rate of small creatures like the long-scaled dragon is even more shockingly low. He can only grind with numbers, but he doesn't know if there are so many long-scaled dragons in this forest for him to draw.

Continuing to advance deeper into the forest, jumping on the branches is also a novel experience.

Although Xu Dong had never tried it, his excellent physical fitness allowed him to quickly master the skill of jumping on tree branches.

With the help of the elasticity of the branches, he jumped from one branch to another in a single jump. He jumped from branch to branch. The flexible body brought by the flexible cells allowed him to easily avoid the tree canopy. Treetops and branches.

After dancing for most of the day, the sky began to darken. In a primeval forest full of big trees, night always came a little earlier than the outside world. At this time, Xu Dong was actually hungry again.

Although the increase in body size is of great help to improve combat effectiveness and ecological niche, it also has a disadvantage, that is, it gets hungry quickly. A twelve-centimeter red dragon only needs to eat one meal of meat the size of a finger every day.

This was Xu Dong's second meal today, and his food intake was at least twenty or thirty times that of before.

No wonder the smaller the ancient creatures were, the smarter they were. If they were huge, they would spend most of their time eating, leaving little time to think.

But this is good for Xu Dong, after all, what does the source material component rely on? They are all obtained by eating living creatures. Doesn’t the more you eat mean the more source of essence you can obtain every day.

The prehistoric forest at night is a completely different world. There is no brilliant Milky Way and a sky full of stars. There are only dark tree canopies and little starlight coming through. At this time, large and medium-sized predators will fall asleep, and small and medium-sized predators will fall asleep. The living things began to come out and move.

In order to avoid the predation of medium-sized predators, small creatures deliberately stagger their activity time and adopt the method of staying in the day and coming out at night, successfully creating a unique ecosystem in nature, the nocturnal ecosystem.

In this way, like the ancestors of the upright apes, the mammal phylum under the class Synapsus successfully survived more than 100 million years of sleep under the feet of dinosaurs before finally seeing the light of day again.

At this time, the dark forest was buzzing with insects, and there were subtle rustling sounds everywhere, which were probably small creatures moving around.

Xu Dong quickly adapted to the darkness of the forest. Would it be too dark to live in a lightless cave? Little Red Dragon's eyes could see in that environment, let alone this cedar forest with starlight filtering through.

Adaptation is adapting, but it is still inconvenient to travel and hunt. Just like walking on a road without street lights, even with dark vision blessing, you can only see an outline. It is still very difficult to accurately locate a target. of.

Xu Dong was very hungry now. It would be a nightmare for him to use these vague outlines to catch his dinner.


This is the wind blowing the leaves.


This is the sound of insects


Xu Dong suddenly turned his head and rushed towards the direction of the sound. He stepped on the dead leaves with his feet and made a click sound.

A small synapsid that appeared at night caught an insect. Just as it was about to eat, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared.

His speed was so fast that the small orcs only had time to see a tuft of blue hair before they were plunged into darkness forever.

The Lillo Marasuchus gnawed on this rare meal of meat with satisfaction. Since the group of small red dragons on the seaside began to rise, the original owner Skererosaurus was almost wiped out, and the remaining ones could only continue to migrate deeper into the forest. .

Talampea's Rabbit Crocodile and Lillomarsuchosaurus were not much better. Rabbitcrocodile was forced to leave the forest and develop into the outside world, and Lillomarsuchosaurus also changed from moving during the day to coming out at night to hunt for bugs. Eat together.

There are only so many ecological niches in a region. If you occupy too much, it will squeeze the space of other organisms. In order to survive and reproduce, there will inevitably be a struggle. In the end, the loser of the competition will only have two outcomes: migration and extinction.


Very cruel.

But nature is like this, and it will not win because of your kindness or soft-heartedness. The reason why the terrifying erect apes can produce extra humanity is because they are strong enough. They defeated all other species and became the overlord of the earth.

Only the strong are equipped with extra compassion.

Obviously, the little red dragon is not an invincible strongman in the world, so this Lillo Marasuchosaurus can only become Xu Dong's food and replenish energy for Xu Dong's subsequent journey.

Small theater of paleontology: Lillomalasuchus, which means long-eared guinea pig-like crocodile, is a dinosaur-like bird-necked archosaur that lived in the Carnian period of the Triassic. Malasuchus is a small reptile, about 40 cm in length

Malasuchus was originally thought to be a second species of lagosuchus. However, new research points out that the type specimen of Lagosuchus is not well preserved, making it impossible to classify other specimens into this genus. They also noted that the new specimen's limb proportions differed from those of the type specimen of Lagosuchus. So they established the new specimen as a new genus, Malasuchus, but still within the order Lagosuchus.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Ornithozoans - Dinosauroids - Leposuchians - Leposuchidae - Malasuchus

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