Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 37 Heading deep into the forest

After making an oath in his heart, Xu Dong gritted his teeth and turned around to leave this land of memory. He would step into the depths of the woods that were untouched two million years ago to find components that could become the flying wings of the little red dragon.

In prehistoric times, the time scale was infinitely stretched, and a million years was just a basic unit. If it hadn't been for the Carnian flood event in these two million years, it would not even have been qualified to be discovered by the terrifying Ape erectus.

The two-hundred-year rainy season has had a huge impact on ecology. The most significant one is the significant radiation of dinosaurs, and the number of species has increased dramatically.

No, not even half a day after Xu Dong entered the depths of the forest, he met his old friend Eoraptor, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. When he appeared, five of them appeared.

Eoraptor has not changed much compared to their ancestors two million years ago. They are a little taller and have hair on their bodies, so they are no longer afraid of catching cold when it rains.

Xu Dong had just broken away from his sadness at this time, and he happened to want to test the strength of the transformed little red dragon, so he happened to operate on them.

Whoa! With just one vertical leap, Xu Dong had already jumped onto a tree branch three to four meters high. His jumping ability was pretty good.

The five Eoraptors did not have such ability, so they could only watch helplessly under the tree and scream.

Xu Dong looked down at the Eoraptor below. If he could speak, what he wanted to say at this moment would be: Have you ever seen a sword light falling from the sky?

Now, you see it!

Xu Dong directly jumped down from the branch with his claws out. The speed of the little red dragon plus the potential energy of the downward thrust. Before the Eoraptor could react, one of them had already separated its head and body. Due to its speed, it was too fast. , this decapitated Eoraptor didn’t even fall.

By the time the remaining four reacted, Xu Dong had once again approached one of them, stabbing it in the chest with his single claw. He pulled away without mercy after the sound of puff was heard.

The remaining three Eoraptors hurriedly chased Xu Dong, but they could not catch the extremely flexible Xu Dong. With his flexible cells, he could even twist his body and escape at the moment the Eoraptor was about to bite him.

After taking the three Eoraptors around in a circle and returning to the battlefield, Xu Dong stepped forward towards the big tree, kicked hard, and his sharp claws pierced into the chest of the Eoraptor behind him.

Drawing his claws and escaping, Xu Dong killed five Eoraptors by flying kites in one smooth motion.

Oh, except for the one whose head was decapitated at the beginning, the other four are actually not dead, but they are no different from death.

The poison glands installed by the little red dragon come from the large Zerg sand giant scorpion. The poison has strong solubility. Once injected, it will instantly merge into the blood of the creature, causing paralysis of the whole body.

The four Eoraptorosaurus were like this at this time, paralyzed on the ground unable to move.

Of course, this venom has its limits. A one-meter-level creature like Eoraptor can poison up to five animals. Large ones over one meter are basically useless. There is no way to make them lose their combat effectiveness immediately. At most, their bodies will be damaged. Soft and sluggish in steps, as if drunk.

It was almost noon. Although Xu Dong was not hungry at this time, his essence was very hungry. For the sake of the essence that had been cleared, Xu Dong naturally could not let them go and pulled the most delicious food from the five Eoraptors. After eating 70% of the food, Xu Dong gained 3 points of essence.

Why is the efficiency of obtaining source material far less than two million years ago? Is it because the increase in body size has reduced the amount of source material that Eoraptor can obtain? It seems that in the future, it will have to eat meat across levels as much as possible.

After eating, Xu Dong did not leave, but quietly hid behind the big tree. He actually wanted to hide among the leaves and ambush in the tree, but the red skin on his body did not allow him to do so.

Two million years have passed, so why is it that the little red dragon still has this red skin? Even if it doesn't have a camouflage skin in the forest area, it must have evolved into a green skin.

Whether it is for concealment or sneak attack purposes, red is not a wise choice. People can see such a conspicuous outer skin from dozens of meters away, so how can they sneak attack.

Maybe it's because the life is too moist, and there is no need to change skin or color to get enough food. Without the pressure of survival, how could evolution in this area occur?

Xu Dong was hiding behind the tree trunk, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait. With so much flesh and blood here, he didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to attract any flying creatures.

The first ones to come were the Eoraptor's kind. After all, this was the Eoraptor's territory, and they would definitely come faster than other predators.

When the three Eoraptors arrived, they looked around, then came forward to sniff the corpse to make sure that the flesh and blood were still relatively fresh, and then started to feast with confidence.

Soon other predators came over, namely the Elgin's Jumping Dragon and the Greater False crocodile. The Elgin's Jumping Dragon was also an old friend. The last time he saw it was the carcass carried back by his own kind this morning.

The Elgin's Jumping Dragon, which once scared the Skerosaurus and the Red Dragon from taking the lead, is now just an easy prey for the Red Dragon. This is really two million years to the east of the river, two million years to the west of the river, don't bully it. Small size.

There are a lot of Elgin Leap Dragons coming this time, but there is nothing they can do about it. They are small in size and have poor combat power. They are a shame for medium-sized predators. They can only rely on numbers to build momentum.

Judging from the current ecological status of the forest, these guys will probably be classified as small predators soon.

Therefore, the forest is not easy to mix. If you can't keep up with weapons or increase in size, you can only rely on the strength of the people to come out and grab some leftovers.

The large false crocodiles on the other side are relatively free. Although their names are also called rabbit crocodiles, they are completely different from the Talampaya rabbit crocodiles that were previously suppressed by the small red dragon. The false rabbit crocodiles used to belong to the order Legosuchus. , but now it has become an independent genus of dinosaurs.

Moreover, they are much larger than the Talampea crocodile, with a length of about 1 meter, a height of about 30 centimeters, and a weight of 2 kilograms. They are medium-sized archosaurs.

In the current forest ecosystem, after two million years of the Carnian rainy season, the dinosaur family has exploded, basically occupying small and medium-sized ecological niches, but the top ecological niche is still dominated by pseudosuchians.

If the dinosaur family really wants to stand up and take charge, they will have to wait for another 30 million years, waiting for the trial that will plunge the pseudosuchians into the abyss.

After these three batches of medium predators had almost eaten, they left one after another. Only then did the small predators take their turn to appear, and Xu Dong was waiting for this moment.

A long-scaled dragon that was much larger than before fluttered its special wings and landed on the Eoraptor's ribs. There were still some bloodshot meat residue on it. This would be its lunch today.

But what it didn't know was that under the huge cedar tree behind it, a red upright lizard was staring at it eagerly.

Thanks to book friend 20200829220557446, Mo IX for the reward.

Small theater of paleontology: Pseudosuchus is a dinosaur morphotype that lived in Argentina during the Carnian stage of the late Triassic. They were probably only about 1 meter in length, about 30 centimeters tall, and weighed about 2 kilograms. They were medium-sized archosaurs.

Originally, paleontologists believed that Pseudosuchus and Legosuchus were quite related, so they classified Pseudosuchus into the suborder Legosuchidae (the family was later classified under the order Legosuchia, but in Malasuchus After the dragon was published, it rarely appeared in academic articles), which is also the origin of the name Pseudosuchus, and its current classification is as follows.

Sauromorpha - Archosaur - Ornithozoa - Dinosaur type - Pseudosuchus

Of course there is another attribution method:

An article in the scientific journal Nature in 2010 pointed out that Liu'ssuchus and Pseudosuchus may be the same species. The two are similar in size and the fossils were found in the same stratum. However, there are few duplicate parts of the fossils between the two, making it impossible to make a conclusion. Detailed identification and conclusion. Since Liu's crocodile was named 15 years earlier than Pseudosuchus, if the two were the same animal, Liu's crocodile would have academic priority, and Pseudosuchus would be the second synonym of Liu's crocodile

Liu's crocodile also belongs to the dinosaur type, but it is a silisauridae.

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