Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 36 Return to the fir forest

This time the transformation was not as silent as before. The installation of the bare bones of the Triassic Tail Frog stretched the bare bones of the Little Red Dragon and turned them into hollows. The calf muscles of the Skererosaurus also made it hollow. Little Red Dragon can fully mobilize his jumping ability.

These two items used a total of 12 points of essence, which was not expensive. There were still 29 points of essence left. Xu Dong was considering whether to add some other components.

For example, the air sacs of Eoraptor, the venom glands of Sand Giant Scorpion, and the dorsal scales of Ornithosuchus are all very useful components.

Now that everyone has entered, Xu Dong doesn't care about what he has or doesn't have. He is ready to spend all his energy. Only with better equipment can he earn more energy.

There are 29 points left. According to the importance, the Eoraptor's air bag should be installed first. It cost 15 points of essence. There are 14 points left. Installing the poison gland can be spent just enough. The claws add toxins. Red Dragon Flash can evolve into Poison Dragon Slash. .

It also feels good to install the back scales of the bird crocodile. The defense of the little red dragon is inherently poor. With these back scales, it will not be afraid of sneak attacks.

After pondering for a while, Xu Dong finally decided, screw his cat's defense, screw his cat's die armor, the evolution direction of the little red dragon is to attack! attack! It’s still his meow’s attack!

Finally, a wave of evolution has spent more than three years of accumulated essence. I don’t know how long it will take to come in next time. Xu Dong is ready to enjoy the pleasure of a predator this time. He never wants to be crushed wherever he goes. Where to.

He chose to exit the creature editor, but this time he was not asked to rename it. Also, at this time, except for his legs being a little longer, the little red dragon didn't seem to have changed much, nor to the extent of renaming the creature world.

But if you really want to talk about the changes, they are not small at all, especially inside the body. The air bag of Eoraptor is equivalent to the top turbine engine of this era, which provides sufficient kinetic energy for the little red dragon. The rebirth cells allow the little red dragon to His recovery ability is extremely strong, and his flexible cells make him flexible.

After editing this set, it is equivalent to rebuilding the AE86 after it was scrapped. It looks ordinary on the outside, but in fact it is super powerful.

[2.32Ma——Carnian period of Triassic]

In the blink of an eye, two million years later, Xu Dong just used his brain, but the outside world had already changed.

When he returned to Pangea, the long Carnian rainy season was coming to an end. Looking around, the small fir trees that were only four or five meters high had now become towering trees. The rain dripping from the sky kept it tightly blocked.

Looking at himself again, his body length has grown from the previous fifteen centimeters to sixty centimeters, his weight is close to one kilogram, and his hip height is also twenty-five centimeters.

It seems that the little red dragons should have a very prosperous life, and only when their lives are good can they have the ability to grow bigger.

Although it was only as big as a medium-sized dog from the perspective of the terrifying upright ape, it could already rank among medium-sized predators in the Triassic forest ecosystem at this time.

Looking at the people around him, he saw that there were only thirteen little red dragons in the past, but now there were more than a hundred of them. He could see more than a hundred at a glance, but there were many more that he didn't see.

Some of them were playing in the forest, some were jumping on the trees, some stuck out their tongues and rolled up an insect into their stomachs, and some even dragged the bloody body of a jumping dragon towards the big tree.

This kind of development momentum makes Xu Dong very happy. The Little Red Dragon clan, which was once on the verge of extinction, finally came out of desperation under his leadership. The thirteen old brothers have accomplished their unfinished business and developed the Little Red Dragon clan. grew stronger.


A high-pitched cry echoed through the forest.

All the little red dragons stopped their movements, those who were chasing and playing stopped, those who jumped on the branches jumped to the ground, those who dragged the corpses also directly dropped the hunted corpses, all the little red dragons headed towards a The directions converge.


Another high-pitched chirp.

Countless little red dragons were rushing back in the distance. Xu Dong couldn't help but wonder, what on earth are they going to do?


After the third call, almost all the little red dragons gathered under an extremely tall and wide tree. Xu Dong estimated that there were at least ten thousand in this dense mass.

Out of curiosity, he squeezed his way to the front of the small red dragons, and saw an open space under the big tree. Above the open space was an earth mountain, and a very strong and tall little red dragon stood in the big tree. Underneath, I think it must have been the one that screamed just now.

The leader of the Little Red Dragon had his back to the dragons, and his tall figure blocked Xu Dong's view, forcing him to squeeze to the side.


There was another cry, but this cry was different from the previous one. Xu Dong didn't know what this unknown cry meant. When he was curious, the leader of the Little Red Dragon gave a demonstration.

I saw his hands clasped together, and his claws collided together, making a pop! and click sound.

Xu Dong's eyes widened, is this?

Before he could react, slightly messy but very forceful pop!, click, and click sounds came from all directions.

Countless such voices gathered together, forming a torrent of applause that resounded through the forest, directly stunned Xu Dong. Are they, are they here?

How can it be?



In the past, Xu Dong often complained that they were stupid and couldn't understand his commands. They couldn't learn anything he taught them. They couldn't even do something as simple as putting their hands together. Unexpectedly. . . I didn’t expect that. . . Really didn't expect that. . .


It started to rain again in the sky. The raindrops slipped from the leaves on the treetops and fell on the ground, making a pleasant tick sound.


They didn't understand, but not only did they learn it, they passed it on to all future generations for two million years.

Xu Dong gritted his teeth. It was unclear whether it was rain or tears on his face. His palms closed tightly, making the same pop! and click sounds.

After another meaningless hiss sound from the leader, thousands of little red dragons lowered their heads together and worshiped the towering tree surrounding them.

The ceremony is very simple, just put your hands together and bow, just like you did two million years ago.

After the ceremony, all the little red dragons dispersed. Xu Dong came to the foot of the huge cedar tree alone. Under the big tree, on the soil slope, there was actually a stone slab inlaid with green stone and yellow. The soil slope has almost merged into one, and it has obviously been aged for some time.

Climbing up the slope, I reached out and touched the stone slab, which was slightly blurred after being washed away by time. On it were fourteen small red dragons of different shapes.

This is?

The mural you left for them?

They actually?

These fools. . .

Today's little red dragons may not understand the meaning of clasping hands and bowing their heads, just like their ancestors two million years ago did not understand why Xu Dong put his hands together, bowed his head, and finally buried the dead little red dragon.

But not understanding does not mean that they cannot do it. After Xu Dong left, the thirteen of them learned to restore the movements one by one. They carved the movements that were completely incomprehensible and did not belong to this era into their body instincts and passed them down from generation to generation. So that once they hear the cry, all the little red dragons will put down what they are doing and gather here to perform rituals that they do not understand at all.

etc? Why fourteen? Could it be that his eyes were blurred by the rain and he saw wrongly?

Xu Dong stared carefully and focused his gaze on this old yellowed stone slab. Through the vague carvings, he was shocked to find that he had not counted wrong. It was indeed the carving of fourteen little red dragons. However, one of them was clearly not carved by Xu Dong himself.

That special little red dragon was not carved together with the thirteen little red dragons side by side, but was carved on top of their heads. It looked a little ugly and deformed. The depiction was not good, but it was barely visible. It looks like a little red dragon.


Xu Dong sighed.


Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean you won’t learn from it, and having no wisdom doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings.

These fools, after they left, practiced clasping their hands and bowing their heads over and over again until they were completely proficient and developed an instinct.

Use your claws to practice carving on the stone over and over again until you can carve your own image completely, and then carve it on the stone slab.

These idiots, why are they so stupid? Obviously you don’t understand anything!

They just don't want to forget themselves.

The rain obscured his sight, but Xu Dong didn't wipe it at all. Brothers, you have done everything you can. Then I will protect the little Red Dragon clan for you and watch them thrive. They go on and on!

I want to ask everyone, do you want two chapters to be published at 6:30, or one chapter at noon and one chapter at night? When is it more acceptable to you to update in the evening?

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